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[{"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Division of Arabidopsis thaliana Proteins into Families using PFAM\nEach probeset in the Affymetrix ATH1 microarray platform was mapped using BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990) to the\nTable 3.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "This paper examines these problems by evolving the PCL (Pictorial Computing Laboratory) model presented in [8, 9] for WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers) environments [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Based on current evidence, patients not suitable for the Stupp et al.(1,2) protocol of chemo-radiation to a dose of 60 Gy in 30 fractions include alternative hypofractioned regimes such as 40 Gy in 15 fractions, 45 Gy in 20 fractions and 34 Gy in 10 fractions.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026cognitive impairments, for instance in the fields of memory, executive functions and attention, their psychomotor functions showed no discrepancy (Porter et al., 2003).\nimpliCit learning\nBesides working memory, another important component of cognitive functions is implicit learning, which is the\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The methods of research are described in most detail in [1]; the methods of measurement and analysis of EEG coherence are described in [2]; brief information about their most essential elements is given below.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "First, correlational and principal components analyses were used to examine the relationship between TVA parameters and performance on the Fixed and Ran-\n dom versions of the SART (Robertson et al., 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Using Beamformer Techniques: Advantages and Limitations\n81\nOther systematic effects of the CSSM model were also considered and evaluated in Quraan and Cheyne (2010), including the effect of distance between suppression point and interferer, the effect of the size of the suppression region, the\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A selection of real-time beat tracking algorithms have been developed that might be suitable for such a task, including B-Keeper [19], a specialised drum tracking system, IBT\u223c [20], a multi-agent system based on Dixon\u2019s Beatroot [21], and btrack\u223c [7] and beatseeker\u223c [8] which use autocorrelation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "nigrifrons in 1994\u2013 1995 (Knogge and Heymann 2003) and reproductive hormones in male (Huck et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "CSE [prepared by dissolving the collected smoke particulates in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)] or cytokine mix (TNF- and IFN- ) induced MMP-12 mRNA in HBEC (177, 178).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "On at least one occasion eight biopsy specimens (4-greater curvature and 4-lesser curvature) from the gastric body mucosa were taken as described previously [5, 24, 29].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Participants The present study is an analysis of previously gathered data on 58 white men and 49 premenopausal women, without overt disease, who were recruited from the general public and had participated in previously published exercise- and/or diet-induced weight loss studies at Queen\u2019s University (Kingston, ON, Canada) [7, 23\u201325].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The data sets we use are publicly available from two widely used knowledge graphs, WordNet [37] and Freebase [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For the purposes of this article, we use ROC analysis as a method of examining the performance of a classifier at distinguishing between two discrete states of the world (Fawcett, 2006; Macmillan & Creelman, 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The rate of OJ\u2212 # production during reactions in vitro was measured as the superoxide dismutase (SOD)-sensitive rate of cytochrome c reduction (Imlay & Fridovich, 1991) in a Beckman DU 650 spectrophotometer.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "When we compare the sponge species composition of the caves studied with that of other Mediterranean caves (e.g. Marseilles caves, Pouliquen, 1972; Harmelin & Vacelet, 1997; and Migtigliano cave, Balduzzi et al., 1989), we \u00ac\u00a8\u00ac\u00a2nd that the number of species in common is generally low, and decreases\u201a\u00c4\u00f6\u221a\u00d1\u00ac\u2202", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "squarrosa in a previous study (Spagnuolo et al. 2007) was substantially confirmed in this study.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "8\nTo validate the quality of our categorization, the next section discusses series of experiments that compare the performance of the vector space categorization approach with one of the top classifiers, Na\u00efve-Bayes (Friedman et al., 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "A reduction in TNF- and IL-1 has been associated with weight and fat reduction, as well as with improved insulin sensitivity [3] and thus, our current results are also in conformity with a previous report in which we showed that the same RE reduced body weight and improved serum lipids and insulin in Le rats [13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Under simplifying assumptions, we have analytically shown how disynaptic inhibition that is as fast as mono-synaptic excitation can extend the effective range of inhibitory interactions, in contrast to the recent analytical results showing that in the case of equal synaptic delays on all connections the disynaptic inhibition has negligible effects (Muir and Cook, 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our observations, showing increased sIL2R levels during acute exercise, are supported by the results of others (Baum et al. 1994; Dufaux and Order 1989; Sprenger et al. 1992; Tilz et al. 1993); together these findings suggest that elevated receptor levels during exercise could bind IL-2, and hence down-regulate IL-2-dependent cell-mediated immune responses by reducing free circulating IL-2 levels and/or mitogen-stimulated cell proliferation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026P450 1A5 was immunoinhibited (reflecting the contribution of 3A37 only), TLMs produced exo-AFBO and AFQ1, best fitted by sigmoidal kinetic Hill plot in agreement with the previous reports for AFB1 metabolism catalyzed by human P450 3A4 (Ueng et al., 1995) and turkey P450 3A37 (Rawal et al., 2010b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results show that strong WM deficits are produced, thus lending support to the hypothesis (37, 38) that low-frequency oscillations in subregions of the thalamus are causal in producing symptoms of SZ.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Following [18], denote \u03bbM = bn \u221e (9) to be the characteristic mitosis rate, \u03bbR = \u03bc\u03b3 LD \u22123 (10)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Such MAC algorithms and universal hash functions include UMAC [9], MMH [17], NMH [17], Square Hash [15], Poly1305-AES [6], CWC [25], GCM/GMAC [30, 31], and a recent polynomial variant by Bernstein [7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Individual members of the formin family have been shown to mediate formation of functionally distinct actin structures in cells, including SFs, filopodia, isotropic cortical actin networks, and mitochondria-associated actin (Skau and Waterman 2015; Campellone and Welch 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Since cryptographic systems on medical devices are susceptible to differential power analysis and fault analysis attacks [29\u201340], it is critical to analyze the security of Rainbow on hardware.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of the HD-Zip I and II families function as developmental regulators, specifically being involved in regulation of developmental adaptation to environmental stress conditions (e.g. Meijer et al. 1997; Lee and Chun 1998; Scarpella et al. 2000, 2002; Manavella et al. 2006; Komatsuda et al. 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Transient expression of SV40 small t activates MEK and MAP kinase in a PP2A-dependent fashion (51, 53), but the precise role of PP2A in the Ras/MAP kinase pathway is unresolved.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026has been described variously, as intramural coronary artery, mural coronary artery, coronary artery overbridging, and most commonly myocardial bridging (MB) (Canyigit et al. 2009; Lazoura et al. 2010; Mohlenkamp et al. 2002; Montaudon et al. 2007; Ozbag et al. 2002; Ozbag and Kervancioglu 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ") and animals (an elephant, a camel, a horse) from a standard set were presented to the sub jects [35].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The AML12 cell line consists of well-differentiated and nontumorigenic murine hepatocytes derived from the liver of a transgenic mouse overexpressing human transforming growth factor alpha (55).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These studies have also demonstrated increased proteasome inhibition and improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters for ixazomib [11, 14, 15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The perisylvian speech-language region in humans is known to be predominantly larger in the left hemisphere of righthanded individuals (LeMay 1976; Galaburda et al. 1978; Hepper et al. 1991; Foundas et al. 1994; LeMay 1999; Shapleske et al. 1999; Naidich et al. 2001; Hamilton et al. 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "cresylglucuronide (pCG), p-cresylsulfate (pCS), indole-3acetic acid (IAA), and 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropionic acid (CMPF) [9\u201319], all solutes of pathophysiological relevance.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Increasing evidence indicates that penetration of the SFV genome into a cell involves membrane fusion and that the most likely site for penetration is the secondary lysosome (Helenius et al., 1980a, b; White & Helenius, 1980; White et al., 1980, 1981).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026the mouse heart was lost after ADX (Oishi et al., 2006) and the circadian expression of heart mPai-1 was completely abolished in Clockmutant mice (Minami et al., 2002; Oishi et al., 2005a), these results suggest that the distal mPai-1 E-box identified here is a target for GC action and may\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026said, however, that M. senhousia, as well as other alien species, might initially increase local species number; however, through strong direct or indirect effects, it might lead to reduced species richness of native species, and a decrease in the abundance of remaining species (Ruiz et al., 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Our results suggest that the attractiveness genes may express not only during sexual maturation and reproduction but also during earlier life and their expression has antagonistic effects during the early stage [23, 46].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As a result, a preliminary version of the Q-SEA instrument has previously been published [10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Construct validity of the CORE as a measure of melancholia\nVares et al. (2015) investigated the underlying dimensions of depression\ncomparing instruments that measure depression from different perspectives \u2013 namely, a self-report symptomatic scale (Beck Depression Inventory), a clinician-rated\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, knowing MWEs at the source side already can improve the quality of MT (Carpuat and Diab 2010), and sometimes it is better to transliterate them instead of translating them (Pal et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "When phylogeographic transitions coincide with geography, as with the separate distributions of lineages A and B-C, divergence in isolation is a sound explanation (Avise, 2000).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026intriguing are the recent observations showing\nextensive polymorphisms in the circadian clock genes in humans including Period (Per) genes that have been shown to be involved in alcohol-induced changes in circadian rhythms in rodents (Perreau-Lenz et al., 2009; Spanagel et al., 2005a,b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Experience of using technology has a significant impact on an individual\u2019s attitude and intention to use technology (Igbaria and Guimaraes, 1995; Kim and Garrison, 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In a study that determined the response of the spine to sudden loads causing sagittal flexion, it was found that abdominal muscles rapidly responded to the sudden load with a large increase in muscle activation (Krajcarski et al., 1999). Also, Krajcarski et al. concluded that increases in EMG amplitudes of abdominal and trunk extensor muscles were determined predominantly by the added load magnitude and not the pre-loads. Chiang (in press) conducted a similar study with the difference being the trunk motion investigated was lateral bend instead of trunk flexion. Similar to Krajcarski et al. (1999), Chiang (in press) concluded that increased muscular activity due to pre-loads leads to increases in trunk muscle stiffness and spine stability.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Age or growth-dependent increases of trace-elements (such as Hg and Se) were often found in tissues of top-predators (Kunito et al., 2004; Seixas et al., 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Cawthorn et al. (2008) reported that sensitivity of this chromogenic media for isolation of Cronobacter was 100%.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Ten Caucasian patients with grossly increased levels of N-isovalerylglycine and N-isovalerylcarnitine were diagnosed with IVA and the metadata on these cases are described in Dercksen et al. 2012.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Some concepts of theory contraction and revision are studied, for example, by Alchourr6n, Gardenfors and Makinson in [1], [2], [6], [12].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Optimization Metrics When sampling phrase sets for text entry experiments, memorability and representativeness are two metrics that have been widely adopted by researchers [23, 25, 33, 39].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "responsive elements (GREs), and indirectly, through suppression of other transcription factors (eg, NF-jB); and these mechanisms are relevant to GC efficacy and possibly side effects in DMD.(30,31) The SPP1 promoter is predicted to contain both GREs and NF-jB\u2013responsive sites, and further studies are needed to dissect these mechanisms both in vitro and in vivo.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Moreover, the damp effect introduced by the back-plate will cause acoustic impedance, and to decrease the sensitivity of microphones subsequently [8-9].", "aspect": "scicite"}]

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