

Exploring the Uncertainty Properties of Neural Networks' Implicit Priors in the Infinite-Width Limit



This directory contains the publicly available Colab Notebooks for JAX implementation of elliptical slice sampling and interacting with precomputed Myrtle kernels for the paper:

Exploring the Uncertainty Properties of Neural Networks' Implicit Priors in the Infinite-Width Limit

Ben Adlam*, Jaehoon Lee*, Lechao Xiao*, Jeffrey Pennington, and Jasper Snoek

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2021

* denotes equal contribution.

Gaussian process classification (GPC) using elliptical slice sampling (ESS)

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Here we provide JAX implementation of Gaussian process classification (GPC) using parallelized elliptical slice sampling (ESS). The algorithm is taken from Iain Murray, Ryan Prescott Adams, and David JC MacKay. Elliptical Slice Sampling (2010).

We leverage recent theoretical advances that characterize the function-space prior of an ensemble of infinitely-wide NNs as a Gaussian process, termed the neural network Gaussian process (NNGP). We use the NNGP with a softmax link function to build a probabilistic model for multi-class classification and marginalize over the latent Gaussian outputs to sample from the posterior using ESS. This gives us a better understanding of the implicit prior NNs place on function space and allows a direct comparison of the calibration of the NNGP and its finite-width analogue.

Loading precomputed Myrtle-10 kernels

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Here we provide downloadable precomputed Myrtle-10 neural kernels (NNGP and NTK) on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-10 corruption dataset. The kernel is computed with the help of Neural Tangents python library using V100 GPUs. Note that the size of kernel is (50k, 1M) including clean test (10k) and 19 corruption types each of 5 strengths.

The kernels are located at GCS:


Sub-directories are structured by corruption type and corruption strength. Kernel files are numpy arrays of size (5000, 5000) and i, j indicates block index (0-9 for training data and 10,11 for test data).


The colab notebook contains simple code to interact with this precomputed kernels (NNGP an NTK).

Note: In order to load the full uncorrupted kernel (train + test = 60k), run the notebook on a machine with at least 32GB of RAM. Provided example loads 5k subset of training set.


If you find this code, data or paper useful, please cite:

  title={Exploring the Uncertainty Properties of Neural Networks' Implicit Priors in the Infinite-Width Limit},
  author={Adlam, Ben and Lee, Jaehoon and Xiao, Lechao and Pennington, Jeffrey and Snoek, Jasper},
  journal={International Conference on Learning Representations},


Please send pull requests and issues to Ben Adlam (@bmeadlam), Jaehoon Lee (@jaehlee) or Lechao Xiao (@SiuMath).

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