


Supplementary code with ICLR 2021 paper "Extreme Memorization via Scale of Initialization"

Download and extract datasets

cp -r cifar10 /tmp/
cp -r cifar100 /tmp/
cp -r svhn /tmp/

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Main Inputs Arguments

  • --train_input_files: Input pattern for training tfrecords.
  • --test_input_files: Input pattern for test tfrecords.
  • --dataset: name of the dataset(options: cifar10 | cifar100 | svhn, default: cifar10).
  • --model_type: model architecture type (options: mlp | convnet, default: mlp)
  • --activation: activation function, only applicable for MLP (options: relu | sin | sigmoid default: relu)
  • --loss_function: loss function used (options: cross_entropy | hinge | l2, default: cross_entropy)
  • --shuffled_labels: should use shuffled labels ? (default: False)
  • --custom_init: whether to initialize w_1 with custom random normal initializer. Only applicable for MLP model type. (default: False)
  • --stddev: stddev used for random normal initializer. Only applicable when model type is MLP and custom_init is set to True. (default: 0.001)
  • --num_units: number of hidden units (default: 1024)


Each training run saves representation and gradient alignment measures as TF summary scalars, these plots can be visualized in the Tensorboard tool as follows.

tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tensorflow/generalization

Section 3 - Extreme memorization

We employ sin activation and initialize w_1 with random normal with varying stddev - [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0].

Example command with stddev=0.001 on CIFAR-10 dataset.

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \
--activation=sin \
--custom_init=true \

Section 4 - Why should the scaling affect homogeneous activations ?

Activation function is switched to ReLU and initialize w_1 with random normal with varying stddev - [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0].

Example command with stddev=0.001 on CIFAR-10 dataset

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \
--activation=relu \
--custom_init=true \

Example command with stddev=0.001 on CIFAR-10 dataset with hinge loss

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \
--activation=relu \
--custom_init=true \
--loss_function=hinge \

Example command with stddev=0.001 on CIFAR-10 dataset with squared loss

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \
--activation=relu \
--custom_init=true \
--loss_function=l2 \

Section 5 - Is alignment relevant more broadly?

Activation function is switched to ReLU and all variables are initialized using glorot uniform initializer.

Train 2-layer MLP on CIFAR-10 dataset

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \

Train 2-layer MLP on CIFAR-10 dataset with shuffled labels

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \
--activation=relu \

Train ConvNet on CIFAR-10 dataset

python -m extreme_memorization.train \
--train_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-train* \
--test_input_files=/tmp/cifar10/image_cifar10_fingerprint-dev* \

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