

Encyclopedic VQA

Encyclopedic-VQA (ICCV'23 paper, ArXiv version) is a large scale visual question answering (VQA) dataset featuring visual questions about detailed properties of fine-grained categories and instances.

  • It contains 221k unique question+answer pairs each matched with (up to) 5 images, resulting in 1M VQA samples.
  • We provide a controlled knowledge base derived from Wikipedia (based on WikiWeb2M), with evidence to support each answer.
  • Our dataset poses a hard challenge for large vision+language models: PaLI is state-of-the-art on OK-VQA, yet only achieves 13.0% accuracy on the single-hop single-answer part of our dataset.
  • We demonstrate that augmenting PaLM with a mechanism (Google Lens) to retrieve information from the knowledge base (Wikipedia based) yields 48.8% accuracy on the single-hop part of our dataset. As such, our dataset enables research on retrieval augmented vision+language models.

Examples of dataset


title={Encyclopedic {VQA}: Visual questions about detailed properties of fine-grained categories},
author={Thomas Mensink and Jasper Uijlings and Lluis Castrejon and Arushi Goel and Felipe Cadar and Howard Zhou and Fei Sha and Andre Araujo and Vittorio Ferrari},

VQA questions

The VQA questions can be downloaded in .csv format here:

Our CSV files contain a single row per textual question. Each textual question is paired with (up to) 5 images, leading to ~5x more VQA triplets than rows in the CSV files. Each triplet consists of a textual question ( question), an answer (answer), and an image (specified by dataset_image_ids). The exact fields in the CSV files are:

  • question: The question Q to be used for the VQA triplets.
  • answer: The answer to the question. This field may contain multiple answers: if the question was answered by multiple annotators, answers are separated by '|'. In case of the multi_answer questions, individual answers are separated by '&&'.
  • dataset_image_ids: A list of up to 5 identifier for the image associated with the question. The IDs correspond to the images from the image dataset.
  • dataset_name: The name of the image dataset.
  • dataset_category_id: An identifier for the category of the subject in the image which corresponds to the original IDs of the respective datasets.
  • question_type: The type of the question, which can be one of ['templated', 'automatic', 'multi_answer', '2_hop'].
  • wikipedia_url: The URL of the Wikipedia article that corresponds to the knowledge base for the question. This URL acts as a key to our provided knowledge base. For two_hop questions this field contains the two consecutive URLs separated by '|'.
  • wikipedia_title: The title of the Wikipedia article that corresponds to the knowledge base for the question. Warning: not a stable identifier, use the wikipedia_url instead.
  • evidence: The evidence supporting the answer, in the form of a string. Only for templated questions.
  • evidence_section_id: An integer identifier indicating the section of the knowledge base where the evidence can be found. For two_hop questions there are two IDs separated by '|'.
  • evidence_section_title: The title of the section of the knowledge base where the evidence can be found. Corresponds to evidence_section_id. For two_hop questions the two IDs are separated by '|'.
  • encyclopedic_vqa_split: This defines the split in our Encyclopedic-VQA dataset: train, val, or test.
  • question_original: The original text of the question before any rephrasing. Note that for automatically generated questions it contains the original subject of the question C which is depicted in the image. This facilitates doing language-only experiments for this question_type.
  • wikipedia_url_used_in_train: Boolean denoting whether the wikipedia_url of this questions occurs also in the training set. When this is 'False', the subject of the question (C in our paper) with its corresponding wikipedia page is unseen during training.

This images for the VQA questions can be downloaded here:

Controlled Knowledge Base

Our controlled knowledge base is a repackaging of the WikiWeb2M dataset (WikiWeb2M paper, which in turn builds on the WIT: Wikipedia-based Image Text Dataset. The original WikiWeb2M dataset is available here. Our repackaging can be downloaded below (zipped json file). The image pixels have to be downloaded separately:

To verify the download, the sha256sum is of the json file is 36af1b6718a975c355a776114be216f4800c61320897b2186d33d17a08e44c77. You can do this from the linux command line:

sha256sum encyclopedic_kb_wiki.json

The knowledge base is a json file which first maps a wikipedia_url to a wikipedia entry, where the wikipedia_url matches the one from the VQA questions.

The wikipedia entry is again a dictionary with the following fields:

  • title: Title of the Wikipedia article.
  • section_titles: List with titles of each section. Its first element is identical to title.
  • section_texts: List with text contents for each section.
  • image_urls: List with urls to images within the Wikipedia article.
  • image_reference_descriptions: List with the reference descriptions (i.e. captions) of the images.
  • image_section_indices: List of integers denoting the sections where each image belongs to (i.e. index in section_titles and section_texts).
  • url: The wikipedia_url (again).


To evaluate answers we use BEM, which uses a BERT model fine-tuned to determine equivalent answers for a given question. This method correctly evaluates candidate answers that are valid but that do not exactly match the reference answers in our annotations, as opposed to common VQA metrics.

This evaluation method is implemented by the evaluate_example function in For example:

import evaluation_utils

question = 'Where does this hotel derive its name from?'
question_type = 'automatic'

# semantically correct answer.
score1 = evaluation_utils.evaluate_example(
    reference_list=['the Menger family'],
    candidate='William and Mary Menger',

# semantically incorrect answer.
score2 = evaluation_utils.evaluate_example(
    reference_list=['the Menger family'],
    candidate='the Baker family',

# score1 is 1.0, score2 is 0.0.
print(f'{score1=}, {score2=}')

To calculate the final VQA accuracy for a data split, we compute the average score over all of its examples.

Lens Retrieval

To help reproduce experiments in the paper, we provide the result of querying Google Lens for the images in the test set here:

This CSV file contains a row for each image in the test set of Encyclopedic-VQA, identified by its dataset_name and dataset_image_id. For each image, we provide a list with the Wikipedia URLs for the main entity in the image as detected by Lens in column lens_wiki_urls. If multiple URLs are present, they are ordered by decreasing confidence score, i.e. the first URL is the most certain entity in the image according to Lens. We use an empty list to indicate that Lens did not identify any entity in the image. All experiments in the paper use the first URL only, except when measuring the recall of Lens as a retrieval system.


  • [WikiWeb2M] A Suite of Generative Tasks for Multi-Level Multimodal Webpage Understandin, A. Burns et al., (arXiv).
  • [BEM] Tomayto, Tomahto. Beyond Token-level Answer Equivalence for Question Answering Evaluation, J. Bulian et al., (arXiv).


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