

How to Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal

This repository contains code that accompanies the following paper:

Yicheng Wu, Qiurui He, Tianfan Xue, Rahul Garg, Jiawen Chen, Ashok Veeraraghavan, and Jonathan T. Barron. How to train neural networks for flare removal. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.


  • We have made a small fix to the VGG loss in an attempt to fix the issue below. We thank the reader for reporting this issue.

  • 1/30/2022: It has been brought to our attention that there might be an issue with the training code that causes the trained model to perform worse than what we show on the test images. This issue was likely introduced when we cleaned up the repository prior to open-sourcing. We are actively investigating this issue, and will submit a patch to this repository as soon as possible. The issue does not affect the testing script ( We can also confirm that our published results (both quantitative and qualitative) are accurate and reproducible using an older (internal) version of the code.


Flare-only images

A total of 5,001 RGB flare images are released via Google Research's public dataset repository under the CC BY 4.0 license. Among them:

  • 2,001 are from lab captures (1,001 captures + interpolation between frames). These images are placed under the captured subdirectory.

  • 3,000 are simulated computationally. These images are placed under the simulated subdirectory.

To obtain this data:

  1. Install Google Cloud SDK. This should automatically install the gsutil tool which is required to access the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  2. Run the following command:

    $ gsutil cp -r gs://gresearch/lens-flare /your/local/path

Flare-free (scene) images

We use the same image dataset as Single Image Reflection Removal with Perceptual Losses (Zhang et al., CVPR 2018). Please follow their instructions to access this data. Note that we do not make the distinction between the reflection layer and the transmission layer - we shuffle the entire dataset and treat it as a unified set of natural images. You may want to make an appropriate train-test split before using this dataset.


Synthesizing scattering flare

The code for synthesizing random scattering flare ("streaks") is written in Matlab and located under the matlab directory. Simply execute the main.m script to reproduce our results.

By default, it writes to the following directories:

  • matlab/apertures: Simulated defective apertures with dots (resembling dust) and polylines (resembling scratches).

  • matlab/streaks: Flare patterns resulting from the simulated defective apertures above. Multiple flare patterns are generated for each aperture, accounting for varying light source locations, defocus, and distortion. These images are used to further synthesize flare-corrupted photographs.

Training a flare removal model

WARNING: Commands below are executed from the repository root google_research/. Otherwise, Python may not be able to resolve the module paths correctly.

The training and testing programs require certain dependencies (see requirements.txt). You may create a virtual environment and install these dependencies using pip, as demonstrated in Note that running flare_removal/ directly will fail due to missing arguments (see below for details), but will at least install the correct dependencies.

The training script is python/ A separate evaluation script python/ is also available, so an additional job can be started to monitor the training progress in parallel (optional).

$ python3 -m flare_removal.python.train \
--train_dir=/path/to/training/logs/dir \
--scene_dir=/path/to/flare-free/training/image/dir \
# Optional.
$ python3 -m flare_removal.python.evaluate \
--eval_dir=/path/to/evaluation/logs/dir \
--train_dir=/path/to/training/logs/dir \
--scene_dir=/path/to/flare-free/evaluation/image/dir \

A few notes on the arguments:

  • --train_dir/--eval_dir: This is where all training/evaluation states are preserved, including metrics, summary images, and model weight checkpoints. When a training job restarts, it will also try to pick up from its last state from this directory. Hence, you should use a new (empty) directory for each new experiment.

  • --scene_dir: Parent directory of all flare-free images. You may use any natural image dataset, as long as all images are RGB and have the same size. See above for an example. Note that the scene images used for should be different from those for

  • --flare_dir: Parent directory of all flare-only images. If you downloaded our dataset using the instructions above, the argument should be --flare_dir=/your/local/path/lens-flare.

  • Other arguments are provided to further customize the training configuration, e.g., alternative forms of input data, hyperparameters, etc. Please refer to the source code for additional documentation.

The training job will write the following contents to disk, under path/to/training/logs/dir:

  • model/: latest model files.

  • summary/: training metrics and summary images, to be visualized using TensorBoard.

  • ckpt-*: model checkpoints, for restoration of previous model weights

Testing the model on images

We also provide a Python script to test a trained model on images in the wild. Suppose you have followed the steps above to train a flare removal model, you could invoke the testing script as follows:

$ python3 -m flare_removal.python.remove_flare \
--ckpt=/path/to/training/logs/dir/model \
--input_dir=/path/to/test/image/dir \

The --ckpt argument locates the model directory saved by the training script. The other arguments are self-explanatory. For more details, including additional arguments, please refer to the source file.

Pre-trained model

Unfortunately, due to licensing constraints, we cannot release the pre-trained model. However, you should be able to reproduce our results using the code and datasets described above.


If you find this work useful, please cite:

  author    = {Wu, Yicheng and He, Qiurui and Xue, Tianfan and Garg, Rahul and
               Chen, Jiawen and Veeraraghavan, Ashok and Barron, Jonathan T.},
  title     = {How To Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on
               Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month     = {October},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {2239-2247}

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