

STraTA: Self-Training with Task Augmentation

This repository contains data and code for our EMNLP 2021 paper: STraTA: Self-Training with Task Augmentation for Better Few-shot Learning. Our new implementation of STraTA typically yields better results than what reported in our paper.

Note: Our code can be used as a tool for automatic data labeling.

Table of Contents


This repository is tested on Python 3.8+, PyTorch 1.10+, and the 🤗 Transformers 4.16+.

You should install all necessary Python packages in a virtual environment. If you are unfamiliar with Python virtual environments, please check out the user guide.

Below, we create a virtual environment with the Anaconda Python distribution and activate it.

conda create -n strata python=3.9
conda activate strata

Next, you need to install 🤗 Transformers. Please refer to 🤗 Transformers installation page for a detailed guide.

pip install transformers

Finally, install all necessary Python packages for our self-training algorithm.

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install PyTorch as a backend.


Running self-training with a base model

The following example code shows how to run our self-training algorithm with a base model (e.g., BERT, BERT fine-tuned on MNLI, BERT produced by task augmentation) on the SciTail science entailment dataset, which has two classes ['entails', 'neutral']. We assume that you have a data directory that includes some training data (e.g., train.csv), evaluation data (e.g., eval.csv), and unlabeled data (e.g., infer.csv).

import os
from selftraining import selftrain
data_dir = '/path/to/your/data/dir'
parameters_dict = {
'max_selftrain_iterations': 100,
'model_name_or_path': '/path/to/your/base/model', # could be the id of a model hosted by 🤗 Transformers
'output_dir': '/path/to/your/output/dir',
'train_file': os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.csv'),
'infer_file': os.path.join(data_dir, 'infer.csv'),
'eval_file': os.path.join(data_dir, 'eval.csv'),
'evaluation_strategy': 'steps',
'task_name': 'scitail',
'label_list': ['entails', 'neutral'],
'per_device_train_batch_size': 32,
'per_device_eval_batch_size': 8,
'max_length': 128,
'learning_rate': 2e-5,
'max_steps': 100000,
'eval_steps': 1,
'early_stopping_patience': 50,
'overwrite_output_dir': True,
'do_filter_by_confidence': False,
# 'confidence_threshold': 0.3,
'do_filter_by_val_performance': True,
'finetune_on_labeled_data': False,
'seed': 42,

Note: We checkpoint periodically during self-training. In case of preemptions, just re-run the above script and self-training will resume from the latest iteration.

Hyperparameters for self-training

If you have development data, you might want to tune some hyperparameters for self-training. Below are hyperparameters that could provide additional gains for your task.

  • finetune_on_labeled_data: If set to True, the resulting model from each self-training iteration is further fine-tuned on the original labeled data before the next self-training iteration. Intuitively, this would give the model a chance to "correct" ifself after being trained on pseudo-labeled data.
  • do_filter_by_confidence: If set to True, the pseudo-labeled data in each self-training iteration is filtered based on the model confidence. For instance, if confidence_threshold is set to 0.3, pseudo-labeled examples with a confidence score less than or equal to 0.3 will be discarded. Note that confidence_threshold should be greater or equal to 1/num_labels, where num_labels is the number of class labels. Filtering out the lowest-confidence pseudo-labeled examples could be helpful in some cases.
  • do_filter_by_val_performance: If set to True, the pseudo-labeled data in each self-training iteration is filtered based on the current validation performance. For instance, if your validation performance is 80% accuracy, you might want to get rid of 20% of the pseudo-labeled data with the lowest the confidence scores.

Distributed training

We strongly recommend distributed training with multiple accelerators. To activate distributed training, please try one of the following methods:

  1. Run accelerate config and answer to the questions asked. This will save a default_config.yaml file in your cache folder for 🤗 Accelerate. Now, you can run your script with the following command:
accelerate launch --args_to_your_script
  1. Run your script with the following command:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes="{$NUM_NODES}" --nproc_per_node="{$NUM_TRAINERS}" --args_to_your_script
  1. Run your script with the following command:
torchrun --nnodes="{$NUM_NODES}" --nproc_per_node="{$NUM_TRAINERS}" --args_to_your_script

Practical recommendations

We recommend starting with a pre-trained BERT model first to see how it performs on your task. Next, you might want to try self-training with a BERT model fine-tuned on MNLI (you could use our pre-trained models), i.e., fine-tuning BERT on MNLI before self-training it on your task. If MNLI turns out to helpful for your task, you could possibly achieve better performance by applying task augmentation to obtain a stronger base model for self-training.

Task augmentation

T5 NLI data generation model checkpoints

We release the following T5 NLI data generation model checkpoints used in our paper:

Note that our models were trained using a maximum sequence length of 128 for both the input and target sequences.

To obtain these models, we fine-tune the original T5-3B model on MNLI in a text-to-text format. Specifically, each MNLI training example (sentA, sentB) → label is cast as label: sentA → sentB. The "reversed" models (with the suffix "-reversed") were trained on reversed examples label: sentB → sentA. During inference, each model is fed a label and a source_text in the format label: input_text as input (e.g., entailment: the facts are accessible to you), and it generates some target_text as output (e.g., you have access to the facts).

Once inference is done, you need to create NLI examples as (input_text, target_text) → label, or (target_text, input_text) → label if you use a "reversed" model.

Generating synthetic NLI data

Please follow the T5 installation instructions to install T5 and set up accelerators on Google Cloud Platform. Then, take a look at the T5 decoding instructions to get an idea on how to produce predictions from one of our model checkpoints.

You need to prepare a text file inputs.txt with one example per line, in the format label: input_text (e.g., contradiction: his acting was really awful). The following example command generates 3 output samples per input using top-k sampling with k=5:

t5_mesh_transformer \
--tpu="${TPU_NAME}" \
--gcp_project="${PROJECT}" \
--tpu_zone="${ZONE}" \
--model_dir="${MODEL_DIR}" \
--gin_file="${MODEL_DIR}/operative_config.gin" \
--gin_file="infer.gin" \
--gin_file="sample_decode.gin" \
--gin_param="input_filename = '/path/to/inputs.txt'"\
--gin_param="output_filename = '/path/to/outputs.txt'"\
--gin_param="utils.decode_from_file.repeats = 3" \ # number of output samples per input
--gin_param=" = {'inputs': 128, 'targets': 128}" \
--gin_param="infer_checkpoint_step = '1065536'" \ # 1000000 pre-training steps + 65536 fine-tuning steps
--gin_param=" = ('sequences_per_batch', 64)" \
--gin_param="Bitransformer.decode.temperature = 1.0" \
--gin_param="Unitransformer.sample_autoregressive.temperature = 1.0" \
--gin_param="Unitransformer.sample_autoregressive.sampling_keep_top_k = 5" \ # top-k
--gin_param="utils.tpu_mesh_shape.tpu_topology = '${TPU_SIZE}'" \

Assume that the input file inputs.txt has 10 examples, you should get an output file outputs.txt with 30 output samples, where the 3i-2, 3i-1, 3i^th output samples correspond to the i^th input example (i=1,2,...,10).

Practical recommendations

We recommend the following practices for task augmentation:

  1. Overgeneration. In our experiments, we perform overgeneration to get a large amount of synthetic NLI training data. We generate 100 output samples per input with top-k (k = 40) sampling. This could be expensive when you have a large amount of unlabeled data though.
  2. Filtering. This is an important step to improve the quality of synthetic NLI training data. We use a BERT model fine-tuned on MNLI in the original format as an NLI classifier to filter synthetic training examples (you could use our pre-trained models or any reliable NLI models available on 🤗 Models). We only keep an example if the NLI classifier's predicted probability exceeds a certain threshold.
  3. Combining synthetic and realistic data. In our experiments, we use a two-stage training procedure where the model is first trained on the synthetic NLI data before being fine-tuned on the realistic MNLI data.

Comparison to our work

To facilitate your evaluation, we release the BERT model checkpoints produced by task augmentation (TA) across datasets used in our few-shot experiments. Note that these models were trained on synthetic NLI data created using unlabeled texts from a target dataset. To avoid differences in evaluation methodology (e.g., training/development data subsets, number of random restarts, etc.), which can have a high impact on model performance in a low-data setting, you might want to perform our self-training algorithm on top of these model checkpoints using your own evaluation setup (e.g., data splits).

DatasetBERT-Base + TABERT-Large + TA


Please check out to see how to perform our self-training algorithm with a BERT Base model produced by task augmentation on the SciTail science entailment dataset using 8 labeled examples per class. Please turn off the debug mode by setting DEBUG_MODE_ON=False. You can configure your training environment by specifying NUM_NODES and NUM_TRAINERS (number of processes per node). To launch the script, simply run source For your reference, below are the results we got with different development sets using distributed training on a single compute note with 4 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPUs.

Development file# Development examplesAccuracy


What should I do if I do not have enough computational resources to run T5 to produce synthetic data?

In this case, you could fine-tune a model on an intermediate task (e.g., MNLI or a closely related task to your task) before using it for self-training on your task. In our experiments, self-training on top of BERT fine-tuned on MNLI performs competitively with STraTA in many cases.

How to cite

If you extend or use this work, please cite the paper where it was introduced:

title = "{ST}ra{TA}: Self-Training with Task Augmentation for Better Few-shot Learning",
author = "Vu, Tu and
Luong, Minh-Thang and
Le, Quoc and
Simon, Grady and
Iyyer, Mohit",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
month = nov,
year = "2021",
address = "Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.emnlp-main.462",
pages = "5715--5731",


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