

JaxSel: a differentiable subgraph extraction layer, in Jax

The jaxsel module contains a sparse subgraph selection layer, implementing a differentiable sparse PageRank. The goal of our model is to extract a small subgraph from a large graph, where the subgraph is enough to solve a given task. As such, we consider datasets of graphs. We provide an API for modeling directed, unweighted graphs, which allows querying neighbors of a given node in the graph, and querying node features and edge features. All functionalities are local.

Given a graph, our pipeline contains the following three (3) blocks:

  • An Agent model, which can estimate weights for the graph edges, using local features. The Agent model can be used to implicitly represent a full weighted adjacency matrix over the underlying unweighted, directed graph.
  • A differentiable subgraph selection layer. This is our main contribution: our layer learns to select a subgraph around a given start node, using an underlying Agent model.
  • A downstream graph neural network. This model takes the extracted subgraph, and makes a prediction for the desired task. Currently, we only handle graph classification.

Set up

Launch a test run by running ./ from the jaxsel folder. The script will clone the long-range-arena repository, which we require.

If this does not work, make sure you are in the jaxsel folder.

To train a model on the pathfinder dataset, you must first download the data, following instructions here. Then, you must specify the path to the dataset in the _PATHFINDER_TFDS_PATH variable in jaxsel/examples/

Launching an experiment

We currently have an example in examples/ This example handles image-based classification tasks. For now, we have implemented data loading for MNIST and for the Pathfinder datasets from the Long Range Attention benchmark suite.

Launch an experiment by running: python -m jaxsel.examples.train --dataset mnist from the google_research directory.

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