


Graph/Molecule sampler


This project implements sequential importance sampling for connected graphs, with a particular focus on molecular graphs.

It was built to sample small molecules uniformly at random without being able to explicitly enumerate them. For example, suppose we want a uniform sampling of molecules with a given number of heavy (i.e. non-hydrogen) atoms any any number of hydrogens.

We first enumerate all possible choices of heavy atoms and numbers of hydrogens (i.e. stoichiometries). For each stoichiometry, we generate importance-weighted samples, and then use rejection to get to a uniform sampling. Finally, we aggregate those uniform samples to a single uniform sampling of the space of all molecules with the given number of heavy atoms.

virtualenv -p python3 .
source ./bin/activate
pip install -e .


mkdir outputs
cd outputs
mkdir stoichs weighted uniform

python -m enumerate_stoichiometries --output_prefix=stoichs/ \
  --num_heavy=$NUM_HEAVY --heavy_elements=$HEAVY_ELEMENTS

for stoich_file in $(ls stoichs); do
  python -m sample_molecules --stoich_file=stoichs/$prefix.stoich \
  python -m reject_to_uniform --in_file=weighted/$prefix.graphml \
python -m stats_to_csv --output=weighted/stats.csv weighted/*.graphml
python -m stats_to_csv --output=uniform/stats.csv uniform/*.graphml

python -m aggregate_uniform_samples --output=${merged_filename}.graphml \
python -m graphs_to_smiles ${merged_filename}.graphml > ${merged_filename}.smi


  • This example is a little silly, because there are so few molecules that we could explicitly enumerate them and sample uniformly from the list. However, that approach quickly becomes infeasible as the number of heavy atoms (and the choices for what those atoms are) increases. In this small run, each molecule gets generated many times, so we can take the opportunity to see how uniform the final sampling is:

    sort ${merged_filename}.smi | uniq -c
  • This process is highly parallelizable, which is important with a greater number of heavy atoms. Parallelizing the loop over stoichiometries is the simplest and biggest win.


The final uniform sample isn't as big as I want

Check to see if any of your individual stoichiometries are holding you back by checking what proportion of the space they sample (look at the ratio of the columns num_after_rejection and estimated_num_graphs in weighted/stats.csv). If one of those is much smaller than the rest, a lot of samples have to be thrown out to achieve uniformity. You can force a certain minimum proportion of the space to be sampled by For example, setting --min_uniform_proportion=1e-5 will ensure we keep sampling until num_after_rejection / estimated_num_graphs is at least 1e-5.

I want a really uniform sample set, or a better estimate of the number of unique molecules

Reduce the value of --relative_precision when calling This parameter defaults to 0.01, and it measures our relative uncertainty in the size of the space we're exploring. By default, we keep sampling until we're confident we know the true number of graphs to within about 1%. The more precisely we estimate the number of molecules for each stoichiometry, the better a job we can do combining them into a single uniform sample set.

It's too slow

First, parallize over stoichiometries. It's possible to paralleize sampling, rejection, and aggregation further, but we never needed to do that. If you need help parallelizing further (e.g. you just care about a single really big stoichiometry), email and I'll help you.

If you're willing to accept a smaller final sample set and be less confident about how uniform it is, you can reduce --min_samples (defaults to 10000) or --relative_precision (defaults to 0.01) when calling


git clone
pip install google-research/graph_sampler

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