1 строка · 11.3 Кб
[{"sentence": "ind What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who was the author of `` John Brown 's Body '' ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "title What does Robin Williams do ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Which of the following men was not married to Rita Hayworth ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who was the first American citizen awarded the Albert Medal of the Society of Arts ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "gr What professional sports league originated the college draft ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Name 11 famous martyrs .", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who lived on the shores of the Gitchee Gumee River ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who runs Andy Capp 's favorite pub ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "desc Who is Desmond Tutu ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What writer-journalist made his mark describing colorful Broadway and underworld characters ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "title What is Nicholas Cage 's profession ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What 's the name of the actress who starred in the movie , `` Silence of the Lambs '' ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What appointments secretary to Richard Nixon went to jail ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who made the first surfboard ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who is the leader of India ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "gr Name a ballet company Mikhail Baryshnikov has danced for ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What was the role of the Medieval Guild ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What President served for five years , six months and 2 days ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind What President had never held an elected office until he was elected to the White House ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Whose video is titled Shape Up with Arnold ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "ind Who is the famous sister of actress Olivia De Havilland ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "HUM"}, {"sentence": "manner How can I enforce new rules to a group of youngsters who have been allowed to do as they please .", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "manner How did Jayne Mansfield die ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "manner How can I get a comic character I made copyrighted and published ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "desc What is Remembrance Day all about ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What is a hydrogen bond ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "desc What is the origin of head lice ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What is `` alternative '' anymore ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What is the Hub of London ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "desc What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "desc What is the origin of the word `` Teddy bear '' ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "manner How does food color affect how you think it will taste ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What does the term `` spaghetti western '' mean ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "manner How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "desc What is the difference between a median and a mean ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What is the poetic meter of blank verse ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "manner How does an ion drive work ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def What is lung cancer ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "desc What do you say to a friend who ignores you for other friends ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "def Define Spumante .", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "manner How do I register a trade name in North Carolina ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "reason What currents affect the area of the Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands in the North Sea ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "DESC"}, {"sentence": "other What are the names of all the seas in the world and what ocean do they drain into ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "other What 's the home of the Rockettes ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "other Where did the Japanese Imperial Forces surrender to end WWII ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "other Where can I get information on the original 13 US colonies ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "other What colorful sea 's region does Greek legend say the Amazons lived near ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "other Where on the Web is Adventours Tours from Sydney , Australia ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "state What state 's home to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "city What city boasts Penn 's Landing , on the banks of the Delaware river ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "other Where did Woodstock take place ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "LOC"}, {"sentence": "state 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"aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "other What were hairy bank notes in the fur trade ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "substance What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "food When it 's time to relax , what one beer stands clear ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "cremat On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "word What 's another word that means `` knows all '' ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "animal What animal migrates the farthest ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "termeq What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "food What do manatees eat ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "other What dropped 1 , 313 feet in 1980 ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "other What weapon is the mythological character Apollo most proficient with ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "veh What were the names of the three ships used by Columbus ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "termeq What are dinosaur droppings called ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "event What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "other What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "event What phenomenon would you expect to read about in the monthly publication The Bigfoot News ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "substance What is the chemical composition of a Barbie ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "sport What kind of a sports team is the Wisconsin Badgers ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ENTY"}, {"sentence": "sport What are new 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Technology compared with the material made from cellulose ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "NUM"}, {"sentence": "count How many propellers helped power the plane the Wright brothers flew into history ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "NUM"}, {"sentence": "date What year was the Avery Dennison company founded ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "NUM"}, {"sentence": "exp What does RCA stand for ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ABBR"}, {"sentence": "exp What does the abbreviation OAS stand for ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ABBR"}, {"sentence": "exp What does the channel ESPN stand for ?", "aspect": "QA", "sentiment": "ABBR"}]

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