

Fractal Patterns in Language


Fractal Patterns May Unravel the Intelligence in Next-Token Prediction. Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Vinh Q. Tran, and Mostafa Dehghani, arXiv:2402.01825 [cs.CL].

Abstract: We study the fractal structure of language, aiming to provide a precise formalism for quantifying properties that may have been previously suspected but not formally shown. We establish that language is: (1) self-similar, exhibiting complexities at all levels of granularity, with no particular characteristic context length, and (2) long-range dependent (LRD), with a Hurst parameter of approximately H=0.70. Based on these findings, we argue that short-term patterns/dependencies in language, such as in paragraphs, mirror the patterns/dependencies over larger scopes, like entire documents. This may shed some light on how next-token prediction can lead to a comprehension of the structure of text at multiple levels of granularity, from words and clauses to broader contexts and intents. We also demonstrate that fractal parameters improve upon perplexity-based bits-per-byte (BPB) in predicting downstream performance. We hope these findings offer a fresh perspective on language and the mechanisms underlying the success of LLMs.


The attached colab provides a walk-through example for how to calculate fractal parameters from a collection of documents using a large language model (LLM). Specifically, we outline how to calculate: (1) the self-similarity exponent S, (2) the Hurst exponent H, and (3) the Joseph exponent J.

Please reach out to the authors for any inquiries.

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