

Multi-bitrate compression perceptual evaluation dataset 2022

mucped22: A compression distortion image quality assessment (IQA) database.

Authors: Luca Versari, George Toderici, Iulia Comșa, Jyrki Alakuijala, Sami Boukortt, Martin Bruse, Danielle Perszyk


Current human evaluated IQA databases, such as KADID-10k, TID2013, CSIQ, or LIVE are often used to evaluate the performance of objective image quality metrics, such as MS-SSIM, SSIMULACRA, or NLPD.

The objective image quality metrics are in turn used to evaluate the quality of image compression schemes, to minimize the requirements for expensive human evaluations.

Unfortunately this also creates an extra source of errors when tuning and comparing image compression schemes.

This makes it necessary to ensure that the first step in this comparison, the IQA database, suits the requirements of the compression scheme used.

Problems with current IQA databases include using crowdsourced evaluators potentially without high quality image comparison experience, comparing images distorted by methods having little or nothing in common with distortions typically produced by image compression schemes, and making it hard to differentiate the correlation between objective metric and human evaluation across different quality levels, e.g. different distances from visually transparent differences.

mucped22 evaluations

The mucped22 evaluations were designed by a collaboration of experienced image compression researchers at Google to fill gaps in the publicly available sets of IQA databases.

Source images

The evaluations comprise 22 photographic images composed of people of different skin tones, landscapes, and close-up pictures of objects and animals, sourced from HDR+ Burst Photography Dataset and Unsplash. The HDR+ images are released under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA) and the Unsplash images are released under the Unsplash license.

The images were chosen to roughly represent how images are used on the web, and were for the same reason downscaled to FullHD resolution, which also reduced the baseline artefacts of the images.


The evaluations use the methodology from CLIC.

It consists in requiring a choice between the same crop of two different distortions of the same image, and computes an Elo ranking of distortions based on that. Compared to traditional Opinion Score methods, it avoids requiring test subjects to calibrate their scores.

The test subject is able to flip between the two distortions, and has the original image available on the other side for comparison at all times.

The distortions used are encoding and decoding using MozJPEG, AVIF, and JPEG XL at various settings.

The selection of distortions for an evaluation consists of running a sorting algorithm on the distortions using the result of an evaluation as the comparison operator.

Unlike CLIC and to reduce rater effort, the algorithm is not executed once per image but rather 4 times, every time selecting one image at random. Simulations of this selection procedure followed by the same ELO computation used in CLIC shows similar results to running the algorithm once per image.


The results of the evaluations are located in Google Cloud Storage at gs://gresearch/mucped22, and contains original images, distorted images, ELO rankings, and the file evaluations.json containing the actual evaluation results.

To download the results, install gsutil and copy the files:

gsutil -m cp -r gs://gresearch/mucped22 /tmp

The JSON file contains a list of objects with the following fields:

  • crop: The crop of the original image shown to the evaluator
  • greater: The distortion evaluated as closer to the original
  • image: The name of the original image
  • lesser: The distortion evaluated as further from the original
  • random_choice: Whether the evaluator was unable to decide, and picked a random distortion
  • rater_time_ms: The time spent to evaluate the distortion pair
  • image_dims: The dimensions of the original image
  • [greater/lesser]_elo: The Elo score in the context of this image for that greater and lesser distortions
  • [greater/lesser]_[objective metric name]: The [objective metric name] score for the greater and lesser distortions
  • rater_flips: The number of times the evaluator flipped between the distortions

It is recommended to discard evaluations where:

  • The crop isn't fully contained by the original image dimensions due to bugs in the rater software, which happened in the order of 15 times
  • The rater flipped less than 3 times between the distortions
  • The rater spent less than 3000 ms on the evaluation.

Processing the results

To reproduce the rank per for each distortion, the Rust program provided in scripts/elo can be run:

cd scripts/elo && cargo run --release /tmp/mucped22/evaluations.json && cd -

Since we are generally interested in the rank for each distortion per original image, the script scripts/elo/ can be used to do that:

cd scripts/elo && python3 -i /tmp/mucped22/evaluations.json -o /tmp/mucped22/elo && cd -

To reproduce the objective perceptual image metrics on these results:

  • Use the Python script in scripts/ to produce the crops for all evaluations:
mkdir /tmp/mucped22/crops && python3 scripts/ -i /tmp/mucped22/evaluations.json -o /tmp/mucped22/evaluations.json -id /tmp/mucped22 -od /tmp/mucped22/crops
  • Check out and build the libjxl repository for the metrics:
git clone
cd libjxl
SKIP_TEST=1 ./ opt
cd -
  • Use the Python script in scripts/ to compute all the metrics:
python3 scripts/ -ioj /tmp/mucped22/evaluations.json -id /tmp/mucped22/crops -od /tmp/mucped22/crops -md libjxl/tools/benchmark/metrics/ -ed /tmp/mucped22/elo

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