


This is the source code accompanying the paper "Predicting Neural Network Accuracy from Weights", living at If you find it useful, please cite:

      title={Predicting Neural Network Accuracy from Weights},
      author={Thomas Unterthiner and Daniel Keysers and Sylvain Gelly and Olivier Bousquet and Ilya Tolstikhin},

Small DNN Zoo dataset

We release the dataset used in this study under the name "Small CNN Zoo dataset". It consists of instances of a specific Convolutional Neural Net (CNN) architecture that takes 1-channel input images as input, with 3 conv layers of 16 hidden units each, followed by global average pooling and 10-output nodes dense layer, using a total of 4970 parameters.

We trained 30k instances of this network on each of the four mentioned datasets, each one with different hyperparameters. We trained for a total of 86 epochs, and collected intermediate checkpoints at epoch 0 (initialization), 1, 2, 3, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 86 (end of training). For each of these 9 checkpoints, we take all the parameters of the network and flatten it to obtain a vector of length 4970. We then concatenate these into a large matrix (one per dataset), which we provide here in Numpy Matrix Format. Since a small number of training processes crashed/got stuck, we don’t have the full (30k * 9) rows in these matrices. The exact sizes are:

For each of these matrices, we also have a “metrics.csv.gz” file that contains some annotation. Concretely, it contains the following columns:

config.activation: The activation function of the network
config.b_init: The initialization used for the bias weights
config.dataset: the dataset this was trained on
config.dnn_architecture: the network architecture (always “cnn”)
config.dropout: the dropout rate
config.epochs:  the total number of epochs (always 86)
config.epochs_between_checkpoints: the number of epochs between checkpoints (always 20)
config.init_std: the standard deviation for initialization if it isn’t determined by the init scheme (config.w_init)
config.l2reg: the amount of L2 weight decay
config.learning_rate: the learning rate
config.num_layers: the number of layers (always 3)
config.num_units: the number of hidden units per layer (always 16)
config.optimizer: the optimizer used
config.random_seed: the random seed used (always 42)
config.train_fraction: the fraction of the total number of training samples used (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0)
config.w_init: the Initialization scheme used for the weights
modeldir: the internal directory used for training the network
step: the training step at which the checkpoint was taken
test_accuracy: the accuracy of this checkpoint on the test-set
test_loss: the loss of this checkpoint on the test-set
train_accuracy: the accuracy of this checkpoint on the training set
train_loss: the loss of this checkpoint on the training step

An additional file "layout.csv" maps the individual columns of the matrices to the corresponding layers in the neural network.


This repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details. The Small CNN Zoo dataset itself is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 license. Note: This is not an official Google product.

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