

Automatic Structured Variational Inference

This repository contains code used to run experiments in Automatic Structured Variational Inference, which proposes a fully automated method for constructing a structured surrogate posterior for VI in a way that incorporates the graphical structure of the prior distribution.

These experiments make use of the TensorFlow Probability implementation of ASVI, which is provided as (see also the example notebook).

How to Launch the Code

Create a new virtual environment.

virtualenv -p python3
source ./bin/activate

Download code and install dependencies.

svn export
pip install -r automatic_structured_vi/requirements.txt

Evaluate ASVI on the brownian motion model.

python -m automatic_structured_vi.run_vi --model_name=brownian_motion --posterior_type=asvi --num_steps=1000

This should generate a loss plot, a JSON of samples from the posterior, and a JSON continaing values including losses and the final ELBO.

Experimental Pipeline

The experimental pipeline in this repository compares the following variational posteriors on the following models from TensorFlow Probability's Inference Gym:

Variational Posteriors

  1. ASVI: Automatic structured variational inference
  2. Mean-field: Mean-field ADVI
  3. Small IAF Inverse autoregressive flows with eight hidden units
  4. Large IAF: Inverse autoregressive flows with 512 hidden units
  5. MVN: Multivariate normal posterior
  6. AR(1): Autoregressive model

Inference Gym Models

  1. Brownian Motion: 30-step Brownian motion without drift, as well as a variant that includes global variables where the innovation and observation noise scale parameters are unknown
  2. Lorenz Bridge: 30-step Stochastic Lorenz dynamical system, as well as a variant that includes global variables where the innovation and observation noise scale parameters are unknown
  3. Eight Schools: Standard Bayesian hierarchical model as described in Gelman et al. 2013
  4. Radon: Hierarchical linear regression model as described in Gelman and Hill, 2007

Abstract: Stochastic variational inference offers an attractive option as a default method for differentiable probabilistic programming. However, the performance of the variational approach depends on the choice of an appropriate variational family. Here, we introduce automatic structured variational inference (ASVI), a fully automated method for constructing structured variational families, inspired by the closed-form update in conjugate Bayesian models. These pseudo-conjugate families incorporate the forward pass of the input probabilistic program and can therefore capture complex statistical dependencies. Pseudo-conjugate families have the same space and time complexity of the input probabilistic program and are therefore tractable for a very large family of models including both continuous and discrete variables. We validate our automatic variational method on a wide range of both low- and high-dimensional inference problems. We find that ASVI provides a clear improvement in performance when compared with other popular approaches such as mean field family and inverse autoregressive flows. We provide a fully automatic open source implementation of ASVI in TensorFlow Probability.

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