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[{"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "One of the reasons is that the target model contains some background pixels [15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Butanol tolerance is a complex phenotype involving multiple loci (Makarova et al., 2006; Papoutsakis, 2008; Winkler et al., 2010), making the engineering of strains with enhanced tolerance to this solvent difficult.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026is a three-step mechanism containing three separate steps: (i) binding the enzyme E to the substrate S, (ii) the reversible catalytic conversion between the enzyme-substrate ES and the enzyme-product EP complexes, and (iii) binding of the enzyme E to product P (Heinrich and Schuster, 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The high rate of cardiac and renal dysfunction in critically ill patients limited the discriminative role of BNP, and no BNP value was able to completely rule out the presence of concomitant cardiac dysfunction (7).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "All of the aforementioned methodologies assign a primary role to observation (Baker, 2006), which is defined as the \u201csystematic recording of observable phenomena or behavior", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Accumulating evidence suggests that cellular senescence is one of the intrinsic safeguards against cancer progression as well as contributes to tissue/organism aging and age-related disease [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although the existence of serum and retinal nonresponders may be explained by interindividual variations in the uptake of lutein into serum [16], this argument cannot explain the existence of retinal nonresponders.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Another work [9] proposes a blind reversible watermarking approach for medical images based on histogram shifting in a wavelet domain.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This dysbiosis may impact the presence of interleukin-17 (IL17)-producing T-helper cells (Th17) and regulatory T cells (Tregs), as the development of these cells is heavily reliant on the microbial composition (Atarashi et al. 2011; Ivanov et al. 2009; Kriegel et al. 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The stringency level was specified so that analog plasma profiles achieving the criteria match their referent more closely than did those obtained using the nonlinear mixed-effects approach [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "To model a large class of such situations von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) came up with a definition of a simple game which is the simplest possible type of a cooperative game, where the payoffs of coalitions are either 1 or 0, i.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "There are also some studies on applying differential privacy to non-interactive frequent sequence mining [8, 9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Conditional double mutants of trf4 with top1-7 showed ribosomal DNA (rDNA) condensation phenotypes (Sadoff et al, 1995; Castano et al, 1996), and were reported to display defects in mitotic segregation (Wang et al, 2000; Edwards et al, 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "12 that outgroup dehumanization is conceptually and empirically distinct from outgroup prejudice, and also that it is uniquely associated with outgroup aggression (Kteily et al., 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Herbivore- or elicitor-induced volatile release varies with time and treatment, applied amount of elicitor (Halitschke et al. 2000), and the herbivore damage level (Gouinguene et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Sunitinib is one of several agents, including sorafenib, bevacizumab, and temsirolimus, which target the inhibition of pro-angiogenic growth factor activity and have shown favorable results in clinical trials against metastatic clear-cell RCC [15-17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We choose hierarchical parameter priors following Smith and Kohn [15] and Nott and Green [14], taking the prior for \u03b2\u0304\u03b3 given \u03b3 and \u03c3 2 to be Normal", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To train the model, we optimize cross-entropy loss with stochastic gradient descent using minibatched backpropagation through time (BPTT; Rumelhart et al., 1988; Mikolov, 2012); the minibatch size for BPTT, again tuned on the dev set, is set to 9.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "quantification of RAM in the biological fluids including liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) (Gupta et al., 2011; Pilli et al., 2011; Patel et al., 2014), high performance", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For this a pneumatic sensor (SIGaT\u00ac\u00c6, Ganzoni, Switzerland) was used to receive the in vivo pressure dimensions at B- and C-Level based on a previous study (Gaied et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Then, the SVM, which has been proven to have high efficiency in classifying the high-dimensional feature in previous studies (Lilleberg et al. 2015, Zhang et al. 2015b), was applied to our proposed model to identify the urban land use types in the TAZs.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Estimation of overall mortality ratio (relative risk) was carried out using the random e ects model according to DerSimonian and Laird [9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We propose to use a family of densities parametrized by functions belonging to a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) HY with positive semidefinite kernel k (Canu et al., 2006; Fukumizu, 2009; Sriperumbudur et al., 2017).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Our previous studies showed that SD03-15 possesses 90.1 (nsp2) or 94.5 % (GP5) amino acid identity to SD01-08 (Fang et al., 2004, 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Comparison of sperm retrieval rate according to testicular histology\nFive of the included studies made a comparison of sperm retrieval according to testicular histology (Okada et al., 2002; Tsujimura et al., 2002; Ramasamy et al., 2005; Colpi et al., 2009; Ghalayini et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "comparisons of the current results of TMS effects received from the tactile unimodal WM task with the previous findings of TMS effects received from a tactile-visual cross-modal WM task (Ku et al., 2015), the authors believe that it is a reasonable assumption that the", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Some studies suggest a conservative approach (23, 24), while others support more radical treatment (18, 25, 26); there is, however, a lack of studies distinguishing between different types of oral infections.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results are in agreement with previous ones (Gabrielson et al., 2002; Al-Bakri and Afifi, 2007), so that such assays seem to be not particularly useful for enterococci.", "aspect": "scicite"}]

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