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Fair matroid submodular maximization

This folder contains the codes for paper titled "Fairness in Streaming Submodular Maximization over a Matroid Constraint".

Each experiment requires a submodular function, a matroid, both accessed through oracles, and a fairness constraint. Oracles are implemented for several submodular functions and matroids; to implement a new submodular function inherit from SubmodularFunction class and to implement a new matroid inherit from Matroid class.

Compiling the code

One can compile all the files with c++17 or later, beside the ones used for preparing the inputs, described below.

Downloading and preparing datasets

  • To run the maximum coverage experiment, download the files soc-pokec-relationships.txt and soc-pokec-profiles.txt from and save them in the same directory containing the preprocessing scripts (extract-attributes.cpp, color-vertices.cpp, statistics_bmi.cpp, clean_graph_for_bmi.cpp). Run extract-attributes.cpp which should generate filtered-attributes.txt file. Next, run color-vertices.cpp and statistics_BMI.cpp which should generate color_age_1.txt and color-BMI.txt files, respectively. Finally, run clean_graph_for_BMI.cpp which should generate BMI-soc-pokec-relationships.txt file. Update the path in (in name_to_filename map) to point to BMI-soc-pokec-relationships.txt, color_age_1.txt and color-BMI.txt.

  • To run the exemplar-based clustering experiment, download the data from Run on the downloaded data (bank) which converts the input to the format that the oracle function expects. Update the input_path in ClusteringExperiment function in the main file to point to the converted features.

  • To run the movie recommendation experiment, use the script from and follow the instructions there. Place the files movies.dat (from the MovieLens-1M archive), U.txt and VT.txt (generated by the script) in some directory, and update the path to that directory in

Running experiments

Refer to the file for examples of how the experiments can be run. Please keep in mind to update the paths for reading the input (as explained above) and writing the results (in exp_base_path in The "f" value in the result files correspond to the submodular objective value, "rank" to the rank $k$ of the matroid, and "error" to the violation of the fairness constraint $\mathrm{err}(S)$.

Example Makefile

One can create a file Makefile with the following content.

SRC_FILES := $(wildcard *.cc)
H_FILES := $(wildcard *.h)
CXXFLAGS := -O3 -W -Wall -Wshadow -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -std=c++17
BIN := fair-submodular.exe

		g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(SRC_FILES)

all: $(BIN)

Then running make will build the code.

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