

Beyond Synthetic Noise: Deep Learning on Controlled Noisy Labels

This is the code for the paper:

Beyond Synthetic Noise: Deep Learning on Controlled Noisy Labels
Lu Jiang, Di Huang, Mason Liu, Weilong Yang
Presented at ICML 2020, Slides

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  title={Beyond Synthetic Noise: Deep Learning on Controlled Noisy Labels},
  author={Jiang, Lu and Huang, Di and Liu, Mason and Yang, Weilong},


Given a noisy dataset of some unknown noise level, our goal is to train a robust model that can generalize well on the clean test data. We introduce a simple yet effective method called MentorMix. While existing methods that perform well on synthetic noise may not work as well on the real-world noisy labels, we show our method overcomes both synthetic and real-world noisy labels.

We also release the first benchmark of controlled real-world label noise from the web. Please check out this dataset at this link. Leave your questions about the dataset or the method in the issue tab.


MentorMix is inspired by MentorNet (for curriculum learning) and Mixup (for vicinal risk minimization).

MentorMix comprises four steps: weight, sample, mixup, and weight again. The animation below illustrates these steps. Note, the MentorNet is used to compute example weight and in the simplest case, MentorNet can be replaced by a simple thresholding function comparing the example loss to a loss moving average (loss p percentile). See the loss_thresholding_function in Besides, We found the second weighting is useful for high noise levels.

Algorithm Overview

We test MentorMix on five datasets including CIFAR 10/100 with synthetic label noise, and WebVision 1.0. We achieve the best published result on the full WebVision dataset, improving the previous best method by a significant ~3% in terms of precision@1 on the ImageNet ILSVRC12 validation set.


All code was developed and tested on Nvidia V100 (16GB) the following environment.

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Python 2.7.15
  • TensorFlow 1.15.0
  • numpy 1.13.3

Next we need to download the CIFAR datasets. Put them into the same directory as the code directory: data.

Running MentorMix on CIFAR

Cifar100 40% noise:

nohup python code/ \
--batch_size=128 \
--dataset_name=cifar100 \
--trained_mentornet_dir=mentornet_models/mentornet_pd \
--loss_p_percentile=0.5 \
--burn_in_epoch=10 \
--data_dir=data/cifar100/0.4 \
--train_log_dir=cifar100_models/resnet32/0.4/mentormix_p05_a8/train \
--studentnet=resnet32 \
--max_number_of_steps=200000 \
--device_id=0 \
--num_epochs_per_decay=30 \
--mixup_alpha=8.0 > train_mentormix_p05_a8.txt &

The training script has two very important command-line flags for you to configure the hyperparameters:

  • --mixup_alpha: Hyperparameter used in the Beta distribution.
  • --loss_p_percentile: Hyperparameter p-percentile used to compute the loss moving average.

For eval, run:

nohup python code/ \
--dataset_name=cifar100 \
--data_dir=data/cifar100/val/ \
--checkpoint_dir="${EXPDIR}/train" \
--eval_dir="${EXPDIR}/eval_val" \
--studentnet=resnet32 \
--device_id=1 > $(basename "$EXPDIR" .txt) &

Performance on CIFAR 10 and CIFAR 100

This is a re-implementation of our asynchronized multi-GPU training on a single GPU using third-party libraries. The number might be slightly different from our internal numbers reported in the paper as it trains for fewer steps.

CIFAR-100 ResNet-32


CIFAR-10 ResNet-32


Practical recommendations

Based on the findings in our papers, we have the following practical recommendations for training deep neural networks on noisy data:

  • A simple way to deal with noisy labels is fine-tuning a pretrained model. The better the pretrained model is, the better it may generalize on the downstream noisy training task.
  • Early stopping may not be effective on the real-world label noise from the web.
  • The real-world label noise from the web appears to be less harmful, yet it is more difficult to tackle.
  • Methods that perform well on synthetic noise may not work as well on the real-world noisy labels from the web.
  • The proposed MentorMix overcomes both synthetic and real-world noisy labels.

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