


Supporting Materials for the Perso-Arabic Script Normalization

This document provides a brief summary of Perso-Arabic script normalizer (described in the next section) that is used in statistical language modeling and neural machine translation experiments, also briefly outlined below in this document.

The code in this directory is supplementary material used for the experiments for the following paper:

title={Graphemic Normalization of the Perso-Arabic Script},
author={Raiomond Doctor and Alexander Gutkin and Cibu Johny and Brian Roark and Richard Sproat},

Script Normalization Utilities

The Perso-Arabic script normalizer uses the normalization grammars provided by the Nisaba finite-state script processing library. These grammars are compiled using Pynini, which is a Python finite-state grammar development toolkit.

The normalizer (implemented and the corresponding Perso-Arabic normalization grammars for each of the supported languages can be built using Bazelisk, a user-friendly helper for the Bazel build system written in Go. To build the normalizer, follow the next steps (shown for Linux, but macOS and Windows platforms are supported as well).

# Install Bazelisk.
chmod +x $BAZEL
# Build the normalizer.
./${BAZEL} build -c opt :normalize_text

The above build process produces the following artifacts:

  1. The actual normalizer binary bazel-bin/normalize_text.

  2. The multiple Nisaba script normalization grammars for the Perso-Arabic writing systems of languages supported by Nisaba stored in


    where the extension far means FST archive.

The normalizer processes either plain text input files or files compressed using BZip2 or GZip compression. As an example, to apply the normalizer to a dump of Kashmiri Wikipedia using the Kashmiri normalization grammar (specified by the upper-case BCP-47 language code KS) run

bazel-bin/normalize_text \
--corpus_file ${INPUT_DIR}/kswiki-20211101-pages-meta-current_thr0.6.txt.bz2 \
--far_file bazel-bin/normalize_text.runfiles/com_google_nisaba/nisaba/scripts/abjad_alphabet/reading_norm.far \
--grammar_name KS
--output_file ${OUTPUT_DIR}/normalized.txt.bz2

The normalizer proceeds token-by-token, where the sentences are split on whitespace. The normalizer may or may not modify the tokens, but in general the resulting output file should have the same number of tokens. Additional arguments are provided to store all the unique tokens that have been normalizer in a file (--output_token_diffs_file) and also record the sentence/line IDs that were changed by normalization (--output_line_diffs_file).

Statistical Language Modeling

This section describes the tools used for statistical language modeling experiments and presents some of the experiment artifacts.


The set of tools for statistical language modeling (SLM) experiments is reasonably simple and mostly involves utilities for data preprocessing. Unlike the script normalizer tool described in the previous section, none of the tools described here rely on Bazel but are run with Python interpreter directly in a Python virtual environment.

Because the experiments focus on Wikipedia data, the first tool converts publicly available Wikipedia dumps from XML format to the regular newline-separated text files. The following example, run in a virtual environment, will convert (imperfectly) the Kashmiri Wikipedia dump (from here into text format:

# Install dependencies.
pip3 install absl-py mwparserfromhell mwtypes mwxml unicodedataplus
# Run converter.
python \
--xml_dump_file ${DATA_DIR}/wiki/kswiki-latest-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2 \
--prob_threshold 0.6 \
--output_file ${CORPUS_DIR}/kswiki.txt.bz2

When converting, there is an option to drop all the lines that are determined to be in the script --script_name and have probability lower than --prob_threshold. This functionality is useful for dropping as much data in foreign scripts as possible. The above command will create a simple compressed text file in directory specified by ${CORPUS_DIR}.

We employ KenLM statistical language modeling toolkit for constructing the interpolated n-gram language models using modified Kneser-Ney smoothing. The standard KenLM distribution was modified to support higher-order (up to 10) n-grams (please see the discussion here and here). The script that trains and evaluates the n-gram models is

# Install the dependencies.
pip3 install absl-py kenlm numpy pandas
# Train the models.
python \
--corpus_file ${CORPUS_DIR}/kswiki.txt.bz2 \
--line_diffs_file ${CORPUS_DIR}/kswiki_line_diffs.pickle \
--line_token_diffs_file ${CORPUS_DIR}/kswiki_token_diffs.tsv \
--num_trials 100 \
--order 7 \
--output_model_dir ${RESULTS_DIR}

The above command will train interpolated character 7-gram models (word models are trained when --word_models flag is enabled) from the Kashmiri Wikipedia. When parsing the input text file it is randomly split into training and test portion based on the value of --train_test_ratio flag (which is 0.8 by default). The model trained using the training set is validated on the test set and perplexity for the run is remembered. This process (split, train and test) is repeated 100 times. The result is stored in the tab-separated text file (in tsv format) in the ${RESULTS_DIR} directory. The file has 100 lines and consists of three columns: number of tokens (either characters or words) in the training and test sets, as shown by the following snippet from one of the results files data/ngrams/results/pure_baselines/kswiki-20211101-pages-meta-current_thr0.6.txt_7gram_tr0.80_report.tsv:

256142 59586 6.778626013067323
249408 66320 6.741281520904354
249086 66642 7.1878213833858675
257712 58016 6.233670463417501
249210 66518 6.429110205040371

Since for each language and each trial the splits are performed randomly based on the number of lines, these lines have different numbers of tokens between the runs. This variation can be summarized using the utility that collects basic stats for training and test splits from the results file(s) and computes the sufficient statistics, as in the following example:

# Install the dependencies.
> pip3 install absl-py pandas statsmodels
# Collect the statistics from a file that contains all the results from *all* the trials for *all*
# the orders, e.g., for n-grams between 3 and 10, and 100 trials, the file `${LANGUAGE}.tsv` will
# have 800 rows.
> cat data/ngrams/results/reading/00/baselines/${LANGUAGE}.*.tsv > /tmp/${LANGUAGE}.tsv
> python --results_tsv_file /tmp/${LANGUAGE}.tsv
I0811 19:35:16.147488] Reading metrics from /tmp/ks.tsv ...
I0811 19:35:16.151791] Read 800 samples
I0811 19:35:16.152310] Train stats: mean: 275583.665 var: 6694169.4352750005 std: 2587.3093041372153
I0811 19:35:16.152624] Test stats: mean: 40144.335 var: 6694169.435275 std: 2587.309304137215

Once the perplexity results for all the runs are available, these can be compared between the normalized and unnormalized condictions using the utility.

# Install the dependencies.
> pip3 install absl-py numpy pandas scipy statsmodels
# Compare character n-gram models.
> REPORT_DIR=data/ngrams/results/reading/00
> python \
--baseline_metrics_dir ${REPORT_DIR}/baselines \
--test_metrics_dir ${REPORT_DIR}/rewrites \
--language ks \
--output_tex_table_file /tmp/ks.tex
I0811 19:47:07.412830] Reading metrics from data/ngrams/results/reading/00/rewrites/ks.txt_9gram_tr0.80_report.tsv ...
I0811 19:47:07.414561] Read 100 samples
t-test: -0.02223 (-0.85%), 95% CI = [-0.03999, -0.00447] t-statistic: -2.46798, p-value: +0.01444, t-dof: +197.24915
Mann-Whitney U: MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=6007.0, pvalue=0.013921951647328085)
Brunner-Munzel: BrunnerMunzelResult(statistic=-2.5097244523899853, pvalue=0.012889830729282412)
# Word n-gram models (similar sequence of calls to above, but note that it
# runs on different set of results in a different location).

The above example does multiple pair-wise comparison between different trials and different n-gram orders. In the case of character n-grams of orders betwen 3 and 10, and 100 random trials for each model, this corresponds to pairwise statistical significance comparison of two sets of 800 samples each. Three types of significance testing are performed:

  1. The classical t-test. We employ Welch’s formulation with Satterthwaite’s degrees of freedom,
  2. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test,
  3. Non-parametric Brunner-Munzel test.

The results of the above signicance tests including confidence intervals, t-statistic and p-values as well as differences in means are saved in the TeX table in /tmp/ks.tex.

Finally, individual results files in tsv format can be used to generate entropy or perplexity plots using utility that generates the plots of cross-entropy or perplexity vs. the n-gram order:

# Install the depdencies.
pip3 install absl-py pandas seaborn
# Generate the plots.
python \
--results_dir data/ngrams/results/pure_baselines \
--language_list ks,pnb \
--output_plots_dir /tmp

The above example will generate the plots of cross-entropy vs. n-gram order for Kashmiri and Punjabi (Shahmukhi) in /tmp/ks_ent.pdf and /tmp/pnb_ent.pdf, as well as the combined plot in /tmp/all_ent.pdf. The data is taken from the individual language-specific files in the results directory data/ngrams/results/pure_baselines. Perplexity plots can be generated by enabling the --use_perplexities flag.


The artifacts of the n-gram experiments are the results files in the following directories:

  1. data/ngrams/results/pure_baselines/: Character n-gram models trained on unsplit and unnormalized data.
  2. data/ngrams/results/reading/00: Character n-gram models trained on unnormalized (baselines) and normalized using reading normalization (rewrites). Orders: 3 to 10.
  3. data/ngrams/results/reading/01: Word n-gram models trained on unnormalized (baselines) and normalized using reading normalization (rewrites). Orders: 2 to 5.

The Perso-Arabic writing systems under investigation are Kashmiri, Malay (Jawi), Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Sindhi, Sorani Kurdish, South Azerbaijani, Urdu, and Uyghur.

Neural Machine Translation

Similar to SLM experiments, the neural machine translation (NMT) experiments study the effects on normalization on the quality of NMT models. Monolingual and multilingual NMT systems are constructed that translate from single or multiple languages with Perso-Arabic writing systems belonging to a subset of the languages mentioned above (namely Sorani Kurdish, Sindhi, Urdu and Uyghur) to English. Evaluation metrics from unnormalized and normalized systems are then systematically compared.


The parallel corpora were collected using the MTData tool that automates the collection and preparation of open-source machine translation datasets. The MTData scripts (known as signatures in MTData parlance) for individual languages can be found under data/neural/mtdata directory. For example, to collect the parallel Urdu-English data into ${CORPUS_DIR}.

# Install the dependencies.
> pip3 install mtdata
# Inspect the signature.
> cat data/neural/mtdata/urd/mtdata.signature.txt
mtdata get -l urd-eng -tr OPUS-opus100_train-1-eng-urd JoshuaDec-indian_training-1-urd-eng Anuvaad-thewire-20210320-eng-urd -ts OPUS-opus100_test-1-eng-urd JoshuaDec-indian_test-1-urd-eng -dv OPUS-opus100_dev-1-eng-urd JoshuaDec-indian_dev-1-urd-eng --merge -o <out-dir>
mtdata version 0.3.5
# Collect the corresponding open-source data into the training, development and
# test sets.
> mtdata get -l urd-eng \
-tr OPUS-opus100_train-1-eng-urd JoshuaDec-indian_training-1-urd-eng Anuvaad-thewire-20210320-eng-urd \
-dv OPUS-opus100_dev-1-eng-urd JoshuaDec-indian_dev-1-urd-eng \
-ts OPUS-opus100_test-1-eng-urd JoshuaDec-indian_test-1-urd-eng \
--merge -o ${CORPUS_DIR}

The exact summary of the resulting training corpora can be found in train.stats.json file.

The OpenNMT neural machine translation toolkit is used to construct the translation models, in particular, we use the TensorFlow-based version of OpenNMT. We use simple LSTM encoder-decoder architecture equipped with attention. Depending on the amounts of training data available we use different hyperparameter configurations: NMTSmallV1 for smaller corpora and NMTMediumV1 for bigger amounts of training data (e.g., for a multilingual model). The OpenNMT recipes are provided for each individual scenario under data/neural/recipe directory. For Urdu, for example:

# Install the dependencies.
> pip3 install tensorflow OpenNMT-tf
# Inspect the skeleton for the recipe.
> cd data/neural/recipe/urd/NMTMediumV1 && ls data.yml tokenizer.yml

The files are as follows:

  1. contains the sequence of basic OpenNMT commands required to run the training.
  2. The configuration for the tokenizer is provided in tokenizer.yml.
  3. The data.yml describes the actual training, development and test data, and provides some core parameters for OpenNMT. In particular, this configuration expects the following files to be under data/neural/recipe/urd/NMTMediumV1:
    • Training features and targets (label) files src-train.txt and tgt-train.txt.
    • Development (validation) features and targets files src-val.txt and tgt-val.txt.
    • Tokenizer vocabularies for training features and targets src-vocab.txt and tgt-vocab.txt.

The above feature and target files can point to the original ${CORPUS_DIR} splits or, in the case of normalized data, to the respective files in that directory. A sequence of commands described in can then be used to instantiate the training and evaluation process:

# Install the dependencies.
pip3 install tensorflow OpenNMT-tf sacrebleu
# Construct the tokenizer vocabularies.
cd data/neural/recipe/urd/NMTMediumV1
onmt-build-vocab --tokenizer_config tokenizer.yml --size 50000 --save_vocab src-vocab.txt src-train.txt
onmt-build-vocab --tokenizer_config tokenizer.yml --size 50000 --save_vocab tgt-vocab.txt tgt-train.txt
# Run the training and evaluation script.
(nohup ./ > train.log 2>&1) > /dev/null 2>&1 &

The resulting artifacts and results can be found under run/NMTMediumV1 subdirectory. Note that we are using NMT evaluation scores implementation from SacreBleu to compute the scores for individual NMT models as well as performing the pairwise statistical significance testing. In addition, a simple utility is provided for comparing the resulting models:

# Install the depdencies:
pip3 install absl-py numpy pandas statsmodels
# Compare the individual training epochs of two models (baseline and the test):
python \
--baseline_metrics_dir ${RESULTS_DIR}/original/ \
--test_metrics_dir ${RESULTS_DIR}/rewrites/ \
--metric_file_basenames test1,test2 \
--num_epochs 8


The results are provided under data/neural/results directory for four individual languages: Sorani Kurdish (ckb, but also including Kurmanji in the training data), Sindhi (snd), Urdu (urd), Uyghur (uig), and the multilingual many-to-English model (multi). Each directory has the following structure:

  1. Results of Paired Approximate Randomization (PAR) test from SacreBleu for the final 8th epoch of the training test?.paired-ar.epoch8 (where test? corresponds to the name of the test set).
  2. Results of Paired Bootstrap Resampling (PBS) test from SacreBleu for the final 8th epoch of the training test?.paired-bs.epoch8.
  3. Directory data/neural/results/snd/MODEL/original/ corresponding to the model build on unnormalized parallel corpora, where MODEL corresponds to the model configuration (NMTSmallV1 or NMTMediumV1).
  4. Directory data/neural/results/snd/MODEL/rewrites/ corresponding to the model build on normalized parallel corpora.
  5. Each original and rewrites subdirectory contains
    • The hypothesis files test?.eng.epoch?, where test? is the name of the test set and epoch? corresponds to one of the eight epochs.
    • SacreBleu scores (BLEU, chrF2 and TER) under test?.results.epoch?.
  6. In addition, for multilingual model only, where SacreBleu PAR and PBS pairwise testing is performed, there is an additional subdirectory data/neural/results/multi/NMTMediumV1/pairwise that contains the following:
    • The helper script for running PBS and PAR tests on all the epochs of unnormalized and normalized model.
    • Individual PBS and PAR test results for each language and each epoch under the test?.epoch? subdirectory.

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