

C-Learning: Learning to Achieve Goals via Recursive Classification

Benjamin Eysenbach,   Ruslan Salakhutinov ,  Sergey Levine

paper, website

tldr: We reframe goal-conditioned RL as the problem of predicting and controlling the future state distribution of an autonomous agent. We solve this problem indirectly by training a classifier to predict whether an observation comes from the future. Importantly, an off-policy variant of our algorithm allows us to predict the future state distribution of a new policy, without collecting new experience. While conceptually similar to Q-learning, our approach provides a theoretical justification for goal-relabeling methods employed in prior work and suggests how the goal-sampling ratio can be optimally chosen. Empirically our method outperforms these prior methods.

If you use this code, please consider adding the corresponding citation:

  title={C-Learning: Learning to Achieve Goals via Recursive Classification},
  author={Eysenbach, Benjamin and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan and Levine, Sergey},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08909},


These instructions were tested in Google Cloud Compute with Ubuntu version 18.04.

1. Install Mujoco

Copy your mujoco key to ~/.mujoco/mjkey.txt, then complete the steps below:

sudo apt install unzip gcc libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3 patchelf
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
wget -P /tmp
unzip /tmp/ -d ~/.mujoco
mv ~/.mujoco/mujoco200_linux ~/.mujoco/mujoco200
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

2. Install Anaconda

chmod +x

Restart your terminal so the changes take effect.

3. Create an Anaconda environment and install the remaining dependencies

conda create --name c-learning python=3.6
conda activate c-learning
pip install tensorflow==2.4.0rc0
pip install tf_agents==0.6.0
pip install gym==0.13.1
pip install mujoco-py==
pip install git+

Running Experiments

The following lines replicate the C-learning experiments on the Sawyer tasks. Training proceeds at roughly 120 FPS on an 12-core CPU machine (no GPU). The experiments in Fig. 3 ran for up to 3M time steps, corresponding to about 7 hours. Please see the discussion below for an explanation of what the various command line options do.

python --root_dir=~/c_learning/sawyer_reach --gin_bindings='train_eval.env_name="sawyer_reach"' --gin_bindings='obs_to_goal.start_index=0' --gin_bindings='obs_to_goal.end_index=3' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_next_prob=0.5' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_future_prob=0.0'

python --root_dir=~/c_learning/sawyer_push --gin_bindings='train_eval.env_name="sawyer_push"' --gin_bindings='train_eval.log_subset=(3, 6)' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_next_prob=0.3' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_future_prob=0.2' --gin_bindings='SawyerPush.reset.arm_goal_type="goal"' --gin_bindings='SawyerPush.reset.fix_z=True' --gin_bindings='load_sawyer_push.random_init=True' --gin_bindings='load_sawyer_push.wide_goals=True'

python --root_dir=~/c_learning/sawyer_drawer --gin_bindings='train_eval.env_name="sawyer_drawer"' --gin_bindings='train_eval.log_subset=(3, None)' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_next_prob=0.3' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_future_prob=0.2' --gin_bindings='SawyerDrawer.reset.arm_goal_type="goal"'

python --root_dir=~/c_learning/sawyer_window --gin_bindings='train_eval.env_name="sawyer_window"' --gin_bindings='train_eval.log_subset=(3, None)' --gin_bindings='SawyerWindow.reset.arm_goal_type="goal"' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_next_prob=0.5' --gin_bindings='goal_fn.relabel_future_prob=0.0'

Explanation of the command line arguments:

  • train_eval.env_name: Selects which environment to use.
  • obs_to_goal.start_index, obs_to_goal.end_index: Select a subset of the observation to use for learning the classifier and policy. This option modifies C-learning to predict and control the density $$p(s_{t+}[\text{start}:\text{end}] \mid s_t, a_t)$$. For example, the sawyer_reach task actually contains an object in coordinates 3 through 6, but we want to ignore the object position when learning reaching.
  • goal_fn.relabel_next_prob, goal_fn.relabel_future_prob: TD C-learning says that 50% of goals should be sampled from the next state distribution, corresponding to setting goal_fn.relabel_next_prob=0.5. The hybrid MC + TD version of C-learning described in Appendix E changes this so that some goals are also sampled from the future state distribution (corresponding to setting goal_fn.relabel_future_prob). For C-learning, we assume that goal_fn.relabel_next_prob + goal_fn.relabel_future_prob == 0.5. To prevent unintended bugs, both these parameters must be explicitly specified in the command line.
  • *.reset.arm_goal_type: For the Sawyer manipulation tasks, the goal state contains both the desired object position and arm position. Use *.reset.arm_goal_type="goal" to indicate that the arm goal position should be the same as the object goal position. Use *.reset.arm_goal_type="puck" to indicate that the arm goal position should be the same as the initial object position.
  • load_sawyer_push.random_init: Whether to randomize the initial arm position.
  • load_sawyer_push.wide_goals: Whether to sample a wider range of goals.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to Benjamin Eysenbach (

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