


Active Selective Prediction

This is the official repository for the paper -- ASPEST: Bridging the Gap Between Active Learning and Selective Prediction.


  • It is tested under Debian 4.19.260-1 (2022-09-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux and Python 3.7.12 environment.
  • To install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt.


We create six benchmark datasets: mnist->svhn, cifar10->cinic10, fmow, amazon_review, domainnet, and otto. The following datasets are already included in TensorFlow Datasets: mnist, svhn, cifar10, and domainnet. The following datasets need to be downloaded manually:

  • cinic10: can be downloaded from cinic10. Place the downloaded data in $RAW_DATASET_DIR/cinic10.
  • fmow: can be downloaded from wilds. Place the downloaded data in $RAW_DATASET_DIR/wilds_data/fmow_v1.1.
  • amazon_review: can be downloaded from wilds. Place the downloaded data in $RAW_DATASET_DIR/wilds_data/amazon_v2.1.
  • otto: can be downloaded from otto. Place the downloaded data in $RAW_DATASET_DIR/otto-group-product-classification.

Run the following command to build Tensorflow datasets:

./active_selective_prediction/ $RAW_DATASET_DIR $DATA_DIR.

where $RAW_DATASET_DIR is the directory to store the raw datasets and $DATA_DIR is the directory to store the generated TensorFlow datasets.

Note that for the amazon_review dataset, we need to use a GPU to extract the embeddings from RoBERTa. The generated Tensorflow datasets can then be easily loaded via functions in utils.data_util (need to set the global variable DATA_DIR in active_selective_prediction/utils/ The default value of DATA_DIR is ~/tensorflow_datasets/).

To add a new dataset to the codebase, follow these instructions:

  • If the new dataset is not included in the TensorFlow datasets, implement a tfds.core.GeneratorBasedBuilder class for this new dataset and put the class file under the directory ./tfds_generators.
  • Add a builder function for the new dataset in Modify the script and run it to build the new dataset.
  • Add a function to load the new dataset as in utils/
  • If the new dataset requires a new model architecture, implement the model architecture in models/ and add a function to load the new model in utils/
  • Add source training code for the new dataset in Add evaluation code for the new dataset in and
  • Modify the config files under the folder ./configs/ to include the new dataset.

Selective Prediction Methods

  • SR: Softmax Response. Implemented in methods/
  • DE: Deep Ensembles. Implemented in methods/
  • ASPEST: the proposed method Active Selective Prediction using Ensembles and Self-Training (ASPEST). Implemented in methods/

Sampling Methods

Currently, we support the following sampling methods for active learning:

  • UniformSampling: uniform random sampling. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • ConfidenceSampling: Sampling based on model confidence. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • EntropySampling: Sampling based on model entropy. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • MarginSampling: Sampling based on model margin. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • KCenterGreedySampling: K-center greedy sampling method. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • CLUESampling: CLUE sampling method. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • BADGESampling: BADGE sampling method. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • AverageKLDivergenceSampling: average KL divergence sampling method. Implemented in sampling_methods/
  • AverageMarginSampling: sampling method for the proposed method ASPEST. Implemented in sampling_methods/


  • To train a standard model via supervised learning on the source training dataset, use the following command:

python -m active_selective_prediction.train --gpu $gpu --dataset $dataset


  • To evaluate the accuracy of a source trained model on the source validation dataset and the target test dataset, use the following command:

python -m active_selective_prediction.eval_model --gpu $gpu --source-dataset $source --model-path $path

where $path should point to the directory that stores the source trained model checkpoint (e.g., the default value of $path for the color_mnist dataset should be ./checkpoints/standard_supervised/color_mnist).

  • To evaluate an active selective prediction method, use the following command:

python -m active_selective_prediction.eval_pipeline --gpu $gpu --source-dataset $source --method $method --method-config-file $config

where $config should point to the method config file in the active_selective_prediction/configs directory. We provide the default config files for the SR, DE and ASPEST methods.

Running Example

We provide a script ./active_selective_prediction/ to run experiments on MNIST->SVHN. It will train a model on MNIST and then evaluate its accuracy on the MNIST test set and the SVHN test set. After that, it will evaluate the SR+Margin, DE+Margin and ASPEST methods.

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