

Fast Weight Layers


Fast Weight Layers (FWLs) can easily be added on top of text generation models to improve their performance, especially on long documents. They are essentially hidden layers added between the body of a Transformer decoder (or RNN) and the output softmax. However, similar to dynamic evaluation, their parameters change base on observed tokens. They provide similar performance gains to dynamic evaluation, but are much faster and easier to use. For more details, see our paper Meta-Learning Fast Weight Language Models (published in EMNLP 2022).


We have provided implementations in both jax and tensorflow. The jax implementation subclasses flax.linen.Module; the tensorflow implementation subclasses tf.keras.layers.Layer. The jax code has not been thoroughly tested, so please let us know if you spot any issues! Both implementations are constructed with three arguments:

  • size: size of the FWLs; a fast weight block consists of a dense layer projecting the input to 4 * size, a squared ReLU activation, a dense layer projecting back to size, and a layer norm.
  • vocab size: number of tokens in the vocabulary.
  • attn_chunks: number of chunks for the mixed chunk attention used in dense fast weight layers. 16 works well for long (e.g. 4096 tokens) inputs; the number could be smaller for shorter inputs.

They are called with three inputs:

  • x: a [batch_size, seq_len, repr_size] tensor containing input representations (e.g. those produced by a transformer).
  • labels: a [batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size] tensor containing one-hot labels for the tokens to be predicted. These can typically be constructed as something like one_hot(roll(input_tokens, -1, 1), vocab_size).
  • weights: a [batch_size, seq_len] tensor of weights for the loss; typically 1 for most tokens and 0 for padding and the last token in each sequence.

For example, usage could look something like:

labels, weights = make_labels(input_tokens)
x = CausalTransformer(...)(input_tokens, ...)
logits = FWLBlock(size, vocab_size, attn_chunks)(x, labels, weights)


If you find the code or paper useful then please cite:

  title = {Meta-Learning Fast Weight Language Models},
  author = {Kevin Clark and Kelvin Guu and Ming-Wei Chang and Panupong Pasupat and Geoffrey Hinton and Mohammad Norouzi},
  booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  year = {2022}


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to Kevin Clark (

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