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Indexing with fastRAG

fastRAG can be used with any Haystack-based indexing store (which levrages on Haystack's DocumentStore class). fastRAG includes a directory scripts/indexing/ with scripts for creating indexes for all of fastRAG supported pipelines.

1. Elasticsearch:

For creating an Elasticsearch index (used with BM25 sparse retriever), the following script can be used:

python scripts/indexing/ \
--store config/store/elastic-local.yaml \
--data config/data/wikipedia_w100_hfdataset.yaml


For creating a FAISS-based dense index with DPR as an embedder/retriver, the following script can be used:

python scripts/indexing/ \
--store config/store/faiss.yaml \
--data config/data/wikipedia_w100_hfdataset.yaml \
--embedder config/retriever/dpr.yaml \
--index-save-path <save path>

3. Qdrant + SentenceTransformers:

For creating a Qdrant-based dense index with a sentence-transformer model as an embedder/retriver, the following script can be used:

python scripts/indexing/ \
--data config/data/wikipedia_hf_6M.yaml \
--embedder config/embedder/sentence-transformer.yaml \
--store config/store/qdrant.yaml \
--batch_size 64


PLAID (Based on this paper) is a dense retrieval index engine that stores token vectors using an efficient algorithm. PLAID must be used with dense token embedder such as ColBERT which can embed tokens and utlizes a token-to-token ranking similarity method for ranking documents. More info on PLAID can be found in our models page.

PLAID Requirements:

  1. Indexing with a GPU is supported with a RTX 3090 (Ampere) or newer and PyTorch should be installed with CUDA support using:

    pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
  2. PLAID utilized faiss for running kmeans clustering. For higher performance it is required to install faiss-gpu (for both CPU/GPU backends) via conda package manager. See this page for detailed instructions.

For creating a PLAID-based dense index, a ColBERT checkpoint is reuired in addition to a corpus and store configuration. The following script can be used to create such index:

python scripts/indexing/ \
--checkpoint=<path-to-colbert-model-checkpoint> \
--collection=<path to tsv collection> \
--index_save_path=<index-save-path> \
--gpus=0 \
--ranks=1 \
--name=plaid_test \

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