

Multi-bitrate JPEG compression perceptual evaluation dataset 2023

mucped23: A compression distortion image quality assessment (IQA) database.

Authors: Luca Versari, Zoltan Szabadka, Martin Bruse, Jyrki Alakuijala


The JPEG image compression format is, despite being far from the most efficient compression format (see The Case for JPEG XL), one of the most widely used (see Usage statistics of image file formats for websites).

The jpegli JPEG encoder library is an improved JPEG encoder that applies many of the insights from related projects like guetzli, butteraugli, and JPEG XL to achieve a higher quality-per-byte for JPEG images.

The mucped23 dataset was created to study human perception of the quality of images compressed using MozJPEG, libjpeg-turbo, and jpegli.

mucped23 evaluations

The mucped23 evaluations were performed using an internal Google perceptual evaluation tool, designed based on insights from the CLIC Challenge on Learned Image Compression.

Source images

The evaluations comprise 49 512x512 pixel images taken from the CID22 validation set of the Cloudinary Image Dataset ’22, and are composed of a mixture of people, objects, scenery, and graphical elements.

The images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The exact images used can be downloaded at


The evaluations use the same methodology as CLIC.

It consists of the rater being shown an original image and two distortions, and asked to choose the distortion that is closest to the original. The test subject is able to flip between the two distortions, and has the original image available on the side for comparison at all times.

We then compute an Elo ranking (an estimate of the probability of each method being considered closer to the original by the raters) of distortions based on that. Compared to traditional Opinion Score methods, it avoids having to calibrate scores between questions or subjects.

The distortions used are encoding and decoding using MozJPEG, libjpeg-turbo, and jpegli at various settings.

The selection of distortions is based on selecting the pair of distortions which would provide the most informative update to the rankings.

The algorithm is executed until the credible intervals of the estimated probabilities are considered acceptable.


GitHub Image

The results of the evaluations can be found in answers.csv, and the computed Elo scores including rater agreement and golden question response of the methods can be found in elo.csv.

Each row in answers.csv contains a single question where the two distortions /mucped23/[methodA]/[originalName].png and /mucped23/[methodB]/[originalName].png are compared to the original /mucped23/originals/[originalName].png inside


An analysis of the results can be found at Users prefer Jpegli over same-sized libjpeg-turbo or MozJPEG.

Computing the Elo scores

compute_elo.ipynb contains a notebook with naive example code of how to compute the Elo scores based on answers.csv. This code does not contain the complete algorithm to compute the Elo including rater agreement and golden question response.

Complete code to compute the Elo scores, including credible intervals and rater reliability, can be found in elo_rater_model.

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