


Supporting Materials for "Distinguishing Romanized Hindi from Romanized Urdu"

This document provides a brief summary of materials released here in support of the paper "Distinguishing Romanized Hindi from Romanized Urdu", which appeared in the CAWL workshop at ACL, 2023.

full_list.tsv contains the set of linguist-derived seed-words used throughout the paper to distinguish romanized Hindi and Urdu. It is organized into 5 columns, including Hindi words in native and roman script, the equivalent Urdu word in native and roman script, and their shared gloss.

The included tarball, cawl2023_data.tgz, is split into 65 1M chunks (suffixed by -X-of-00065.tgz) using Unix split -b1000K. It can be concatenated via cat to reform a single file, and expanded as normal using tar -xvzf. It contains the following datasets referenced in the paper. All datasets are in TSV format, with the first column containing a string, and the second column containing as label - either "ur" (Urdu) or "hi" (Hindi).

  • gen_train.tsv: Strings generated by mT5 via template filling (see section 4.2).
  • mc4_train.tsv: Strings drawn from the hi-Latn portion of mc4, according to whether they contain Hindi or Urdu seed words (see section 4.1)
  • topline_train.tsv: Hand-labeled Wikipedia sentences from the Dakshina dataset (see section 4.1).
  • topline_dev.tsv: Evaluation set held out from the Dakshina dataset.

Elizabeth Nielsen, Christo Kirov, and Brian Roark. 2023. Distinguishing romanized Hindi from romanized Urdu. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computation and Written Language: CAWL 2023, pages 33–42, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics.

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