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[{"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The study results support findings from similar studies using VIA screening, which have demonstrated the effectiveness, safety, and feasibility of a screening program based on VIA testing [2\u201312,16].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This conclusion is consistent with the results and conclusions of Fu et al. (2002) who allowed N-22 patients 3 mo to adapt to an octave shift.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This conclusion is consistent with previous results (7, 21, 22) that suggest that the increase in ALC produced by the b-adrenergic agonists isoproterenol and terbutaline is characterized by an increase in the proportion of the total sodium transport that is amiloride-sensitive.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This result is in accordance with the phylogenetic tree analysis of two other pufferfish genes identified recently, IFN and ISG15 (Altmann et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Consistent with previous reports that acute in vitro exposure of brain slices to kynurenine enhances KYNA synthesis (Turski et al., 1989; Gramsbergen et al., 1997; Scharfman et al., 1999), incubation of rat hippocampal slices with 200 M kynurenine led to a continuous de novo synthesis of endogenous\u201a\u00c4\u00f6\u221a\u00d1\u00ac\u2202", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our finding supports the results of the earlier studies that the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism is associated with psychiatric disorders with a primary affective component (Contreras et al., 2010; Gressier et al.,2016; Buoli et al., 2016).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026clear differences in behavior toward family members and friends (Hamilton 1964; Roberts 2010) and is consistent with previous studies that have found an increase in closeness to parents occurring during the transition to university (Kenny 1987; Pipp et al. 1985; Sullivan and Sullivan 1980).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Previous studies have shown that sialome genes were subject to strong ancient selective pressures that have resulted in species-specific adaptations (Varki 2001; Angata et al. 2004; Altheide et al. 2006; Varki & Gagneux 2009), suggesting that they likely evolved in response to ancient pathogens The function of sialome genes, i.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "There was no difference in results between the two treatment backgrounds, the presence of metformin did not affect the results, which is consistent with earlier studies of the SGLT2 inhibitors dapagliflozin [15,16] and canagliflozin [17,18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These observations are in accord with the result of Lumb and coworkers that the C-terminus activation domain of human c-Fos, although functionally active, is essentially devoid of the stable a-helical or b-sheet structure typical of globular proteins (Campbell et al. 2000).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In order to determine the coding potential of each MuLVERV isolate, the ORFs for gag, pol and env polypeptides were compared to the MuLV references (Supplementary Table S2) (Shinnick et al., 1981; Urisman et al., 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In agreement with results from a previous study in this laboratory (17), administration of 2 mg/kg body wt MDP significantly inhibited food intake in the second experiment.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Data derived from Rosengaus et al. (1998) was used to compare the survivorship of I. schwarzi to that of Z. angusticollis following exposure to masscorrected doses of conidia.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "It should be recognized nevertheless that the previously proposed formation and decay times of this hKL intermediate (Dioumaev and Braiman, 1997a) are now concluded to have been incorrect.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "We previously studied laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy using a single ancillary port and we obtained similar results regarding patient satisfaction with the operation scar (Capar et al. 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Accordingly, an analaysis of JV and SS may be captured better in a pooled/panel data-set rather than in a single cross-section data (e.g., that analysed by Javorcik and Wei (2009)).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These observations confirm previous results from our team [53] who reported that an early reduction of CgA levels within 3 months from treatment (either surgical or systemic) can anticipate favourable prognosis.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Interestingly, expression of proinflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-a and macrophage inflammatory protein 1a) and macrophage markers (CD68 and EMR1) were not significantly changed between HF-PP and HF-CP despite the reduced adiposity and improved glucose tolerance, whereas they were significantly increased in HF-CP compared with LF-V consistent with other previous findings (28,29,46,47).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results differ from a previous canine ACHMmissense mutation, CNGB3-D262N, located in the S2 transmembrane segment of CNGB3 [24, 51].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results contrast with those of Drago et al. (1991), who reported that IGF-I acted as a survival factor for an FGF-2-responsive progenitor cell that gave rise to neurons and glia.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026shown to be difficult to measure and studies have found conflicting results regarding the locations of peak shear pressures beneath the foot (Pollard et al., 1983, Tappin and Robertson, 1991, Hosein and Lord, 2000, Perry et al., 2002, Yavuz et al., 2007, Stucke et al., 2012, Mori et al., 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In our previous study of slow regular saccades, we demonstrated the invariance of saccadic latencies with target angular displacement (Darrien et al., 2001) but had diYculty in reconciling the results with those of previous studies which showed an increase in latency (Fuller, 1996; Kalesnykas &\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026literature, we can further confirm that PEOU is positively related to PU (Lee and Park, 2008), PU is positively related to attitude and intention (Kim and Garrison, 2009), and that attitude is positively related\nba f 2b R2c Q2d q2e\nH1: PIIT-PEOU 0.750** n/af 0.563 0.318 n/a H2: PIIT-PU 0.162 nsg\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Although originally described as a potent stimulator of glucose-dependent insulin secretion, recent studies [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13] have shown that the intestinal hormone GLP-1 also prevents the onset of diabetes and ameliorates existing diabetes through a mechanism that includes enhancement of beta-cell mass [16, 17, 18, 19, 20].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Particles size of the diet seems to have great importance in regulating the intake in broiler chickens, that show preference for diets containing larger particles instead of those finely ground (Nir et al., 1994a).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Subsequently, the natural infection of pigs with 2009/H1N1 has been reported in more than 10 countries, including China [3,4], Thailand [5], South Korea", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "To deal with the high computational complexity of 3D geometrybased matching techniques, existing works typically adopt a pre-processing stage to quickly identify a small set of candidates which are later refined with geometry-based matching [3, 11, 7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The downregulation of IL-12 and TNF-\u03b1 by atRA could further redirect the immune balance toward immunoglobulin production and a humoral immune response as suggested by the studies in vitamin A deficient mice (53, 54) and the increased susceptibility of vitamin A deficient children to measles (7, 55).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As proposed by Hendriks et al. \u201cin some narratives the speaker may not yet have clearly established the second character as the new topic\u201d (p. 404, Hendriks et al., 2014), which could explain the use of NPs instead of pronouns to bring these characters in focus.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This is a puzzling finding, for in the barn owl, with its excellent high frequency hearing, there are no \u2018tall\u2019 hair cells in the basal half of the papilla (Smith et al., 1985).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2016), as demonstrated in machine comprehension (Du et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2017b; Yuan et al., 2017) and question answering (Tang et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The implied translational impairment of Scp160p target mRNAs in Scp160p-deficient cells is consistent with their slow-growth phenotype, especially when grown on media supplemented with translation elongation inhibitors (11,12).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026the Drosophila wing, for example, the localization of Fz and Dsh becomes restricted to the distal edge of the apical cell membrane, and these PCP complexes are mirrored at the proximal edge by accumulations of Vang and Pk (Axelrod, 2001; Bastock et al., 2003; Strutt, 2001; Strutt and Strutt, 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[5,6,13,14] The abdominal superficial venous dominance is one of the most extended and accepted (but not proved) hypothesis for explaining the diffuse congestion as a large diameter SIEV may denote dominance over the deep venous system.[6] Blondeel et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Hari and Kiesila\u0308 (1996) found that in controls, the illusion disappeared at intervals exceeding 90 ms, while in dyslexics, it persisted up to 500 ms.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, as previously discussed, choice of host species has been shown to greatly influence the outcome of a Salmonella infection, and several studies utilizing a variety of advanced model systems have shown that T3SSs are necessary for Salmonella invasion and infection of these models [17,18,19,21,22,23,26,39].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Accumulating evidence indicates that NSAIDs have pleiotropic effects in many cell types, and therefore may have a therapeutic role in several conditions including prevention and treatment of certain types of cancer,([36]) and in prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease.([22]) It has been demonstrated previously that Ibuprofen, as well as other NSAIDs, activate PPAR\u03b3 in several cell types.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Preclinical work by Dyrby et al. (2013) highlights the benefits of such strong gradients and the first results from the Connectome scanner (McNab et al., 2013; Duval et al., 2014; Ferizi et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2015) are now starting to verify those findings.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Krajcarski et al (1999) and Chiang (in press) have provided a greater understanding of the active muscular response that is responsible for maintaining stability.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Two meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials indicated that consumption of unfiltered coffee increases serum lipid levels [77, 78].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In graminaceous plants, iron (Fe) chelators called phytosiderophores are secreted\nfrom the roots, and play an essential role in acquiring sparingly soluble Fe in the rhizosphere (Herbik et al. 1999; Higuchi et al. 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "in 17 patients (mainly femoral- and iliac-artery thromboembolism and aortic thrombosis in 11 neonates) [13, 14, 23, 36, 41].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In the same way, the maximum E-CSF/E-serum ratio for RBP was detected at E4 but not at E3, coinciding with its suggested activity in retinol transport to the E-CSF (Parada et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Nowadays, there are only a few studies that have a systemic view on these accidents (Bentley 2008) and which try, by using detailed analysis (Gao and Abeysekera 2004, Leclercq and Thouy 2004, Bentley et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "ioral disorders and social phobias in children of these patients are significantly higher than healthy controls (25).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026habitat induced by natural (e.g., bamboo die-offs as a result of mass flowering, earthquake-induced landslides) and/or human (e.g., land use/cover change, agricultural expansion, bamboo harvesting) disturbances (Liu et al., 2001; Mackinnon and De Wulf, 1994; Vi\u00f1a et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Experiments on standard testbed videos demonstrate that our algorithm possesses comparable or superior performance comparing to the state-of-the-art approaches designed for specific applications [11, 9, 17, 18, 5, 13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The recommended medium for HUES-7 is HUES-C (see Table 1; Cowan et al., 2004), which differs significantly from BG-SK medium.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Signals inspector such as oscilloscope, image processing library such as OpenCV, pattern matching algorithm (Dynamic Time Warping [9], five degrees-offreedom gesture recognition) are integrated and ready-to-use to support that informal design technique.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Begg\u2019s funnel plots [21] and Egger\u2019s regression method [22] were conducted to detect the potential publication bias (P,0.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Thus, we followed [3, 36] to select the 37 animal categories in the three datasets for evaluation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For a close and equitable comparison with other systems based on the same biologically motivated model, we chose to do our experiments on the Caltech-101 database [7], which has become a de facto standard for evaluating algorithms for multiclass category-level recognition, though it lacks in several important sources of intra-class variability [8].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For seeking the optimal value of Wh of the sub-problems which corresponds to the h-th level, we can solve the problem by the smoothing proximal gradient (SPG) method [6] fortunately.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Each participant underwent four static stretching exercises designed to stretch the leg extensor muscles of the dominant limb, according to the procedures of Cramer et al. (2004a, 2005) and Nelson et al. (2001b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Pellegrini-Calace M, Maiwald T, Thornton JM (2009) PoreWalker: A novel tool for the identification and characterization of channels in transmembrane proteins from their three-dimensional structure.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "All data were analysed using general linear models implemented in the R statistical 228 package (R 2005), and for all models, the significance of the predictor variables was 229 examined hierarchically using a stepwise backward model reduction procedure 230 (Crawley 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The following methods were introduced in order to include structural 3D information in QSARs/QSPRs: CoMFA comparative molecular field analysis and its variants CoMSIA (MSIA - molecular similarity indices Analysis) [23]; \u25aa WHIM - weighted holistic invariant molecular (and its variant MS-WHIM - molecular surface WHIM) [24];\u25aa MTD minimal topological distance (and its variant MSD, S - steric) [25]; \u25aa FPIF - fragmental property index family [26]; \u25aa MDF - molecular descriptors family [27]; \u25aa MDFV - molecular descriptors family on vertices [28-30]; \u25aa TOPS-MODE topological sub-structural molecular design [31-35], \u25aa other approaches [36-39].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "By pooling the data sets from both Ouguerram et al [20] and Schwartz et al [21] and using mmap~2 to account for the difference in the structures of compartmental models, we obtain: kCETP HL\n~5:47+2:05 pool/ day (mean6SEM).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Testing of balance control involved recording biomechanical responses during two perturbation protocols: gait termination (Perry et al., 2001) and gait over uneven terrain (Perry et al., 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In the Pascal VOC Part dataset [3], we used four parts for the bird category.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In the present study, the pharmacokinetics study was conducted in female subjects and the pharmacokinetic comparison with male subjects was performed by using the results of historical data [13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To determine the significance of the change from baseline of each lipid species, subclass, and class during the postprandial period (for dairy or soy meals) we performed the nonparametric Friedman test on the plasma concentration values and corrected for multiple comparisons by using the Benjamini-Hochberg method (23).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A large number of possible routes can exist between any two compounds, particularly those that feature in multiple pathways, and so tools such as KEGG PathComp [6] have been created to automatically perform these searches quickly and efficiently.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Our new scoring function estimates the penalty term from the data to make it consistent with the data, which is similar to the DIC (Deviance Information Criterion) score trying to identify models that best explain the observed data [30].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We conducted pairedchoice food trials (Benz et al., 1992; Nunnally, 1978) on individual gorillas and chimpanzees just before mealtimes using foods from the typical diets and several novel foods that varied in nutrient content (Table II).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To get a rough approximation of the divergence time for the main phylogroups, we used both the higher and the lower sequence divergence rates proposed by Pinho et al. (2007) for the ND4\u2013tRNALeu mitochondrial fragment (2.78% and 1.74% per million years, respectively).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "edu/eeglab); this procedure was extremely effective in decomposing the signals into multiple statistically independent components, allowing artifacts to be easily detected [47].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For each syllable, F0 was time-normalized by extracting 10 temporally equidistant F0 measurements using the Praat script ProsodyPro [31].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The Da phenotype is consistent with the hypothesis of Sporle (2001): a mechanism exists that establishes approximate mirror-image duplication, primarily in somite derivatives.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To illuminate the evolutionary history of GBP family, all newly identified genes combined with 13 previously described GBP genes (Olszewski et al. 2006; Degrandi et al. 2007) were used to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Pubertal stage was scored by trained nurses according to Tanner (24,25) as a means of controlling for differences among children in maturational development not captured in reference growth curves for BMI (26).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Prompted by these observations, recent modeling approaches rely on excitable dynamics to describe gradient sensing and chemotaxis (Xiong et al., 2010; Hecht et al., 2011; Neilson et al., 2011; Cooper et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2013; Knoch et al., 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}]

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