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[{"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results are in contrast with the findings of Santos et al.(16), who reported a significant association between low sedentary time and healthy CVF among Portuguese", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026nest burrows in close proximity of one another appears to be well founded as previously shown by several studies that measured distances between kin vs. non-kin nest burrows, including in long-term data sets (King 1989b; Viblanc et al. 2010; Arnaud, Dobson & Murie 2012; Dobson et al. 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This is clearly in contrast to the results of earlier investigations ( Laprise & Peltier 1989a , Pierre - humbert & Wyman 1985 , Clark & Peltier 1977 ) , where it was found that the criteria for static and dynamic instabilities are simultaneously satisfied .", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026in a subset of alcoholics (Chen et al., 2004; McElroy et al., 2009; Mistlberger and Nadeau, 1992; Rosenwasser et al., 2005a,b; Seggio et al., 2009; Spanagel et al., 2005a); and (vi) The Clock gene is important for the circadian regulation of macronutrient absorption by enterocytes in the gut\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This result is consistent with the conclusions of the aforementioned recent study of (34) and reinforces them from a significantly broader perspective.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Another examples of twisted bicrossproduct Hopf algebra are the null-plane quantized Poincar\u00e9 algebra [6] and extended jordanian deformations of U(sl(N)).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results confirm the other studies suggesting that antioxidants may have a protective effect against CP-induced nephrotoxicity (Borch and Pleasants, 1979; Hanneman and Baumann, 1988; Bogin et al., 1994; Appenroth et al., 1997; Greggi-Antunes et al., 2000; Durak et al., 2002; Mansour et al., 2002; Sueishi et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This latter finding complements the dyspnoea results seen in VMAC and the VERITAS trials.(4,5) Both studies demonstrated large improvements in dyspnoea with both arms of the study.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Two or fewer cancer-containing cores has been shown to correlate with tumour volume in US series (Ochiai et al, 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The regions of dhfr and dhps genes containing the mutations for antifolate resistance were amplified as described elsewhere (Plowe et al. 1995; Wang et al. 1997) and sequenced for detection of the mutations.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00f6\u221a\u00d1\u00ac\u2202clear differences in behavior toward family members and friends (Hamilton 1964; Roberts 2010) and is consistent with previous studies that have found an increase in closeness to parents occurring during the transition to university (Kenny 1987; Pipp et al. 1985; Sullivan and Sullivan 1980).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This cell binding pattern was identical to that obtained with a recombinant human sCD5 (rshCD5) molecule produced in a mammalian cell expression system and coprecipitating a new CD5L with a relative molecular mass of 150 kD [18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This is consistent with the conclusions of others that the acquisition of mutations during treatment is one of the most important factors contributing to therapy failure (7) and suggests that even hypermutator strains of bacteria are likely to require postexposure, induced mutations to evolve resistance during ciprofloxacin or multidrug therapy, which also requires multiple mutations.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Nevertheless, a response-rate of 41% was reached, which is similar to other register-based studies [39, 40].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "OX1 expression can be upregulated on microglia during CNS inflammation (Sedgwick et al., 1991) and there was some overlap of OX1 fluorescence between", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Highly organized association centers of the insect brain such as the central complex with its proven key role in sensory/motor coordination (Strauss 2002; Heinze and Homberg 2007; Strausfeld 2009) and spatial memory and orientation (Liu et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "At present, whether the contrasting results obtained with b-sitosterol are due to differences in the purity of the compound tested or in the primary sequences and, hence, the structures of mammalian and trout ERs is unclear [31].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The high-risk molecular subgroups included the MMSET subtype with a t(4;14) translocation, the MAF/MAFB subtype with a t(14;16) or a t(14;20) translocation, and the proliferation subtype; the low-risk groups consisted of subtypes designated hyperdiploid or low bone disease or marked by CCND1/CCND3 spike signatures (CD-1 or CD-2) (59% vs 35%; P .", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026human Lpin1 polymorphisms have been associated with numerous metabolic traits including insulin and/or glucose levels (Suviolahti et al., 2006; Loos et al., 2007; Wiedmann et al., 2008), resting metabolic rate (Loos et al., 2007) and systolic blood * These authors contributed equally to this work.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Similar logic has been applied to other medical devices, particularly those fixated in rigid structures such as bone [16].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Infection of 1-day-old white leghorn strain D chicks was performed as previously described (Hendrixson and DiRita, 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The potential influence of accommodation (which could be driven through convergence accommodation) was eliminated by presenting the target through a pinhole (B1 mm) optically conjugate to the plane of the pupil [20].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "MMPs are expressed in astrocytes (Gottschall et al., 1995; Muir et al., 2002), and their activity is induced in the presence of A (Deb and Gottschall, 1996; Deb et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The NA-ACCORD began collecting data from multi- and singlesite interval and clinical cohorts in 2006.[46] The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (IOM) has promulgated the NA-ACCORD, due to its size and demographic similarity with PLWHA in the U.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In this section we recall the standard quantization of a scalar field used in LQG [8, 9, 10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Therefore, we used the transformed version of this data set prepared by Konkol and Konop\u0131\u0301k [11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The phase 1, or cardiodynamic phase (Whipp et al. 1982), is followed by a primary and rapid exponential process (phase 2), with the third phase characterised by a delayed rise in _VO2 (slow component) which causes _VO2 to increase toward an elevated steady state, or else it is truncated by the\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This percentage is close to Batjes [46] and Jobb\u221a\u00b0gy\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s [47]results, which showed that more than 50% of the global SOC is stored in subsoil from 30 to 100 cm and confirms that the subsoil layer is indispensable in assessing the accumulation of soil nutrients.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The temperament domains are Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence, and Persistence, and the character domains are Self-Directedness, Cooperation, and Self-Transcendence.(101) Reliability of the Czech translation of the method is also satisfactory.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "As opposed to earlier studies (Cook et al., 2007; Bannard, 2007; Tan et al., 2006), we would like to identify light verb constructions in running text without assuming that syntactic information is necessarily available (in line with Vincze et al. (2011a)).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The starting period is picked as the beginning of the data from Baker et al. (2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In order to improve ABM interventions and optimize symptom change, there has been a recent push to better understand the active ingredients and mechanisms that underlie post-ABM changes in symptoms (Beard 2011; Enock et al. 2014; Mogoa\u015fe et al. 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Bhattacharjee & Ghosh (2013) discussed about probable construction management courses where role-playing teaching could be adopted as a successful pedagogical approach.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "As a proxy of fruit and vegetable intake, we used school cafeteria production records to track servings of fruits and vegetables (Cullen & Watson, 2009; Fiori et al., 2011; Schetzina et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026tick attachment (60% and 65% tick attachment, respectively, when compared to 91% attachment in the controls; \u03b1<0.01) as in previous experiments with D. variabilis (de la Fuente et al. 2007b) but had no effect on R. microplus mortality and oviposition (Table 1) and were not characterized further.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The third one is called David Baker Models 2007, and was developed by Baker\u2019s group in 2007 for protein structure prediction for CASP7 (Das et al. 2007), including 59 native proteins, and each having 100 decoy structures generated by the Rosetta de novo structure prediction algorithm followed by all-atom refinement.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In humans, although low dietary Na has been directly correlated with decreased urinary cystine excretion, compliance is typically poor due to the decreased palatability of low sodium diets (Jaeger et al. 1986, Peces et al. 1991, Rodriguez et al. 1995).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Lysine diisocyanate based degradable polyurethanes have been found to be biocompatible materials with potential uses in drug delivery systems [6] and in tissue engineering [7], including artificial skin [8] and bone [9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As we have pointed out, this pattern of experimental behavior is remarkable and deserves theoretical attention, especially the question as to why the intrinsic enthalpic barriers for isostability folding are so high [29, 31].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": ") using the Cochrane risk of bias tool.(4) Disagreements were resolved by consensus and presented in descriptive and tabled form.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Under the assumption that oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2), deoxy-hemoglobin (Hb) and water are the major absorbers in the probed tissue volume at the two wavelengths considered, we calculated tissue concentrations of HbO2 and Hb in each layer using the following expressions [37]:", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Thirty percent of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ in which the proto-oncogene HER-2/neu was overexpressed had serum antibodies specific to this protein (8, 9).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "thermophilus, an extremely thermophilic Gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the Deinococcus\u2013Thermus phylum (Okanishi et al. 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Muscle and adipose cells overexpressing PED to levels comparable to those occurring in type 2 diabetes feature slightly increased basal glucose uptake with a lack of further insulin-dependent uptake (1).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "My results give one way to interpret the empirical evidence from Baker et al. (2012) that suggests that fiscal policy uncertainty has been an important force behind the fall in consumption, investment, and output that we have seen during the Great Recession. In addition, my model is consistent with the relatively small effects reported by Fern\u00e1ndez-Villaverde et al. (2012b) and Born and Pfeifer (2011) since both studies do not consider the impact of the ZLB. A complementary strand of literature examines the effects of expected fiscal consolidation. Work by Denes, Eggertsson, and Gilbukh (2012) shows that the form of a fiscal consolidation can determine the effectiveness of changes in fiscal policy when the ZLB binds. Bi, Leeper, and Leith (2012), show that uncertainty about the timing and form of a fiscal consolidation can have important effects on the economy.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Graph construction for images Many aspects of image and video organization are based on a graph structure which encodes the match relations among a given set of images [3, 2, 7, 11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As the uncertainty of the MEMS INS data is high, the position estimate needs corrections or further support, for example bymap data (Willemsen, Keller, and Sternberg 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Given the observed in vivo phosphorylation of these residues (Reimann et al., 2013) together with the results presented here, post-translational phosphorylation appears to be a major signaling mechanism for AbfR1 function, acting through the inhibition of DNA binding.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The program considers that recombination rate is proportional to the amount of DNA in each division along the chromosome versus the change of position of the genetic map (Kliman and Hey 1993).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "At least 4 genes (HUA1 and 2, HEN2 and 4) have so far been shown to affect the generation of functional AG mRNA (Chen et al., 2002, Cheng et al., 2003, Li et al., 2001, Western et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The average response rate of participants was 75% across the seven general practices (Mao et al. 2009b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[10] observed that low-voltage ES was not effective on tenderness improvement in Cabrito carcasses but underlined that high-voltage ES was effective on tenderness at 1\u20133 days of postmortem.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A method based on optimizing the training data likelihood, such as Morfessor (Creutz and Lagus, 2002; Creutz and Lagus, 2007; Virpioja et al., 2013), ensures that common phenomena are modeled more accurately, for example by using full forms for highly-frequent words even if they consist of multiple\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of growth by elevated CO2 allows forests to more quickly reach the point in stand development where environmental factors (light, water, nutrients, and so on) limit canopy production, but eventually, trees growing under ambient conditions reach a similar set of limitations to growth (Ko\u0308rner 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Coinciding with our results, it has been previously reported that i.p. injections of \u0152\u2264-glucan reduced IFN-\u0152\u2265 production induced by concanavalin A in mice (Pelizon et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Regarding process mining technologies, we use the alignment technique described in [21] which is available as a plugin in ProM [22].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Lung biopsy, although it has become a routine procedure, is associated with risk of pneumothorax, hemorrhage, air embolism, and death [17, 18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2000)]: a shared feature of vertebrate and invertebrate immunity (Hultmark, 1993; Vilmos & Kurucz, 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We have used multiple linear regression statistics (41) based on the linear combination of the predictors (CAPE, RH850, RH500, VWS, and fAOD) to form a set of predictive equations to estimate the variance of MCS explained lifetime (see Supporting Information).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026and analytical thinking (\u201cI analyzed each chocolate and then chose the best one,\u201d \u201cI went through the chocolate options based on the attributes,\u201d \u201cI evaluated my options in detail\u201d (\u03b1 = .77)) that have been previously identified in the literature (cf., Dijkstraa et al., 2012; Nisbett et al., 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026cell are represented better by the Gegenbauer kernel phase function (Reynolds and McCormick 1980) than by the Henyey\u2013 Greenstein phase function (Henyey and Greenstein 1941), as was shown by Yaroslavsky et al (1996) and by Hammer et al (1998) from single scattering experiments with erythrocytes.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The dominant frequencies closely matched those predicted by Abdullah (1966) for the radial modes of vibration of vortices.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "(Interestingly, when the underlying metric is restricted to the line, the worstknown lowerbound is 9.001, given in Fuchs et al. (2005), yet no constant-competitive algorithm has been found.)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In mammalian cells, cyclin D\u2013CDK4/6 and cyclin E\u2013CDK2 complexes are required to promote cell cycle entrance from quiescence, progression through theG1phase and transition fromG1 into S phase in response to mitogenic stimulation (Pardee, 1989; Malumbres and Barbacid, 2001; Chulu and Liu, 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Hunter take rates\n Hunter take (catch per effort) is a widely applied method for assessing relative abundance of wildlife, including wild swine (Boitani et al. 1994; Fernandez-Llario et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It is hypothesized, however, that its pathogenesis is complex and it is based on the interactions between the genetic factors and other various factors (colonic structure, intestinal motility and diet) as well as all of these individual factors [4].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, several studies suggested that after perturbation, the pattern of richness should be different in different environmental conditions Auclair and Goff 1971; Peet 1978; Huston 1994 .", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Asterisks represent amino acid residues involved in the iron-binding site of dioxygenases (Britsch et al., 1993).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Most other measures consider either the worst case [1, 3], where the operation encounters contention at every step, or the ideal case, when no other process is taking steps [4, 10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In the current study, trial initiation time included the penalty taker\u2019s run-up and a portion of his preparation time to provide sufficient duration before penalty kick action initiation (Panchuk and Vickers 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This demonstrated that, in support of in vitro\nfindings (Brauner-Osborne and Krogsgaard-Larsen 1999; Green et al. 2000; Kaupmann et al.\n1998a; Malitschek et al. 1998), baclofen does not have preferential specificity for the isoforms.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Also, procedures followed for assessment of LV structure and function are known to be highly reliable (Palmieri et al. 1999b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, adjustment of the K current resulted in a linear depolarization of spike threshold, another commonly observed feature of the D-current (Bekkers and Delaney 2001; Dodson et al. 2002; Shen et al. 2004; Guan et al. 2007; Shu et al. 2007a).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Anodal (positive) current is thought to reduce the firing threshold of neurons in brain regions under the electrode, while cathodal (negative) current is thought to raise the firing threshold (Nitsche and Paulus, 2000; Stagg and Nitsche, 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "During the 2010\u20132011, a novel RSV-A ON1 genotype with 72-nt duplication after residue 284 appeared [Eshaghi et al., 2012].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This is totally in accordance with previous results on the in vivo delivery of biologically active molecules by L. lactis strains administered intranasally to mice (Bermu\u0301dez-Humara\u0301n et al., 2003b; Cortes-Perez et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Still, the general notion that interference is mainly due to cue overload at the time of retrieval lived on, despite the fact that multiple efforts to demonstrate that cue-overload effects apply to everyday forgetting (not just laboratory forgetting) generally suggested just the opposite (Underwood & Ekstrand, 1967). In fact, the only reason to believe that cue-overload effects play any role at all in everyday forgetting is that almost everyone can point to a few examples from their own lives where it surely does. But the mere fact that cue-overload effects sometimes play a role does not mean that the role is a substantial one. Summarizing the state of the art late in his career, Underwood (1983) said: \u2018\u2018A relatively few years ago it seemed that a fairly comprehensive theoretical account of forgetting was close at hand,", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Because the con80 domain enhances microtubule binding by p60 and because localization of katanin at mitotic spindle poles requires intact microtubules (McNally and Thomas, 1998), we hypothesized that con80 might influence spindle pole targeting of p60.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Uremia is associated with immunodeficiency caused by functional abnormalities of neutrophils, reduced T and B cell function and impaired monocyte and monocyte-derived dendritic cell function [1,2,3,4,5].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "1 was refined by Bates and Mansour [1] and by Stanley and Wilf [14] who proved results that are equivalent to the following.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results showed that overexpression of MYC induced a substantial increase in \u03b3H2AX in WI-38 VA13 cells (Figure 5), which is consistent with previous reports [33,39].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Thefindings of genetic relationships of the porcine strains of this study with those of human rotavirus, as well as detection of genotypes common to both species, suggest the occurrence of interspecies transmission, in which the pigs likely act as a source of infection for humans [24, 39].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The risk factors for NTM infections are varied and include genetic susceptibility, structural lung damage, autoimmune disease, acquired immunodeficiency states including AIDS, malignancy, and solid organ transplants [10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In this investigation, five experimental groups were selected to compare the metabolite profiles associated with different manifestations of IVA, as follows: (1) The first group consisted of children with the homozygous mutation of the IVD gene (homozygotes), but showing clinical variability (Dercksen et al. 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Their intrinsic distribution is compared to the CCFR data and another meson-cloud model calculation [62] based on the GRV pion distribution functions [72] in Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It can pass into the brain, placenta, and breast milk (ATSDR, 2005; Cohen et al., 2006; WHO, 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "1A, E\u2013G), which has been tested for specificity in Plcb1-knockout mice (Fukaya et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The first of the identified members of the Tc1/mariner DNA transposon superfamily was the Mos1 element in the genome of Drosophila mauritiana [19, 20].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Interestingly, the deacetylase inhibitor TSA was shown to potentiate the acetyltransferase activity of p300/ CBP and thereby enhance NF-nB\u2013dependent activation (20).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Whilst some studies have demonstrated functional outcomes comparable to a primary TKR (9,21), others report inferior outcomes following revision UKR compared to primary TKR (3,8,15,19,24) with a suggestion that the functional outcome may actually", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Previous studies investigating the association between GSTM1 polymorphism and laryngeal cancer risk provided inconsistent results, and most of those studies involved no more than a few hundred laryngeal cancer cases, which were too few to assess any genetic effects reliably [8\u201325].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026temporal lobes during steady-state auditory stimulation (Brookes et al., 2007; Dalal et al., 2006; Popescu et al., 2008; Quraan and Cheyne, 2008; Quraan and Cheyne, 2010), and for primary visual sources (Quraan and Cheyne, 2008; Quraan and Cheyne, 2010), and is likely the case for many other\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026et al, 1999; Weigert et al, 2002), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) (Brink et al, 1999; Haddad et al, 2003), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (Peng et al, 2001), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (Otani et al, 1998; Tamarat et al, 2002) and angiopoietin 2 (Otani et al, 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "New interest has recently re-emerged around Datalog for a wide spectrum of knowledge-oriented applications including distributed programming [25], AI [27], and distributed data management [64], as well as analytics on single-node systems [47, 49].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In another study, Enock et al. (2014) asked participants to complete three sessions per day of Attentional Bias Modification (ABM) training for 28 days.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Nevertheless, EMS has some important disadvantages, such as Golgi tendon organ and myotatic reflex inhibition, which can lead to an increased injury risk (Jubeau et al, 2006; Requena et al., 2005), and some difficulties in obtaining improvements in agonist and antagonist muscle coordination (Holcomb, 2005; Paillard, 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Full-length free-standing lateral spine radiographs (3600 cassette) at baseline and 1- and 2-year follow-up were analyzed using validated software [12, 13] (Spineview , ENSAM, Laboratory of Biomechanics, Paris, France).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The amount of arachidonic acid, 40 nmol/mg protein, was chosen as to produce a maximum or sub-maximum uncoupling and induce apoptosis in about 30% cells (Dymkowska et al., 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Consequences for Computational Modelling The Incremental Algorithm (Dale & Reiter, 1995) is considered most successful in producing human-like referring expressions.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Furthermore, ChIP-seq data of histone modifications have been used to predict expression levels of genes (Karlic\u00c3\u00c5 et al. 2010; Dong et al. 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026that the development of external sexual change of krill is accelerated by photoperiod, although others have shown that the cyclic maturation process is maintained independent of direct control by environmental factors such as food or light (Thomas and Ikeda 1987; Kawaguchi et al. 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "These data were then modeled using a new mechanism-based approach that simulated tablet movement in the GI tract: the Gastro-Intestinal Transit Time (GITT) model [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026that used insect larvae (most often caterpillars of lepidopteran species) to test the eVects of UV-B on feeding preferences or insect performance (Hatcher and Paul 1994; McCloud and Berenbaum 1994; Rousseaux et al. 1998, 2004; Zavala et al. 2001; reviewed in Caldwell et al. 2003; Bassman 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2005) or the discovery of previously unknown strains (Pieniazek et al. 1999; Gramiccia, 2003), but the origin and epidemiological charac-", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Recently, there have existed several automatic fixing techniques for atomicity violations, which can provide soundness guarantees [1], [2], [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In chacma baboons, male-infant relationships can be linked to both formation of friendships and paternity success [30,31].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Evidence consistent with such a mechanism is supplied by the SSA studies performed in subcortical regions where the responses of adapting units are phasic, being typically restricted to the first 50 ms of the tone or less (Anderson et al., 2009; Malmierca et al., 2009; P\u00e9rez-Gonz\u00e1lez et al., 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The presence of severe exacerbation in the previous year is a risk factor for mortality, which confirms the results from other studies (Almagro et al., 2002;Kim, Clark & Camargo, 2006; Piquet et al., 2013; M\u221a\u00ballerova et al., 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "After PH, hepatocytes progress more rapidly through G1 in p21 2/2 mice than in wild-type mice (24).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Antibiotic inhibition and resistance phenotypes are extremely diverse and highly variable among soil bacteria (Davelos et al., 2004a; Vetsigian et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It therefore reflects local activity and is thought to result from increased ipsilateral inhibition occurring concurrently with increased contralateral excitation (Klingner et al., 2010; Shmuel et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Men\u2019s report of having received the best treatment for prostate cancer was found to be high; however, perceived best treatment may vary based on factors including follow-up over time [4] within treatment modality [9]; doctor recommendation [5]; and other physical, psychosocial, and economic issues beyond the treatment phase [1].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "P\nra sa\nth )\ntreatment with Fgf8b is shown, because Fgf8b, the most potent isoform of Fgf8, is the only gene of the studied FGF family members that has been found to be crucial in mesoderm development in the mouse (Guo and Li, 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Schwartz et al. (1997, 2000) published results of investigations of drinking water turbidity in relation to hospital visits for GI illness among children and the elderly in Philadelphia.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "ToM has a complex nature and cannot be reduced to an on\u2013 off or an all-or-nothing functioning (Mazza et al., 2001; Vogeley et al., 2001; Nichols and Stich, 2002; Saxe et al., 2006; Bosco et al., 2009a,b;).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The pathway for 4-CP degradation is unusual, via hydroxyquinol as a ring cleavage intermediate (Nordin et al. 2005), and this might be an explanation for the ability of A.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Computer simulations of tumor growth demonstrate how the continuum tumor model works [18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To disrupt sdb1, corresponding fragments of the sdb1 gene were amplified with primers DX1/DX2 and DX3/DX4, and then subcloned into the temperature-sensitive vector pSET5s (Takamatsu et al., 2001a), resulting in the vector pDX.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Both IFN-\u03b3 and TNF-\u03b1 have been shown to activate NF-\u03baB translocation to the nucleus and binding to its consensus sequence (Kimet al., 2004; Liu et al., 1996; Park et al., 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In Section 2, we present an experiment by Abeler et al. (2010) that analyzes the relative importance of two conflicting fairness principles\u2014wage equality and horizontal equity.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Indications Patients with chronic AR causing low LVEF have a poorer outcome if treated medically rather than surgically.(102) Natural history studies suggest that patients with severe symptomatic AR have a mortality rate greater than 10% per year.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The mean MUAC (cm) and TSF (cm) were used to calculate mid-arm muscle circumference (MAC) and corrected arm muscle area (AMA) using standard equations [21].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Mice were scored daily using a Disease Activity Index (DAI) based on weight loss, stool consistency, rectal bleeding, and overall condition of the animal [23].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026in spatial topography to those frequently identified in resting-state and task-related fMRI data sets (Calhoun et al, 2008; Smith et al, 2009; Laird et al, 2013) and suggest that attentional bias involves their\nFigure 2 Brain networks whose engagement correlated with individual variation in\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "meningitidis serogroup C (NmC) glycoconjugate vaccine in the UK reduced not only the disease caused by this serogroup, but also its carriage rate [16] resulting in herd immunity being extended to non-vaccinated age groups [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Nir et al (1994b) observed that the gizzard weight in 7-day-old chicks fed coarse and medium particles was 26 to 41% higher than in chicks fed fine particles, respectively.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026dialogue system (Curto et al., 2012), sentence transformation (Vanderwende, 2008), machine comprehension (Du et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2017b; Yuan et al., 2017; Subramanian et al., 2017), question answering (Qin, 2015; Tang et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017; Song et al., 2017), and visual\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The positive relationship between close kin numbers and female litter size at weaning is consistent with our previous results showing that direct fitness benefits for females over their lifetime occurred primarily through increases in weaned litter sizes (Viblanc et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Sijen et al. (2001) demonstrated that TGS and PTGS are initiated by a similar dsRNA pathway.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "At its most basic level, KLP motor activity requires ATP and intact MTs [34, 35].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The meta-scheduler, considered in this work, follows the model commonly found in large computing installations across educational and research institutions [36] as shown in Figure 1.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Betten (1982, 1987, 1992) has also considered the functions that depend on the second- and fourth-order tensors and construction of their individual and joint invariants.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026intelligibility in speech directed at people (Cutler and Butterfield, 1990; Picheny et al., 1985), especially in the listener\u2019s native language (Bradlow and Bent, 2002), it can also result in increased error rates in automated speech recognizers (Shriberg et al., 1992; Soltau and Waibel,\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance in favor of inhibition in vitro (Dani et al., 2005; Nelson et al., 2006; Wood et al., 2009; Wood and Shepherd, 2010), while an enhanced excitation may be found in brainstem circuits (Shepherd and Katz, 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This finding is supported by the results of a recent review of safety concerns regarding the longterm use of methylphenidate [42].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026discriminable, by definition, results of this research could ultimately help to inform identification of the amount of nicotine content in cigarettes below which tobacco dependence likely could not be maintained (Benowitz and Henningfield 1994; Hatsukami et al. 2013a; see also Goodwin et al. 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The specifics of this protocol were based on earlier research in which we have used this model to examine the adaptations that occur as measured using a standardized task at 36 to 48 h following the intermittent exercise (22, 61).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The segmentation results are visually satisfactory and are comparable to the state-of-the-art approaches that are designed specifically for video conferencing [11, 9, 17], background subtraction [18, 5], or for handling freely moving camera [13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "But when data size increases to 100 000, the time difference reaches to 0.8 ms.\n 5.5 Real data set results\n We also adapt a real data set, California Road Network and points of interest (POI) [37], to validate the effectiveness of our cloaking algorithm.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Thus, we applied this method of using MeS and MeI (methylation-insensitive) enzymes to differentiate authentic mtDNA and NUMTs in maize, as we have done previously to distinguish ptDNA and NUPTs (Zheng et al. 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "sagittatus, the number of testes considerably exceeds 100\u2013200 (in some specimens reaching to several hundreds) (Scholz et al. 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2009) or which signal type elicits a stronger behavioral response (i.e., conspecific vs heterospecific; Searcy and Brenowitz 1988; Bernal et al. 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2006, 2009; Marraffini & Sontheimer, 2008), generating the RNAs that constitute the molecular base of the interference action (Brouns et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Thus, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) (Kroenke et al. 2001)\u2014already administered to students seeking services at the clinic\u2014was chosen as the screening instrument for the study.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Functional amblyopia was defined as best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/40 or less in the absence of anatomical problems.[9,12,14,15,18,20] Mixed amblyopia was diagnosed in the presence of both anisometropia and strabismus.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, as noted by Lie and Alsop (2009), it is unclear how the Alsop and Davison model can be extended to include punisher as well as reinforcer effects.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Mammalian Rap1 isoforms are perhaps best known for regulating integrinbased cell matrix adhesion (Bos, 2005; Kim et al., 2011), but Rap1 also regulates cell\u2013cell AJs in both Drosophila and mice (Kooistra et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Very few studies provided some evidence of negative impact of fasting on serum levels of lipids [24,25,28].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Indeed, energy availabilities from redox reactions have\nbeen extensively analysed in deep sea (McCollom and Shock, 1997; McCollom, 2000, 2007; Amend et al., 2011), shallow sea (Amend et al., 2003; Rogers and Amend, 2005, 2006; Rogers et al., 2007) and terrestrial hot spring environments\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026is currently unknown, but experimental evidence so far suggests that non-motile mutants are at a severe disadvantage for establishing and maintaining interactions with these hosts (Black et al., 1988; Nachamkin et al., 1993; Wassenaar et al., 1993; Hendrixson and DiRita, 2004; W\u00f6sten et al., 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "All rats were infused with tyramine (1.26 \u00b5mol/min/kg, 15min) to stimulate endogenous norepinephrine release (Berg et al., 2012; Berg and Jensen, 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Interestingly, and in contrast to the salivary gland (17), gastrointestinal tract (20, 21), dental enamel (16), ocular tissue (19), and skin (18), somatic inactivation of p120 in the mammary gland is not tolerated (15).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We obtained a measure of muscle cocontraction using a technique described previously\u2014the minimum normalized muscle activity for each antagonist pair of muscles (Thoroughman and Shadmehr 1999; Gribble et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We have estimated divergence times for the whole group using a Bayesian local molecular clock approach [40,41].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The calculations were performed using customized MATLAB\u00ae scripts (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts) according to previous studies (Krosshaug and Bahr, 2005; Krosshaug et al., 2007; Koga et al., 2010; Koga et al., 2011; Bere et al., 2013; Sasaki et\nJournal of Human Kinetics - volume 45/2015\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "C57 mice, however, have been reported to be more sensitive to the incentive properties of other drugs of abuse including amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, or nicotine than DBA mice (for review see Crawley et al. 1997; Cabib et al. 2000; Orsini et al. 2004; 2005; Grabus et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The present study has been coordinated with parallel experimental studies on FOD on Jat surfaces of the blade material Ti\u20136Al\u20134V (Peters et al., 2000, 2002; Boyce et al., 2001b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Study protocol\nIn a previous study (Ega\u00f1a and Green 2005) we tested the eVect of body tilt angle on fatigue during calf exercise (as described in the previous section) that was performed at a high contractile force relative to the maximum (70 %MVC).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Recent molecular studies\nof clinical isolates have shown that in Europe, A. pegreffii is most frequently associated with human anisakidosis (D'Amelio et al., 1999; Paggi et al., 2001; Fumarola et al., 2009;Mattiucci et al., 2011, 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The first scheme is the leave-one-video-out (LOO) training/testing scheme and perperson activity classification is evaluated, which is used in [6,7,5,15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Indeed, NICE induces only a small amount of control flow (compared e.g. to Narada [5]) and includes basic mechanisms for adapting its overlay to the topology of the underlying network.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We use the recent methods as baselines, which include linear methods (Kim, UTurku), kernel methods (FBK-irst, NIL_UCM) and neural network methods (CNN, SCNN1, SCNN2, CNN&DCNN, B-LSTM, AB-LSTM and Joint AB-LSTM).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Collectively this trend has resulted in corresponding increases in the clinical value of CMA testing [11\u201321,24\u201334].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This synthetic sickness is likely due to poor DSB resection, as it is known to be alleviated by making DNA ends accessible to the Exo1 nuclease [18,19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "By sharing common infixes of target patterns [4] or relabeling states and eliminating the match vectors of nonoutput states [10], the memory usage in the match vectors could be efficient.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The target input and the system output were displayed independently to the operator; this paradigm has been shown to be more effective than compensatory displays, where only the difference between the two signals, or error term, is shown [7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Findings in the literature indicate that determinants of sexual function in women are different from men [3]; this could be due to the fact that female sexuality is largely", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In the absence of BDM, calcium-mediated elevation of cardiac work causes a decrease in steady-state NADH levels (35).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The available methods include use of texture (Binder et al., 1999), local phase (Mulet-Parada and Noble, 2000), a gradient-based deformable model (Coppini et al., 1995), a region-based deformable model (Lin et al., 2003; Mignotte et al., 2001), and pixel-wise clustering (Boukerroui et al., 2003). Shape and time information have also been incorporated in an Active Appearance Motion Model (AAMM) (Bosch et al., 2002), an extended Kalman filter (Orderud et al., 2007), or a manifold learning-based framework (Yang et al., 2008). A more comprehensive overview is given in Noble et al. (2006). Compared with endocardial (ENDO) segmentation, the automation of epicardial (EPI) segmentation is inherently more challenging due to the severe imaging and anatomical factors.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Genomic organization of the 50 region of SCN8A\nMouse exon 1c and human exon 1c are located 65 kb and 70 kb upstream of the first coding exon, respectively (Drews et al. 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The significantly higher value for NST than GST indicates that closely related haplotypes are more likely to co-exist in the same populations (Pons and Petit 1996; Petit et al. 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We consider KL divergence-based weighting approach proposed by [14] to compute w(x,S) for relational similarity measurement.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u20261 was designed to confirm that manipulating the context for metaphoric target sentences can affect how quickly people process the metaphors (Gerrig &Healy, 1983; Gibbs & Gerrig, 1989; Giora, 2003; Nayak & Gibbs, 1990; Ortony, Schallert, Reynolds, & Antos, 1978; Thibodeau & Durgin, 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS; Ward et al., 1993) consisting of questions, each with a five-item answer scale, concerning childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The time constants for the activation and slow inactivation gates are taken from the Luo-Rudy guinea-pig ventricular cell model, [37] and scaled appropriately for room temperature [38].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Video-based Fish Species Recognition [2] The results, in terms of precision and recall, achieved by the video-based fish species recognition approach, described in Section 4.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Starting with visionary considerations of Mandelbrot [18], discoveries of Feigenbaum [11] and the Universality Theory [21], and continuing with parallel developments of Nottale [22, 23], Dubrulle [6], Dubrulle andGraner [7, 8] andDubrulle et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026are required for the normal display of behavioral rhythms in constant conditions\u2014producing short period rhythms or arrhythmicity\u2014and both affect the rhythmicity of cellular pacemaking (VIP: Harmar et al., 2002; Aton et al., 2005; PDF: Peng et al., 2003; Klarsfeld et al., 2004; Lin et al., 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Empirical estimates by Barclay and Holderness (1989), Nenova (2003) and Dyck and Zingales (2004) confirm the possible existence of such private benefits of control.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Amhr2-Cre mice have been successfully used to study the roles of many genes in female reproduction and cancer, including vascular endothelial growth factor a (Vegfa) [32], miR-34c [33], signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) [34], transforming growth factor beta receptor 1 (Tgfbr1) [35], transformation protein related protein 53 (Trp53) [36-38], Pten [28, 36, 37, 39-42], Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (Kras) [28, 36, 37, 43], beta catenin 1 (Ctnnb1) [29, 39, 44-47], tuberous sclerosis 1 (Tsc1) [48, 49], smoothened, frizzled class receptor (Smo) [50-53], adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) [54], wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4 (Wnt4) [55], breast cancer 1, early onset (Brac1) [38], Dicer1 [42, 56-58], nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 (Nr2f2) [59], splicing factor 1 (Sf1) [60], activins [61], follistatin (Fst) [62], and Smads [63, 64].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Callous-Unemotional Traits Callous-unemotional traits were assessed using the French version of the Affective subscale of the Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory (YPI; Andershed et al. 2002, 2007; d\u2019Acremont et al. 2002) which was developed for youths aged 12 and older.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The scale measures four dimensions of obsessive-compulsive symptoms: checking compulsions, washing/cleaning compulsions, slowness, and doubting (Hodgson and Rachman 1977).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The advent of deep neural networks has allowed incorporation of semantic concepts and prior knowledge learned from large-scale datasets of examples, which has translated into approaches that achieve 3D reconstruction from a single or sparse viewpoints [6, 49, 15, 45, 46].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "capable of adaptively approximating powerful classifiers including RBF-SVM, Random Forest(RF), XGBoost[4].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Survivorship analysis is useful when a large percentage of patients have been lost to follow-up, provided that the characteristics of patients for whom the data are incomplete are similar to those of patients for whom the data are complete [4].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "effective to provide the useful information of insulator performance [20], wavelet transform is conducted to extract these components for the analysis.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The last condition prunes useless counters, and is similar to mutex pruning of useless actions/conditional effects in \u03a0C /\u03a0Cce as discussed by Keyder et al. (2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The most common prebiotics used in humans are fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) of different polymerization degrees (Guerreiro et al., 2016), either obtained from vegetables by hydrolysis or enzymatically synthesized (Flores-Maltos et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For example, typical analyses of uncertain flows involve finding possible pollution diffusion paths in environmental sciences with uncertain source-destination queries [1] and locating uncertain flow boundaries [2] in computational fluid dynamics models with uncertain Lagrangian analysis.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This study provided further evidence that VTC is a sensitive measure of instability that may act as a control variable in the regulation of upright standing posture (Slobounov et al. 1998; Van Wegen et al. 2001, 2002; Haibach et al. 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In this study we slightly adapt the dimension depth as introduced by (Massetti and Zmud, 1996) and address IT usage as the\n15\nSprouts - http://sprouts.aisnet.org/8-26\nextent to which an information system (IS), here the credit management system, is used within the business domain, here the SME\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Extensive research has been reported by the Algae Research Laboratory of the University of Malaya on this species including its genetic diversity (Sim et al. 2007; Yow et al. 2011, 2013), proteomics (Wong et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The size of the images were reduced to 512 \u00d7 341 pixels and then PCA-SIFT was applied to extract feature vectors.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Ten consecutively performed lip repairs are commonly presented in an attempt to increase objectivity (McComb, 1985; Boo-Chai, 1987; Lohmander-Agerskov et al., 1990; Bertolini et al., 2000; Haramoto et al., 2000; Braumann et al., 2001; Al-Qattan, 2002; Braumann et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2004; McComb, 2009; Tindlund et al., 2009; Grasseschi, 2010), although the degree to which they represent average outcomes remains unknown.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "To bound the overhead of delivering a message, Spyropoulos et al propose to spray only a fixed number of message copies into the network [3] [12].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In the literature, normal appearing parenchyma is reported to be between 700 and 900 9 10 mm(2)/s [22, 28].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, there is a carry-free multiplier that uses redundant adders in the reduction of partial products by applying on-the-fly conversion [22] in parallel with the reduction and generates the product without a carry-propagate adder [23-24].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u20267.7 4.0\naAs amounts equivalent to the parent p-DCB\nresearchers have described the major route of excretion in mammals to be urinary, and themainmetabolite to be 2,5- DCP (Azouz et al. 1955;Kimura et al. 1979;Hawkins et al. 1980; Klos and Dekant 1994; Hissink et al. 1996, 1997; Bomhart et al. 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results could be explained by an increase in muscle sarcomere in series, which has already been shown in animal studies (51, 59) and put forward in recent studies determining the effects of eccentric training in vivo (10, 54).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For a fair comparison, all models are set with an embedding size of 64 and optimized using the mini-batch Adagrad [12] with a batch size of 512; moreover, the learning rate is tuned in [0.005, 0.01, 0.05].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It is well known that during preclinical drug safety evaluation, many drugs can interfere with female rat reproductive function (Yuan and Foley 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026failure of mineralization at the physeal zone and metaphyseal area resulting in thickening of physis by a zone of proliferating cartilagenous cells that deforms and bow\nIndian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 5 Issue 1, June, 2013\nbecause it can not support the body weight (Rosol and Capen, 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The ADMM is one of the distributed algorithms for optimization problems and some papers have applied this ADMM algorithms to the OPF problem to minimize the costs of generators [7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We have shown in a previous paper (Donker and Krebs 2011) that there has been a change in the demography of arctic ground squirrels in the boreal forest habitats of the Kluane region since 1998.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The negative results of our present study with regard to JTd are in agreement with the QTd and QTcd findings and further support our current and previous results in FMF-amyloidosis and uncomplicated FMF [15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 1994), with a biogeography spanning the Arctic and sub-polar Northern Hemisphere (McIntyre and B\u00e9, 1967; McIntyre et al., 1970), C.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This nucleotide deletion would cause a frame shift and the predicted translated product is truncated at 255 amino acid, which is likely to result in completely nonfunctional enzyme as in other cases (2, 5, 23).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Because of the size of the pool, this project ran from August 2007 to April 2008.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We adopt a warehouse location problem as the structured task (Gorry et al. 1971), a choice of new business office as the semi-structured task (Skyttner 1999), and a hiring new managers problem as the unstructured task (Cooper 1985).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of cell populations treated either impairing expression or activity of DNA methyltransferase (Suzuki et al. 2002) or by enforcing constitutive expression of Dnmt1 in cells (Feltus et al. 2003) or of the CpG-specific bacterial DNA methyltransferase SssI in isolated nuclei (Fatemi et al. 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results were consistent with other studies on tea (Wang et al. 2012), C. paliurus (Deng et al. 2012), and freshwater macrophytes (Cronin and Lodge 2003), suggesting that controlling light intensity would be an effective tool for stimulating secondary plant metabolite accumulation, especially\u201a\u00c4\u00b6", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A few more examples of work on high-dimensional problems and deep neural networks for PDEs can be found in [33, 10, 6].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "clarified that no association between ApoE and BDNF genotypes has been established (20, 21, 25, 31, 33-35, 37), although it has been suggested that the C270T-T allele is more common among individuals lacking \u03b54 (19), and the risk of AD conferred by the C270T-T allele is stronger in patients who do not carry \u03b54 (23).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In the second patient, meningitis was accompanied by a paraspinous abscess that also prompted pump removal (40).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Phosphorylation of Thr545 of ACAP4 is essential for parietal cell activation Since parietal cell activation involves ezrin-mediated reorganization of apical membrane cytoskeleton (11), we sought to probe the localization of ACAP4 using immunofluorescence microscopy.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Vm and Cai are coupled via calcium sensitive currents, such as ICa,L (Weiss et al., 2006), INCX (Weiss et al., 2006), IKs (Kennedy et al., 2017) and IKAS (Kennedy et al., 2017).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The lumbar spine without muscle support becomes unstable and may suffer strain injuries at compressive loads as low as 88 N [5,10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To quantify the tracer, lipids were extracted from plasma and tissue homogenates with the use of a previously described procedure (22, 25).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "To test for isolation by distance (IBD) at the scale of populations, we regressed FST/1-FST, based on pairwise FST-values among all sampled populations, against the logtransformed geographic distance separating the populations (Slatkin 1993; Rousset 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This is interesting as cytoplasmic abundance of PTB increases during enterovirus infection and also during 2A protease expression (34), possibly enhancing the cytoplasmic functions of PTB, like IRES mediated translation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The mucosalassociated lymphoid tissue (MALT), and in particular the intestinal immune system, develops immune tolerance to dietary antigens and components of the bacterial Xora to which epithelial tissues are exposed constantly (Dubois et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Alternatively, graph methods based on suffix trees [2] have been employed for alignment in NEWBLER (454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT) and VELVET [6] algorithms.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, findings have shown that secondary task performance is affected to a greater extent when attention is divided at retrieval rather than at encoding (Craik et al., 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2005) to name only a few, their application to anesthetic-induced EEG changes is relatively recent (Bojak and Liley, 2005; Foster et al., 2008; Hutt and Longtin, 2010; Liley and Bojak, 2005; Liley et al., 2003; Molaee-Ardekani et al., 2007; SteynRoss et al., 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Electromyography\nIn study 2, myoelectric signals were measured using EMG according to the method described in a previous report (Yoshitake et al. 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "system is largely unknown, but the fibers respond selectively to pleasant, caress-like gentle skin stroking of the hairy skin (24,25) and the system is hypothesized to play a role in encoding socioaffective dimensions of touch (15).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[23] found that the WBC count ranged from 5100 to 43,000 in patients with severe DKA.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We made this assumption based on results of various reaching studies, performed in static conditions, showing that the spatial distributions of movement endpoints of reaches toward remembered targets were elliptical in shape with a tendency of the major axis to be directed to the subject\u2019s eyes (McIntyre et al. 1997; Henriques et al. 2003; Baud-Bovy and Viviani 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2009), metal-limiting conditions (Chou et al., 2009) and nutrient limiting conditions (Gaff e et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In ODH [23,24] oxygen is responsible for benzyl alcohol dehydrogenation by removing water from the catalytic surface through a two-step mechanism.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous studies were limited to pain and disability outcome measures; however, in the present study, we will assess quadriceps muscle strength and mobility, in addition to pain and disability, in subjects with knee OA [25, 28].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Recently, nextgeneration sequencing (NGS), which costs less but provides more information, has been recruited in PGD (Hou et al., 2013; Treff et al., 2013; Tan et al., 2014; Lukaszuk et al., 2015a, 2015b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "< 0, (Nishimura and Ozaki, 2007) ; hence,\n* 2 W    > 0\nB.An increase in risk in the presence of ambiguity: a striking impact on project value!", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In this connection, the vertical component of the pole forces was estimated from the average poling force over an entire cycle relative to body mass, employing the data of Millet et al. (1998b) together with the mean angle of inclination of the poles from plant to lift-off.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results are consistent with those for a number of other invasive plant species (Callaway and Aschehoug 2000; Callaway and Ridenour 2004; Lankau et al. 2004; Wikstr\u221a\u2202m et al. 2006; Callaway et al. 2008; He et al. 2009; Thorpe et al. 2009; Schaffner et al. 2010; Colvin and Gliessman 2011; Inderjit et al. 2011a; Kim and Lee 2011; Lamarque et al. 2011; Inderjit et al. 2011b; Svensson et al. 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), for example, there is only one expressed classical class I and II locus (Langefors et al. 2001b) that resembles the situation of the \u201cminimal essential MHC\u201d in chicken (Stet et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "On video, we apply the HOG frame-by-frame and the sum and the difference of HOG features are used to represent each cuboid.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "mAb 4E1 was used in its linear response range [10] to obtain the fraction of Skp1 that was not modified.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Sijen et al. (2001) tested several regions of the 35S promoter for their ability to silence a 35S promoter driving a chsA inverted repeat in Petunia.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The lamellar split technique[5,6] is not used in combination with a Lefort I operation, but is included in this paper as an appropriate reference for augmentation surgery of the malar region.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A modified fluorescent antibody neutralization test (mFAVN) was developed and optimized for IKOV using tissue culture passaged virus supernatant (TCSN) (Horton et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "plate is placed in the medial aspect of the distal femur [4, 7, 10, 17, 19, 30].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Hodgins [33] has investigated the reliability and validity of an interview format version of the SDS and concluded that the scale can be administered by telephone.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "interact with endothelial counter-ligands, such as, ICAM-1 or VCAM-1 [13], [14], [15], [16].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026a selective M2/M4 autoreceptor antagonist, that blocks the self-inhibitory mechanism by which acetylcholine\nregulates its own release and (iii) by selectively blocking M1 muscarinic receptors, key modulators of both LTD and LTP\n(Calabresi et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2006; Bonsi et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous results described a role for Ubc9 in the degradation of cyclins Clb2 and Clb5 (Seufert et al., 1995).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In PASMC, pretreatment of the cells with thapsigargin or CPA attenuated, but did not abolish, the FCCP-induced increase in [Ca(21)]c in the absence of extracellular Ca(21) (11, 12, 15, 63).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results are comparable with those of other studies which confirm the reliability of CysC as a marker of renal function [13,14], particularly when an CPB is used [15-17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Cell lines and cell cultures MDA-MB-436 and HCC1937 (triple negative) and ZR75-1 (luminal) breast cancer cells were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection and cultured as previously described (5).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The conflict effect generated by an interfering dimension [e.g., from the word meaning in a color\u2013word Stroop task (Fan et al., 2003; MacDonald et al., 2000; MacLeod, 1991) or from flankers in a flanker task (Fan et al., 2003; Casey et al., 2000; Botvinick et al., 1999; Cohen & Shoup, 1997; Eriksen\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026selection was based on the following criteria: (1) both twins completed the 1987 VETR enrollment survey and the 1992 Harvard Drug Study (HDS; Tsuang et al. 1996) survey; (2) at least one twin reported that he had children born between 1974 and 1988; and (3) at least one twin met criteria\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The matrix models in question here are the hermitian two-matrix models, with polynomial potentials of degree p and q in the two matrices X and Y respectively [37].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Further details about the node\u2019s architecture, demanded hardware resources and the impact of the supported configurations are detailed in [6].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The second method is based on a capillary deposition method [5], a method for the growth of opal on a planar substrate.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For the experiments of this work we have used applications from the SPEC CPU2006 [14] and NAS [1] benchmark suite.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Extraction and measurement of DNA were carried out using the method described by Gendimenico [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Published evidence consistently supports the reliability, validity and responsiveness of the I-QoL across a range of settings [16, 18, 20].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Another study has shown a proof of concept closed-loop model using direct pressure monitoring as the feedback signal [53], but this requires a reliable way to directly measure bladder pressure that comes with its own challenges [54].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Learning of two scent\u201a\u00c4\u00eclocation associations\n The results of Experiment 1 confirm and extend earlier data (Reinhard et al. 2004a, b) demonstrating clearly that even under challenging natural conditions with undulating terrain and long distances between feeder locations, honeybees are able to\u201a\u00c4\u00b6", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "1979) and mercapturic acid derivatives (Hawkins et al. 1980; Klos and Dekant 1994; Hissink et al. 1997) have also been identified as urinary metabolites.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The remaining halves of each bad lot (n = 72 per lot) and of each good lot (n = 18) were sampled for internal content after they were sur-\n face sterilized by treatment with 50 ppm of iodophor (Argentyne; Argent Chemical Laboratories, Redmond, Washington) for 60 min (Piper et al. 1982).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Identification of the number of vessels involved by FTC is also important to predict prognosis (< 4 or \u2265 4 vascular invasion)[7,11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In particular, we modify the HMM-based framework for ABE [55], [56] and incorporate the representation SPN learning approach for modeling the observations in a hybrid ansatz.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "As for procyclicality and herding in banking context, see theoretical studies of Rajan[26], Acharya[1], Acharya and Yorulmazer[2], and Pennacchi[25] as well.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026classified using a process that was consistent with PRISMA-P (Preferred reporting item for systematic review and meta-analysis) protocols (Moher et al. 2009) and informed by previous reviews (Clifford et al. 2013; McCalman et al. 2014; M. Heyeres, K. Tsey, I. Kinchin and J. McCalman, unpubl. data).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The pump is designed to provide partial mechanical support (2 to 4 l/min) and reduce LA pressure, and for HFrEF patients, the system is intended for use in INTERMACS (Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support) profiles 4, 5, and 6 (15).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "studies; five studies were judged to be at low risk of bias [7, 16, 20, 24, 30].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This has been the driving force for the active research in the development of advanced control techniques and hierarchical control schemes to improve the operation of the WWTPs [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Although the US Black Women (15) and Danish (20) cohorts, as well as our own, excluded womenwith physician-diagnosed depression at baseline, other studies did not (7, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Another successful distributed network model, called the beat frequency model, uses beats between multiple oscillators to produce a much wider range of durations than the intrinsic periods of individual oscillators [13,21,52].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "When the observation was finished, we measured the colony size by using the same method as described above (Sko\u0301rka et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In fact, elimination of Ku restores partial resistance to CPT in both sae2\u0394 and mre11-nd cells [18,19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Based on our previous studies (Jaric et al. 2005b, 2006; Krishnan et al., submitted), the force pattern was expected to fairly correspond to a sinusoidal force pattern.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "ies that used object-based DNMS tasks (Aggleton et al. 1986; Rothblat and Kromer 1991; Jackson-Smith et al. 1993; Kesner et al. 1993; Rawlins et al. 1993; Shaw and Aggleton 1993; Yee and Rawlins 1994; Glenn and Mumby 1996; Mumby et al. 1996; Cassaday and Rawlins 1997; Duva et al. 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Kay et al. (2004) also added to the basic argument of Jaeger et al. (1999) by suggesting that the orbit of Bahinia, as inferred from the radius of curvature of its inferior margin, was relatively small as in typical anthropoids.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "(Guerrero et al. 2013) On the basis of the antitumor activity shown in phase I-II studies, an international, phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This study and results provided in Holland et al. (2013, 2014a), suggest that the presence of HA has a positive effect on aquatic organisms and may aid their survival to multiple stressors such as low pH and heavy metal mixtures associated with AMD.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Association between ATRX loss and copy number alterations Previous analysis of pediatric GBM has shown an association between tumors with concurrent mutations in H3F3A, TP53, and ATRX and copy number alterations (1).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Lucinactant has been shown to improve pulmonary gas exchange and mechanics in RDS; in particular, its effects have been compared to an animal-derived surfactant preparation in premature lambs.(28) In MAS, only one experimental study has prospectively compared the administration of lucinactant by bolus or by lavage,(11) showing better results in the dilute surfactant lavage group, but it was performed in adult rabbits, not in juvenile animals.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Within each group, the fish form a size-based dominance hierarchy (Fricke 1979; Buston 2003b); the female is largest, the male is second largest, and the non-breeders get progressively smaller.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026and generative solutions have been largely used in this research area, namely Boosting techniques (Mozos 2010), support vector machine (SVM) (Ullah et al 2008), Bayesian classifier (Vasudevan and Siegwart 2008), Naive Bayes classification (Wu et al 2009), logistic regression (Shi et al\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", in an intelligent home environment [Gopalratnam and Cook, 2007]) or for assisting the user by giving explanations (e.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "While numerous studies (Bell et al., 2004; Nawrot et al., 2006) describe concentration\u2013response relationships between mortality and PM, those of NO2 are less clear (WHO, 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The TLA was immunoprecipitated from retinal extracts with minor modifications of the method described previously (Goodyear and Richardson, 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "HSPB6, its ACD has been shown to readily bind sequences containing this tripeptide sequence (18, 38, 43, 44).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Another potentially important link between oxidative stress and excitotoxicity is the microglial antiporter system Xc\n2 (Sato et al., 2002), which releases cytotoxic levels of glutamate into the interstitial compartment to replenish intracellular cystine to maintain the glutathione system, which is\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To show the effectiveness of our approach, we carry out comprehensive experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset [22], CamVid dataset [23] and GATECH dataset [24].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As previous studies had shown that CD39 and CD73 are rate limiting for extracellular adenosine generation (9, 15), we next investigated transcriptional consequences of cyclic stretch on CD39 and CD73 expression patterns in vitro and in vivo.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Some of our arguments make use of methods of Oporowski [9] and Komj\u00e1th [4]; in particular, the proof of Lemma 3 is based on a technique of Komj\u00e1th [4] involving disjoint stationary subsets of regular cardinals.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In [3], an infinite class of balanced functions in any number n of variables, with optimal algebraic immunity has been introduced.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026forskolin, and a TGF-b inhibitor for conversion and maintenance because some reports have suggested that a PKC inhibitor and forskolin facilitate conversion from the primed to the naive state (Hanna et al., 2010; Dutta et al., 2011; Takashima et al., 2014; Duggal et al., 2015; Qin et al., 2016).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "DSBs mediated by TOP2B have been shown to occur during initiation of transcriptional programs and are thought to be transient in nature and are likely repaired by TDP2 followed by non-homologous end joining (4,21,24,25).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This metabolic activity, called Crabtree effect [3], reduces the production of cell-biomass, but provides a tool, ethanol, to outcompete other microorganisms [1,4,5].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The raised levels in unstable patients were almost entirely due to the high degree of platelet activation in the female part of the patient group (median 23, interquartile range [14,6-66,8] in women versus 4,1 [1,822,6] in men for monocyte MFI).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "We found that the basal levels of cells incorporating BrdU in the hippocampus and SVZ of sham-operated control animals were consistent with those of previous reports (Kempermann and Gage, 2000; Mandairon et al, 2003; Brown et al, 2003; Yang et al, 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "On the other hand, according to a recent meta-analysis (based on 29 studies of 19 bird species), it is males that suffer from higher mortality when the parental effort is increased; this may be because males tend to adjust their investment according to brood size while females are working on their maximum level irrespective of the current brood size (Santos and Nakagawa 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "One possibility is that it originates at the level of the single neuron, due to either a delicate balance of the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs it receives (Shadlen & Newsome, 1998) or sources of biological noise intrinsic to it (Schneidman et al., 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Caspase-3, as apoptosis executioner, is verified to be tightly associated with the occurrence and development of tumors [40, 41].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In this section, we provide our objectives, information about the analyzed models and the data analysis guidelines [28] we used.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026squares of 20 cm 9 20 cm (sampling unit, indicated as PT-A, PT-C and PT-E) were selected and\n3\u20135 shoots per unit were collected for a total of 35 shoots, according to the sampling design of a previous study (Spagnuolo et al. 2007), so that we could test the sitedependence of genetic structure.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These two results are consistent with the warming of the waters in the western Mediterranean basin since the 1970s (Vargas-Y\u221a\u00b0\u221a\u00b1ez et al., 2008, 2010), given that warming of the substrate could weaken the anticyclones, or their ridges, over Mediterranean waters, turning them into type U in a large\u201a\u00c4\u00b6", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Particles (and planktonic larvae) retained in surface layers with sufficient buoyancy (or vertical swimming abilities) experienced accumulation and shoreward transport in convergent zones associated with frontal features (Helfrich & Pineda 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "A higher accuracy was found when the benchmark of the sequence-based prediction excluded two residues for each N- and C- end of the Q3 regions, resulting in RMSD values that are similar to those obtained with SPARTA+ (Shen and Bax 2010) and better than those associated with Camshift (Kohlhoff et\u00a0al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Further, as the target person is usually a friend or romantic partner of the observer, cue-based paradigms may arguably generate, in agreement with related observations (Cheng et al., 2010; Cikara and Fiske, 2011; Hein and Singer, 2008; Lamm et al., 2011; Singer et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2009), stronger empathic responses, reduce automatic aversive reactions elicited by \u2018painful\u2019 images (Preston and de Waal, 2002; Singer and Lamm, 2009), and increase ecological validity (Lamm et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The performance have been calculated by ten different runs of a complete tenfold cross validation procedure Cohen (1995).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A new set of embeddings produced by FastText has been used in the English-Italian experiments (labelled as FT in Table 2) in addition to the standardised embeddings as used in (Dinu et al., 2014; Artetxe et al., 2016).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In 1999 Pitt and Shephard [6] proposed Auxiliary Particle Filter (APF) which is a variant of the SIR and performs better than SIR when system noise is small.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The D1 agonist SKF-38393 significantly improved the NOR deficit following subchronic PCP, which was significantly antagonized by SCH23390, a D1 antagonist (McLean et al. 2009a).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026the age-specific version CPQ1114 that has been tested for validity and reliability in several countries and languages (Jocovic et al., 2002; Foster Page et al., 2005; Marshman et al., 2005; Brown and Al-Khayal, 2006; Goursand et al., 2008; McGrath et al., 2008) but not yet in Finland or in Finnish.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Jas\u00c3\u00c5kowski, Skalska, and Verleger 915\n Our results might appear to contradict those reported by Merikle and Joordens (1997a, 1997b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Endothelial cells obtained from bovine thoracic aortas (BAEC) were used between passages 5 and 10 and were prepared for shear experiments by seeding 1 3 106 cells onto glass slides (75 3 38 mm) as described previously (15).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, the contour-related signals in V1 do not emerge until 50 ms after neuronal response outset, 40 ms later than in V4 (Chen et al., 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These models are the radial-modesof-vibration model of Abdullah (1966), the tornado/ boundary interaction model of Tatom et al. (1995), and the corotating vortex model (Powell 1964; Georges 1976; Mitchell et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These strategies are the current standard for prevalence estimation, but require laboratory infrastructure, trained personnel for slide preparation and interpretation, lack adequate sensitivity to detect low intensity infections, and are time- and resourceintensive [3, 5, 6].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026observed for click-evoked and tone-evoked responses (Hoormann et al., 1992) as well as behavioral and cognitive processing differences in humans (Burman et al., 2008; Cahill, 2006; Camarata and Woodcock, 2006) and animals (Clark et al., 2000a,b; Fitch et al., 1993b; Herman et al., 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Currently, the robot identifies individuals to adapt its interactive behaviors to each of them (Kanda et al., 2003), and estimates human relationships by observing the humans\u2019 interaction around it (Kanda et al., 2004c).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026endogenous antagonists of BMP-mediated ventral development in vertebrates are the unrelated secreted proteins Noggin and Chordin (Lamb et al., 1993; Smith et al., 1993; Sasai et al., 1994; Francois and Bier, 1995), and a further molecule structurally related to Follistatin (Towers et al., 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "All QM/MM calculations were carried out using the Amsterdam Density Functional package [37, 40, 41] in versions 2012.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results are consistent with alien authors, such as Enass et al [14], who believe that both TCD and BAEP are complementary to each other and that their combined use could increase the accuracy in differentiating vertigo of vertebrobasilar origin from peripheral or non-vertebrobasilar origin and prevent the risk of vertebrobasilar stroke.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The study by Suwazono et al. (2006) used data from the annual health examinations to define exposure to shift work.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Despite the preponderance of interview-based qualitative research, written accounts are an established methodology in health research [34], with a wealthy tradition of auto/biographical writing [35, 36].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A combination of corpus analysis (Wmatrix, Rayson, 2008) and critical discourse analysis (CDA; Fairclough, 2001) was used to critically explore the development of mental health policy guiding working with children and adolescents from 2000 to 2015 (Table 1).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We next identified well-characterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae polarity genes BNI1, BUD3, BUD6 and SPA2 (Amberg et al., 1997; Chant et al., 1995; Sagot et al., 2002; Sheu et al., 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "This convergent interviewing methodology is justified for this research in four ways [50].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026and Misra (1981)\u2014where a deadlock-detection strategy is employed in place of prevention, Mehl (1990), Yu, Ghosh, and DeBenedictis (1990), Lin, Lazowska, and Hwang (1992), Nicol (1992), Ayani and Rajaei (1994), Blanchard, Lake, and Turner (1994), Teo and Tay (1994), and Wood and Turner (1994).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Radiological imaging has been used extensively to assess pulmonary TB (Davis et al., 2009; K\u00fcbler et al., 2015; Lin et al., 2013; Ordonez et al., 2015b; Via et al., 2012) and, more recently, as a biomarker of treatment responses in humans (Chen et al., 2014; Salazar-Austin et al., 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Moreover, one study showed that readmission rates, as well as postdischarge and 30-day mortality rates, did not differ among hospitals despite significant variation in LOS.(38) While this study evaluated the relationship of mortality rates and cross-sectional (rather than longitudinal) variation in LOS, it does suggest that physicians\u2019 judgment about criteria for early discharge does not compromise post-discharge outcomes.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In contrast to these results, the Nur77 gene, encoding a transcription factor implicated in T cell death (29) and thymocytenegative selection (30), is up-regulated by stimulation of thymocytes with ionomycin alone (Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Likewise, increased BMI resulted in prolonged LOS and has been implicated in more complicated liver transplantation (33).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In [13] is introduced another infinite class of balanced functions, in any even number of variables, with optimal algebraic immunity, which is related to the class of [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Other specific issues such as the lack of bicycle parking at schools, for instance, are also important barriers to this activity (Davison et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For these experiments, RNA was purified using the TRIzol procedure (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), and cDNA was generated using the avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (Promega, Madison, WI); 5 g of cDNA were used for the subsequent PCRs.\nWestern analysis of HPOX and HOGA expression.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Consistent with a role in preprocambial formation, CVP2 and CVL1 follow the\nexpression patterns of auxin and PIN1, narrowing from broad expression to specific files\nof cells that will develop into the procambium (Carland and Nelson, 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Pacific (7) 364 90 105 Mountain (5) 300 90 90 West North Central (5) 400 88 90 West South Central (6) 314 75 90 East North Central (8) 400 119 120 East South Central (5) 300 89 90 New England (6) 299 92 90 Middle Atlantic (8) 401 136 121 South Atlantic (7) 378 77 105 Total (57) (3156) (856) (901) human cases of staphylococcal infection (Arias et al., 2008; Quinn et al., 2009; Toh et al., 2007), as well as in the LEADER Program for 2007 (Mendes et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Based on the information, the occupant simulator simulates the location of each occupant at each time step based on the first-order homogeneous Markov chain model introduced in Wang et al. (2011) and Feng et al. (2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Camphor, another essential oil component, is now known to exert analgesic effects probably through inhibition of TRPA1 [31] and activation of TRPM8 [38].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Cryopreserved PBMC from an HIV-1 infected individual, patient ZA159, who developed strong MPER specific antibody responses during disease progression (Liechti et al, in preparation), were obtained through the Zurich primary HIV infection (ZPHI) study [21].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Interestingly, high ADC values in tubers have been associated with epileptogenicity of the lesion [22, 34].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Consistent with the previous results in the hippocamp [24] or liver [25], we proved that azidothymidine (AZT) could reduce the protein expression of TERT in pulmonary vessels (Figure 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Poor results were graded when the symptoms did not improve or worsened after the operation.((1))", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Serogrouping of the carriage isolate collection was accomplished by conducting slide agglutination with commercial antisera using published methods [16].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The main idea behind logic programming is that the programmer must de ne only the logic component of an algorithm and leave the way how the solutions are found to the machine|it is also expressed by the equation coined by Kowalski [2]: A(lgorithm) = L(ogic) + C(ontrol) where the Control component is xed and an algorithm is in uenced only by the Logic component.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "due to enhanced glucose uptake and utilization resulting in malonyl-CoA inhibition of carnitine palmitolyltransferase I, thereby reducing the entry of FA into mitochondria for oxidation (10).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "At a certain point, when these parameters are scaled, the mathematical model is able to differentiate noninvasive tumor growth to unstable, infiltrative growth [18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Optimal transmission policies with energy harvesting nodes that transmit using fading wireless channels are considered in [46, 56, 77].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[35] found a significant increase in stroke length but no increase in swimming performance, similar to the above.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Statistical dimensionality reduction: Chi Squared or Document Frequency criteria were employed to reduce the feature vector dimensionality [8] [13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Model data\nMonthly model SSTs were obtained from four CCSM3 simulations, using SST observations from 1870 to 2000 and forced with the IPCC SRES A1B emission scenario for the period 2000\u20132100 (Collins et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Target (estimated dry) weight was assessed with each treatment by non-invasive volume monitoring (NIVM; Critline, Hemametrics, Kaysville, UT), according to our published algorithm [31, 32].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Fang et al. (1996) and Rius et al. (1996) confirmed this observation and suggested that lysine enhanced antibiotic production by a precursor effect as a substrate of LAT and as an inducer of LAT.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The electric field was generated by parallel electrodes with a 40 cm1989; Zecca et al., 1991; Hagino et al., 1992; Lai et\nal., 1993; Yu et al., 1993]. air gap.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Longterm culture in the absence of selective pressure may result in the loss of transgene copy number [55, 56], and reduction or elimination in the gene-specific transcription (gene silencing) [49, 57], according to the site of transgene integration.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In contrast, in a previous study of oral PCP self-administration, intake was higher in the luteal than the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (Carroll et al. 2013; Newman et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, these studies suggested that there was no significant difference in the recovery period of lower lip hypoesthesia after SSRO between titanium and an absorbable plate (Hashiba et al., 2007, 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The final convergent interview occurs when interview data analysis of that interview shows there is stability through a consistent pattern of agreements and disagreements in the last two interviews [46,50,51].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "8\nThough spatial variation in antibiotic phenotypes among Streptomyces populations has been documented (Davelos et al., 2004a), little is known about how resource use varies among Streptomyces communities from different locations.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The quality of concealment allocation was interpreted according to Gibson and Waddell [19] in 3 grades: A, clearly yes is some form of centralized randomization scheme or assignment system; B, unclear, assignment envelopes, a \u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c4\u00f2list\u201a\u00c4\u00f4\u201a\u00c4\u00f4 or \u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c4\u00f2table\u201a\u00c4\u00f4\u201a\u00c4\u00f4, evidence of possible randomization failure such as markedly unequal control and trial groups, or trials stated to be random but with no description; C, clearly no, alternation, case numbers, dates of birth, or any other such approach, allocation procedures that were transparent before assignment.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a common pattern of cardiovascular injury in CKD that affects up to 75%of individuals by the time they reach end-stage renal disease (Faul et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[17] concentrated on the lower intestine (distal ileum, cecum and distal colon), whereas the principal focus of Knauf et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We have recently reported the effects of NAC on exercise and blood redox status [2\u20134] during short-term, intense, and prolonged cycling exercise in healthy men.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, PCR surveys of Hox genes often encounter a bias of the preference of degenerate primers and therefore, the actual number of existing genes is underestimated [6,24].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Adipogenesis is a complex process characterized by significant changes in cell shape involving extensive remodeling of the cytoskeleton [17\u201319] and ECM [10,13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The previously reported functional UGT1A9 118T9/10 variant (Yamanaka et al., 2004) was also observed at a frequency of 0.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Enhanced resistance of CML blast crisis cells to STI-571 treatment has been related to (1) a mutation in the ATPbinding pocket of the Bcr-Abl kinase preventing STI571 binding, (2) the amplification of the Bcr-Abl gene or to (3) increased expression of the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As known from the literature [3], the global versions of PSO (PSOgbest and BBPSO) may present poor results on high multimodal functions, especially as is the case for f3 up to f8.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This result is generally consistent with the percentage reported by Bromet et al. (2005) (61.2%, follow-up 4 years), Fekadu et al. (2006) (65.9%, follow-up up to 4 years), Li et al. (2014) (61%, follow-up 2 years), Simhandl et al. (2014) (68%, follow-up 4 years), and Pallaskorpi et al. (2015) (90%, follow-up 5 years).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The Schmidt (GSE11121) and Wang (GSE2034) cohorts were both composed of the tumour specimens from lymph node-negative patients [17, 18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The filtered sample was analyzed by an Alkem 3000 Phosphorus analyzer (Alpkem, OI Analytical, TX, USA) using the USEPA method 365.1 (USEPA, 1984) by the molybdate blue colorimetric approach (Fiske and Subbarow 1925).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The PF, contractile RFD and CI were expressed relative to body mass. Contractile RFD is strongly influenced by the PF capacity of a muscle (Andersen and Aagaard 2006; Blazevich et al. 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The same group could demonstrate that the smaller the peak frequency of cortico-muscular coherence is the clinically worse the HE (Timmermann et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Blue light (BL)-specific responses are ubiquitous in plant cells, and include phototropism, inhibition of stem elongation and stomatal opening (Kaufman, 1993; Short and Briggs, 1994; Ahmad and Cashmore, 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "It is well-known [11, 12, 13] that this Hanany-Witten configuration produces the matter content of our chiral field theory.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The current approach employed by cell phone providers is to 1) issue limited term access to cell phone signature data (extending from a few days to many months) and 2) remove all identifying customer data prior to releasing the cleansed data to a third party (Fontaine & Smith, 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Concentration of Pb was also comparable to reported values from Java Sea (Everaarts 1989), Semarang (Takarina et al. 2004), offshore and\nintertidal west coast of Peninsular Malaysia (Yap et al. 2002), Seberang Prai, Malaysia (Ismail and Asmah 1999), Johor Straits, Singapore (Wood et al. 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This is consistent with results reported by Williams et al. (2000), who found that clients in both a CBT intervention group and a didactic (control) treatment group showed evidence of a significant pre post reduction in overgeneral ABM disclosure.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "(3) reported that a bilineal positive family history of mood disorders resulted in substantially increased lifetime incidence of mood disorders in the offspring compared with when only one parent or no parent was affected, and these finding have recently be affirmed (4).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In contrast to other measures of gait during dual tasking (Springer et al. 2006; Yogev et al. 2005), GA was not related to executive function or attention.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026to ions (Visconti et al., 2002), acquisition of hyperactivated motility (de Lamirande et al., 1997), and phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine (Tyr), serine (Ser) and threonine (Thr) residues (de Lamirande et al., 1997; Baldi et al., 2000; de Lamirande and Gagnon 2002; Urner and Sakkas, 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "After a review of the study abstracts, we retrieved 24 articles for further assessment of which 21 were found to be relevant (2, 14-33); 3 studies were excluded because they were duplicate reports from the same study (34-36).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We evaluated our document model using an established dataset for semantic document similarity (50 documents dataset from Lee et al. (2005) (LP50)) and show that our approach outperforms baselines relying on traditional, i.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Nevertheless, the biological mechanisms underlying these biochemical/biophysical properties depend on complex and interdependent biological mechanisms, and the influence of these mechanisms on the final texture and tenderness of the meat is still not crystal clear [10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It has been demonstrated that all da neuron classes require Dscam for dendrite self-avoidance (Hughes et al., 2007; Matthews et al., 2007; Soba et al., 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The segmentation clock has been proposed to rely on a Hes/Her-based negative-feedback loop driving oscillations by delayed transcriptional repression (Bessho et al., 2003; Lewis, 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Here we have to focus on the most related ones, which are categorized into unsupervised [18, 15, 14, 5, 10, 13] and supervised [11, 9, 17, 12, 16, 1, 2] approaches.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Twitter sentiment classification have intensively researched in recent years [6,14].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of LY379268 significantly inhibits phencyclidine- or D-amphetamine-induced locomotor behavior (Cartmell et al., 1999), cocaine selfadministration (Adewale et al., 2006; Baptista et al., 2004) and reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior (Bossert et al., 2006a; Peters and Kalivas, 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The \u2018\u2018ongoing inhibition\u2019\u2019 effect is considered for the most sensitive enzymatic component (Est\u00e9vez and Vilanova 2009; Est\u00e9vez et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "During cortical development, the progenitors of cerebral cortical excitatory neurons proliferate mainly at the ventricular zone and produce immature neurons that radially migrate toward the brain surface while undergoing various morphological changes (Figure 1a) [3\u20136].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026across more lots, the greater N content would result in increased content of NH3, which commonly leads to phytotoxicity (Khan et al., 2014; Bitts anszky et al., 2015), as evidenced by the GI observed for lettuce and cucumber seeds, which worsened as beddings were used across more lots (Table 2).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026of MWEs for NLP applications such as information retrieval (Doucet and Ahonen-Myka 2004; Xu et al. 2010; Acosta et al. 2011), word sense disambiguation (Finlayson and Kulkarni 2011), MT (Carpuat and Diab 2010; Pal et al. 2010) and ontology learning (Venkatsubramanyan and Perez-Carballo 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The most likely explanation for this is the low degree of protection in US, coupled with the fact that illegal hunting appears to impact more heavily on colobines, especially the red colobus (Rovero et al. 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For dino and face, we have used PMVS to reconstruct a set of patches that are then converted into a 3D mesh model using the method described in [12] (Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "05) were aligned against the GenBank (Benson et al., 2012) nr database with TBLASTN (Altschul et al., 1997) for annotation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using data from the Boston Rehabilitative Impairment Study in the Elderly (Boston RISE).(7) Briefly, Boston RISE is a prospective study of 430 community-dwelling older adults (\u226565) residing in the greater Boston area who are at risk of mobility decline.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Two cohort studies that included only women showed robust risk estimates (Puett et al., 2008; Miller et al., 2007), whereas one cohort including only men showed no effects (Puett et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In the present study as well as in several previous studies (15, 24, 32), the pressure in the ankle vein was measured to estimate the venous pressure changes in exercising legs.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Although the internally quenched substrate Abz-(R)4SAGnYamide was shown previously to be efficiently cleaved by DEN NS2B(H)-NS3pro, (kcat/Km: 11087 M 21 s(21)) [22], binding affinity and cleavage efficiency (kcat/Km: 19 M 21 s(21)) of this peptide was substantially lower (approx.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Open support environments proposed in the recent literature are based on open architecture like Grid [5, 6, 22, 4] and SOA [16, 15, 11, 1].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Such studies are usually conducted for memory evaluation [1, 2], coding and retrieving information in the brain [3], guilty-innocent identification [4-6], and examining the brain response during observation of object-face images or meaningful/familiar-meaningless/unfamiliar images [7-14].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our immunohistochemical results (Marvulli et al., 1996) indicate that collagen type VI is particularly abundant at the sites of insertion of SMAS.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", number of patients assigned to a nurse during the most recent shift) due to known reliability and validity issues of staffing measures derived from administrative databases (Aiken et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For the latter, hydroxyquinol is the common ring cleavage substrate (Nordin et al. 2005), whereas for phenol another pathway is employed.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "As described before (17), simulations of the progression of an initially very small tumor in the absence of any treatment leads to three scenarios.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Sequences were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on 97% sequence similarity using Uclust [50].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Endothelial or extracellular hypoxia, acidosis, and free oxygen radicals have been shown to cause IMA increase (20, 21), thus IMA can be detected early on the beginning of ischemia.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It will be of interest in future studies to determine if Brd13 plays a role in local auxin synthesis fostering dynamic changes in tip growth or innate immunity (Baluska et al. 1996b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "and loss of EphB2 has been linked to age-related cognitive dysfunction (Klein, 2008; Ciss e et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "First characterized by Meis-Kindblom in 1995 (Meis-Kindblom et al., 1995), sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma (SEF) is a rare soft tissue tumor exhib-", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In absence of FGF activity, patterning is thus significantly reduced because of a defective migration of epiblast cells through the primitive streak\n(Deng et al., 1994; Yamaguchi et al., 1994; Sun et al., 1999; Guo and Li, 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The efficient-score method with\ncontinuity correction as described by Newcombe [27] was used for the calculation of 95% confidence intervals on proportions.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In Experiment 1, using the stimuli from Pascalis et al. (2005) and the same duration of familiarization and test trials used in Pascalis and colleagues (Pascalis et al., 2002; Pascalis et al., 2005), we demonstrated that 12-month-olds fail to reliably discriminate unfamiliar monkey faces.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Building on [5, 10] and inspired by the nonconvexity challenge of PSSE, the goal of this paper is to develop a polynomial-time SE solver for AC power networks, which also features competitive statistical performance.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We administered the Conflict Resolution Style Inventory (CRSI; Kurdek, 1994) [40] to measure adolescents\u201a\u00c4\u00f4 style of handling conflicts in the current romantic relationship.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "[5] used the SOM network to organize Web documents into a two-dimensional map based on the contents of documents.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, the kinetics of exo-AFBO formation by P450 1A5 followed Michaelis\u2013 Menten kinetics (Yip and Coulombe, 2006), while that for 3A37 exhibited sigmoidal kinetics following the Hill equation, suggestive of apparent cooperativity between AFB1 and P450 3A37 (Rawal et al., 2010b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Earlier studies showed heterogeneous patterns in correlative relationships between natural parasite load and innate immunity (Lindstr\u00f6m et al., 2004; M\u00f8ller and Haussy, 2007; Parejo and Silva, 2009; Whiteman et al., 2006), no experimental evidence of pathogenic effects on NAb concentration, and small effects on complement only [e.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, an analysis of the converted pairwise distance matrix shows that this minimum eigenvalue is quite large, thus making it meaningless to prune by the triangle inequality [11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Induction of the SigB-dependent general stress regulon provides B. subtilis cells with a multiple, non-specific and pre-emptive stress resistance that includes protection against a growthinhibiting heat shock (54 uC) (Hecker & Vo\u0308lker, 2001; Ho\u0308per et al., 2005; Vo\u0308lker et al., 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The technique is partially adapted from previous methods (Kuznetsov et al. 1996; Tonkonogi et al. 2003) and has been described previously (Anderson et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "GltA1 (citrate synthase I) and citA (citrate synthase II), that are known to be induced under stresses [11,33], were more highly induced in Dfcr mutants, compared to WT, under MS.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "As expected from our previous studies [24], the 23-RSS substrate is nicked robustly by the RAG proteins under these conditions, with some hairpin formation and aberrant nicking in the spacer also detected.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The main co-product of the corn dry milling process, distiller\u2019s grains (DG) or distiller\u2019s grains and solubles (DGS), contains significant amount of protein, polysaccharide and fat (Kim et al., 2008a), and is therefore, primarily sold as an animal feed replacement for whole corn.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Underage drinking is a major contributor to all three leading causes of death for this age group: unintentional injury, homicide, and suicide [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The leak is a risk factor of sepsis, and it is a one of the most important causes of postoperative mortality [6, 8].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, both astrocytes and microglial cells are known to produce NO [54,55], and indeed we found that IFN-c stimulation of these cells resulted in NO release.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "1999); anther (German\u00e0 and Chiancone 2003); leaf, cotyledon and root segments (Gill et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "3H-PDBu and 'H-forskolin autoradiography were performed as described (Worley et al., 1986a, b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Physiological changes in the CF gut lead to the accumulation of viscous (sticky) mucus and faecal material in the terminal ileum, caecum and ascending colon which form obstructing mucofaeculant impactions (Walker et al, 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026nature of maintaining multiple lines that apparently require different culture media, passaging methods, culture substrates and feeder cell types / densities (Thomson et al., 1998; Reubinoff et al., 2000; Hovatta et al., 2003; Mitalipova et al., 2003; Cowan et al., 2004; Stojkovic et al., 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Although these twomethods described above were originally proposed for single-shell data, they can be generalized for multi-shell data using two different approaches:\n \u201a\u00c4\u00a2 First fit diffusion models, such as DTI (Basser et al., 1994) or Spherical Polar Fourier Imaging (Assemlal et al., 2009; Cheng et al., 2010b), to high-anisotropy diffusion signal E(q) in R3.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "As reported previously by others in immortalized TRAF6 KO MEFs (12, 17, 18) or TRAF6 KO monocytes (39), we found that IL-1 signaling could be restored to immortalized TRAF6 KO MEFs by reexpressing the WT TRAF6 but not by the TRAF6[C70A] mutant, whereas only trace IL-1 signaling was restored by the reexpression of TRAF6[L74H] (Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "samples, one can statistically predict the accuracy of the point-estimate under consideration with a certain level of confidence [13, 12, 11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This scenario corresponds to the structure of irreversible MichaelisMenten, well-known in the literature (Heinrich and Schuster, 1996), where an enzyme appears predominantly in the reversibly interconvertible forms of the free enzyme E and the enzymesubstrate complex ES, and the product P is\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Subjects were seated in a custom experimental chair (39,46) with the hip joint at about 100 and the knee joint at 90 .", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The accuracy of the MBIM technique was validated in a previous study (Krosshaug and Bahr, 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although the study of heat transfer in magmatic systems has a venerable history (e.g. Ingersoll et al., 1954; Shaw, 1965; Jaeger, 1968; Spera, 1979; Carrigan, 1988; Huppert & Sparks, 1988; Bergantz, 1989; Marsh, 1989), the explicit connection between heat transfer and the trace element and isotopic evolution of magma in open systems has been investigated less thoroughly despite the obvious coupling.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Moreover, EAAs activate glutamate receptors, in particular NMDA receptors, and facilitate spinal sensory transmission, which contributes to the hypersensitivity and neuroplastic changes of dorsal horn neurons in chronic pain states [3,10,16].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "cerevisiae, mutation in genes BNI1, BUD3, BUD6 and SPA2, which regulate polarity and proper cell development, triggers cellpolarity phenotypes (Amberg et al., 1997; Chant et al., 1995; Sagot et al., 2002; Sheu et al., 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Given the importance of both phosphoacceptor wing residues for DNA binding, it can be anticipated that their phosphorylation as observed in vivo (Reimann et al., 2013) might also affect the interaction with DNA.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Through an ATPase cycle, Hsp90 facilitates proper folding of \u2018client\u2019 proteins, thereby regulating their stability, protein interactions, intracellular trafficking, and functions.(1,2) To fulfill these functions, Hsp90 interacts with its cofactors and cochaperones including Hsp70, immunophilins, and p23, to form the Hsp90based chaperone complex.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "is influenced by genetic, metabolic errors and environmental factors [8\u201310].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The more personalised search engines and social media are, the smaller the chance of running into something that challenges users\u2019 earlier searching behaviour (cf. Abel et al., 2011; Feuz et al., 2011; Hannak et al., 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In MAPT gene exon 10 pre-mRNA alternative splicing, the tau protein 3R and 4R isoforms are formed at similar levels, and exceptions to these results yield FTDP-17.(6,8-10) Neurons require certain factors to regulate the equilibrium of both isoforms.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The power of ConSurf, in comparison to other popular alternatives based on consensus and relative entropy approaches, is that the evolutionary rates are estimated based on the phylogenetic relationships among the homologues and the specific dynamics of the analysed sequences using advanced probabilistic evolutionary models (16,17).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These advantages of using waveguides enable synchronized concurrent accesses of an optical bus in a pipelined fashion [2, 11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Arpp/Ankrd2 has been found to be induced in denervated muscles (Tsukamoto et al. 2002) and in muscles chronically immobilized in a stretched position (Kemp et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026by offering a consistent way to differentiate two types of results that provide evidence of statistical mediation, drawing on earlier work (Baron & Kenny, 1986) and more recent advances in meditational modeling (Hayes, 2013; MacKinnon et al., 2007; Preacher, 2015; Preacher & Hayes, 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Indeed, IgAN is the main cause of ESRD in patients of all ages with primary glomerular disease (4-9).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To check whether general attitude influences perception of benefits and risks, a simple mediation model of Hayes,(45,46) with 1,000 bootstrap resamples, was used.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026inhibition\nAntibiotic inhibitory traits of Streptomyces isolates were evaluated against 5\nstandard Streptomyces isolates that vary in their antibiotic resistances (DL87, 4-2, 2-12, 4-16, and 6-14; Davelos et al., 2004b) using an agar-overlay method as described in Davelos et al. (2004a).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Table 1 shows the macronutrient and fatty acid compositions of the diets, determined as previously detailed (Albuquerque et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although a few studies have associated a higher tonic respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) with lower ratings of social competence [23], results have generally supported the assumption that a higher tonic HRV reflects a greater capacity for regulated emotional responses and selfregulation [24,25].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Additionally, magnetic fields [13\u201318], electric fields [16,19,20] or a combination of both [21] have proven to be efficient in obtaining bigger and higher-quality protein single crystals for X-ray crystallography.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In agreement with the results of previous reports, we showed that CRF injected ic inhibits gastric emptying of a noncaloric liquid solution in rats (Su\u00c3\u00e0to\u00c3\u00c5 et al., 1994; Tache\u00c3\u00c5 et al., 1987; 1991; Yoneda et al., 1992).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026to expression in the fetus, Igf2 is expressed by the placenta (Consta\u0302ncia et al. 2002) and mice lacking the placenta-specific Igf2 transcript show IUGRaswell as placentas that are small and have altered nutrient transport (Consta\u0302ncia et al. 2002; Sibley et al. 2004; Sferruzzi-Perri et al. 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2007), was recently reported to activate MuRF1 and atrogin-1 transcription and muscle atrophy (Moresi et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Measuring instrument for trust \u2013 trust of the internet and trust of the government is adapted from the Web trust theory [7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For example, it is well known that translation-invariant undecimated wavelets (Coifman and Donoho, 1995) are a dramatically more effective domain than the basic fully decimated orthogonal (or biorthogonal) wavelets for denoised a signal by shrinkage; the realization of", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A link between PTSD symptoms and FM has also been reported in both careseeking (Sherman et al., 2000; Cohen et al., 2002; Roy-Byrne et al., 2004) and community (Raphael et al., 2004a) samples, but only one study (Roy-Byrne et al., 2004) employed a formal psychiatric diagnostic interview.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A high viral load in blood, severe thrombocytopenia, and platelet dysfunction may result in increased capillary fragility (Ojha et al., 2017), clinically manifested as petechiae, easy bruising, and gastrointestinal mucosal bleeding (Deshwal et al., 2016), which is characteristic of DHF/DSS. ADE has\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The results linking neutrophil ROS production with NETosis and subsequent bacterial killing are consistent with several prior reports (18, 35, 36).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "vivo UV cross-linking does not promote formation of covalent bonds between proteins (Pashev et al. 1991; Suchanek et al. 2005), and hence offers an approach to \u201cfreeze\u201d directly binding RBPs to RNAs in vivo for subsequent immunoaffinity (K\u00f6nig et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For a fair comparison with FISM, we optimize it with the same point-wise log loss using the same Adagrad learner.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Here we use the value of ten (because our previous study showed this is the number of items that can be managed efficiently in the browser\u2019s sidebar [Moreau et al., 2002]).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "with the generations linked through the division mechanism Ri(t, x) as a source term (see [7, 12, 26]).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "An avenue of future work would condition the sentence topic distribution on a document distribution over topics (Teh et al., 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It has been proved that minimum energy per operation is achieved by operating circuits in the subthreshold region [9\u201318].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "It has previously been shown that word embeddings represent the contextualised lexical semantics of words (Mikolov et al., 2013; Bengio et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "ablation of TLR4 are protected from experimentally induced inflammation and fibrogenesis in these organs, suggesting an important functional role of TLR4 in sustaining pathological fibrogenesis [20\u201324].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "There was an estimated 214% increase in older adults living with AIDS between 1994 and 2000, which accounted for almost 19% of all AIDS cases in 2000 (2,3).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although the experimental evidence for this adaptive interpretation is compelling [51], the published comparative data lack an appropriate phylogenetic context for statistical analysis, so it is not known whether the AChR locus has experienced sustained directional selection in venom-resistant clades.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Endothelial function was assessed by ultrasonic measurement of FMD of the brachial artery following the standardized protocol described in the guidelines [19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The characteristics of these depolarizing responses appeared to be rather close to those described earlier [18, 19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The three items were used previously in two international research projects on physical activity (R\u00fctten et al. 2001; Stahl et al. 2001; Stahl et al. 2002), and have been tested for reliability (R\u00fctten 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026and those from a previous study in which knockout of CTC1 resulted in similar telomeric and proliferative defects in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (Gu et al., 2012)may seem at oddswith studies demonstrating that knockdown of either Stn1 or Ctc1 did not result in telomere dysfunction or any\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "These SNPs were genotyped using the Sequenom MassARRAY iPlex Gold system (Sequenom, San Diego, USA) in 2397 TEDS subjects possessing mathematics data at age 10.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In (R\u00fcdiger et al., 2007b) a reduction of the dependability tree was proposed for the application of autonomous mobile systems.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results are in agreement with the results of previous in vitro studies [19,31,33,34], demonstrating that, in patients with CHB resistant to both lamivudine and adefovir, a combination of the two drugs was not effective, resulting in a significantly higher rate of early virologic non-response after 6 months of treatment and a significantly poorer virologic response at 12 months compared with entecavir monotherapy, independent of other factors.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A comprehensivemotor battery included the assessment of catatonic signs by means of the Modified Rogers Scale (MRS) (Rogers, 1985); parkinsonism with the Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) (Simpson and", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "MT has been used to check the functional correctness of various applications [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14] and has also been applied to program proving and debugging [15], [16].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Maternal depression symptoms were assessed at 10 time points (18 weeks gestation, 32 weeks gestation, 8 weeks postnatal, 8 months postnatal, 1 year 9 months, 2 years 9 months, 5 years 1 month, 6 years 1 month, 8 years 1 month and 11 years 2 months) using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) [20].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The effects of myostatin in tumor cachexia might depend on myostatin from skeletal muscle, but also on myostatin secreted from tumor cells [12,18,50].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Local adaptation may, however, be inferred in several ways, one of the most widely used being reciprocal translocation studies, where different populations are reared in a reciprocal manner in their locations of origin (Hereford 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In contrast with our findings, 2 studies reported that quercetin decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (47, 48).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007538.s006 (0.52 MB TIF)\n Data S1 Gene expression matrix (3,345623) identified by SOMSVD and analyzed by CPP-SOM in fenretinide-induced apoptosis of NB4 cells.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Sleep duration, movement patterns, and neurological status of premature infants (group 1) are comparable to what has been previously reported (Dreyfus-Brisac, 1970; Curzi-Dascalova et al., 1988, 1993; Watanbe, 1992; Mirmiran et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Non-technological innovation is increasingly considered as important for more socially sustainable farming systems, for example by means of value chain reconfiguration (Devaux et al., 2009) and novel co-operation arrangements between different farm and non-farm businesses (Veldkamp et al., 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "However, only Konkol and Konop\u0131\u0301k [11] evaluated their system according to the CoNLL metric.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Consistent with results in an animal model of habitual exercise (Woodiwiss and Norton 1995) and with results obtained in studies of athletes (Levine et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Antioxidants (vitamin E, etc.) are suggested to play a possible role in protecting against CP-induced nephrotoxicity mediated by oxidative stress (Appenroth et al., 1997; Mansour et al., 2002; Sueishi et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Mediated transport of NAADP across membranes has also been observed, which is found to be also inhibited by an inhibitor of the nucleoside transporter, dipyridamole (58).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Experiment results of our proposed algorithm, KBT [10], PPM [15], LBPT [20], KCF [9], LBP&PPM and CT&ED on eight challenging sequences (from top to bottom are Basketball, Car, Coke, Doll, Lemming, Matrix, Trellis, Woman, respectively).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "With new recommendations for a broader HPV vaccination campaign [3] and evidence that HPV is responsible for more cancers than originally thought [19] community education is important in reducing the incidence of HPV and cervical cancer.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "E-cadherins are indirectly linked to the cortical actin cytoskeleton through b-catenin and a-catenin (Vleminckx and Kemler 1999; Miyoshi and Takai 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Of the remaining studies, 8 measured CRF with an electronic cycle ergometer, 1 measured CRF with a stepping ergometer, and 2 did not report the exercise equipment used to measure CRF. VO2max was measured directly from expired gas analysis during maximal effort in 14 studies and estimated using previously derived equations in 13 studies.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This can be readily observed when selection is artificially induced by forcing GC B cell-T follicular helper (Tfh) cell interactions (Gitlin et al., 2015; Gitlin et al., 2014; Victora et al., 2010), but is also likely to be at the origin of the \u2018\u2018clonal bursts\u2019\u2019 that can lead to radical loss of\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Current epidemiological evidence also supports its potential association with increase in blood pressure and hypertension prevalence (Tsioufis et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "PepT1 mRNA was highly expressed in the YS from e13 to e17, which was the same as the results from qPCR analysis (Yadgary et al., 2011; Speier et al., 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Providing intrinsic incentives for peers to help with traffic flow in P2P network applications is important in order to overcome the most common problems with the open-source P2P paradigm: Free-riding and tragedy of the commons (Ma et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Using quantitative RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, and Western blot analysis, we have previously shown that Cx-43 and -40 are present in both in PAECs and PASMCs, whereas Cx-37 was only present in PASMCs (21).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Then, we use active shape models (ASM) [27] to detect the facial landmarks and all facial images would be aligned and cropped via the locations of the eyes center and the upper lip (see Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These issues have been studied and described by Helfrich & Pineda (2003) and Scotti & Pineda (2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In this research we focus on the position of AEW trough axes, for brevity and because of their welldocumented association with disturbed weather (e.g., Reed et al. 1977).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "PFC patients and controls did not differ with respect to the amount of time spent making the first move on each tower, a finding consistent with previous studies (Andres & Van der Linden, 2001; Goel & Grafman, 1995; Jacobs & Anderson, 2002; Owen et al., 1990; Rushe et al., 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "According to Figure 4, Figure 5 and previous results [23, 25, 33, 39]), this could yield effect on the measured speed and error rate in text entry experiments.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026isolates, Pseudomonas and Rhodococcus are well-known biosurfactant producers (Syldatk et al. 1985; Desai and Banat 1997; Husain et al. 1997; Coelho et al.\n2003; Maier 2003), but such capability was rarely reported for cold-adapted isolates (Yakimov et al. 1999; Pini et al. 2007; Cai et al. 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Furosemide and midazolam concentrations were simultaneously determined in the solution by UV spectrophotometry coupled with partial least square (PLS) regression [10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Workshops supplemented by ongoing feedback or supervision does result in sustained improvements in counselor practice (Baer et al., 2004; Miller, Yahne, Moyers, Martinez, & Pirritano, 2004; Sholomskas et al., 2005; Walters et al., 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The same approach was used to analyze CLIP data for CELF1 [24] and Nova [25] in postnatal mouse brain using the mouse mm9/NCBI37 genome and annotation (July, 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In addition, there may be tumor spread along the needle track, cyst rupture, hemorrhage, and/or infection[3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "coli strains, Edwardsiella tarda, or Salmonella typhimurium and plays a role in the biosynthesis of antibiotic and toxins (Dang et al., 2011; Garcie et al., 2016; Verbrugghe et al., 2015; Vivien et al., 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Exclusion criteria were based on the proposed IDSA [15] case definition of PTLDS, in order to minimize the impact of medical comorbidities linked to our outcome variables of fatigue, pain, and cognitive dysfunction.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Increased affinity of mAbs to FcRn at pH 6.0 was associated with greater SC bioavailability, whereas an increased affinity at pH 7.4 lead to a decrease in SC absorption in mice (Deng et al., 2010; Deng et al., 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "MMPs are expressed in astrocytes (Gottschall et al., 1995; Muir et al., 2002), and their activity is induced in the presence of A (Deb and Gottschall, 1996; Deb et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Enrichment analysis In the previous section, the construction of the weight vector associated with a given disease via ITMProbe was described.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A large number of studies have shown that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in the pathophysiology of many diseases including RA [3, 4].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Several studies have shown that increased ABA levels can contribute to increased susceptibility to biotrophic pathogens [21,50,51] and P.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The pathway for 4-CP degradation is unusual, via hydroxyquinol as a ring cleavage intermediate (Nordin et al. 2005), and this might be an explanation for the ability of A. chlorophenolicus to grow on high concentrations of this compound.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Genetic alterations in oncogenic KRAS and tumor suppressors TP53, CDKN2A, SMAD4, ARID1A, and MLL3 are found in pancreatic cancers.(7) Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), as part of the tumor microenvironment, also play an important role in tumor initiation and progression, as well as drug efficacy.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The models with E. viridis or E. vanbrunti bindins as the foreground (data not shown) produced results identical to those of McCartney and Lessios (2004) in that they found no positive selection along these branches.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Yet, our system-level study of the current state of HRM within health care organisations within Victoria showed a general lack of strategic HRM, including HPWS, within the health care organisations of this state (Leggat et al., 2008), with larger hospitals demonstrating fewer aspects of HPWS than smaller community health services (Leggat et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Almost all previous histologic studies have shown that LLLT not only may affect the speed of dental movements, but also influences remodeling in the tissues surrounding the teeth and, consequently, results in formation of new bone of a higher quality and speeds up the remodeling of collagen fibers, which in turn might affect the short-term stability of the dental movements.(13,15,17,24,25,28,29,37) Our findings are also consistent with this theory.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In many species, rhythmic movements have been proved to be the output of dedicated neural circuitries, the Central Pattern Generator(s) (CPGs) (Marder, 2000; Marder and Bucher, 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026limiting to infection of developing seeds of C. stoebe because fungal spores in flower heads would require moist conditions to germinate and infect, and flowering of this plant occurs during relatively dry summers, at least in the Pacific Northwest region of North America (Shipunov et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Nonetheless, it is usually accepted in the literature that the increase in response times reflects the additional engagement of inhibitory processes (MacLeod, 1991; Nigg, 2000; but see Aron, 2007 for a different interpretation), while the increase in error rate provides an index of the ability to\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Tasks are specified by a map function that processes key/value pairs into intermediate key/value pairs and a reduce function that merges and processes all intermediate pairs with the same key [4].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 1985) is co-expressed with other EBNAs from the Wp and Cp promoters in latency III (Rogers et al., 1990; Sample & Kieff, 1990), and independently from the Qp promoter in latency I (Nonkwelo et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00b6H0) between monospecific and mixed patches were assumed when the 95 % confidence intervals did not overlap 100 samples (Badano and Cavieres 2006); when the number of samples was less than 100, we used the extrapolation routine proposed by Colwell et al. (2012) to obtain S0 and H0 to 100 samples.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A substantial amount of research on GDTs\u2019 processes and performance has explored the effects of different dimensions of dispersion (Griffith, Sawyer and Neale 2003; Kirkman and Mathieu 2005; O\u2019Leary and Cummings 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "This attention control procedure, which was adapted from the cognitive load literature (Gilbert, Krull, & Pelham, 1988), has been used in several previous experiments to manipulate self-regulatory strength (e.g., DeWall et al., 2007; Schmeichel, Vohs, & Baumeister, 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The present study used the most costeffective method for assessing stages of reproductive aging which is based on menstrual bleeding patterns (Soules et al. 2001) and chronologic age (Bastian et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The abovementionedmeanfield studies are based on purely cortical theories of EEG generation (Hutt and Longtin, 2010; Liley and Cadusch, 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In a viscoelastic medium, the localized modulated radiation force, additionally to the longitudinal waves [3\u20136] can give rise to low-frequency shear waves [7\u201313] which are known to travel significantly slower in tissue than longitudinal waves [14].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "miR-218 functions as a tumor suppressor [2325] and is downregulated in various types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer [25], cervical squamous cell carcinoma [26] and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma [27].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Thus, AHI was calculated with recording time, which might underestimate AHI severity, especially in the presence of high AHI values [47].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "a potential drug), we computed the surface accessible to the solvent, using the ASA software [26] available at RPBS [27], based on the 3D PR structure PDB ID:1HSG [28] and 3D RT structure PDB ID:1DLO [29].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Numerous studies have shown an association between concentrations of fine particulate matter and gas pollutants, such as PM10 and SO2 (\u03bcg/m3), and risk of death from all causes and from cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses [1\u20134,32] and indeed for acute cohorts [15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "micranthos in both its native range in Eurasia and that part of its invaded range that is in the Pacific Northwest region of North America (Shipunov et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These reductions in oxalate absorption produced overwhelming net oxalate secretion by each of these segments, associated with a 66% decline in urinary oxalate excretion and a 60% lower plasma oxalate concentration compared to their WT counterparts [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2015), or implicitly modeled by recent neural models(Du et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2017b; Yuan et al., 2017; Song et al., 2017; Subramanian et al., 2017).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Manually-passaged BG01 (passage 24; p24) were purchased from BresaGen (Athens, GA; Mitalipova et al., 2003) and HUES-7 (p11) were kindly gifted by Harvard University (Cowan et al., 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "~Determined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization experiments (Marvulli et al., 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Border cell motility requires a precise level of STAT activity, which is tightly regulated by a genetic circuit that includes attenuationmediated by Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling at 36E (Socs36E) (Starz-Gaiano et al., 2008; Yoon et al., 2011; Montell et al., 2012; Monahan and Starz-Gaiano, 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The instructions given to participants during the positive imagery training specifically to generate mental images of the events is motivated by research indicating that mentalimagery has a particularly strong effect on emotion (e.g. Holmes et al., 2006, 2008c).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "My results give one way to interpret the empirical evidence from Baker et al. (2012) that suggests that fiscal policy uncertainty has been an important force behind the fall in consumption, investment, and output that we have seen during the Great Recession. In addition, my model is consistent with the relatively small effects reported by Fern\u00e1ndez-Villaverde et al. (2012b) and Born and Pfeifer (2011) since both studies do not consider the impact of the ZLB. A complementary strand of literature examines the effects of expected fiscal consolidation. Work by Denes, Eggertsson, and Gilbukh (2012) shows that the form of a fiscal consolidation can determine the effectiveness of changes in fiscal policy when the ZLB binds.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Repetitive stimulation with brief high frequency bursts (typically used as test pulses) induces LTDf and LTDa at facilitating synapses (in preparation) which is not observed at depressing synapses between pyramidal neurons (Markram and Tsodyks, 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For example, corr-4a is a bisaminomethyl bithiazole compound that promotes maturation of Phe508 CFTR but shows little rescue of a mutant dopamine receptor 4 (Pedemonte et al., 2005), whereas the thiazole derivative corr-2b and the pyrazole derivative VRT-532 also promote maturation of Phe508 CFTR but show little or no rescue of a P-gp processing mutant (Wang et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "For example, carotenoid levels declined with laying order in our study (as in many others; Royle et al. 1999, 2003; Blount et al. 2002; Saino et al. 2002, 2003), whereas androgen levels did not vary with laying order.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In earlier work using the one-step organosolv treatment (Pan et al., 2006a), an enzyme loading of 20 FPU/g cellulose was required to achieve a complete hydrolysis of the cellulose component while only recovering 72% of the original hemicellulose.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Using the modelling approach of [Friedlander (1983)] and [Friedlander and Sharman (1985)], the difficult problem of spectral estimation is reduced to the AR model parameter estimation from the data.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "EEM is based on the Electronegativity Equalization Principle [55], which was proven within the Density Functional Theory [56] and which states that electronegativity x is equalized throughout a molecule ( x~xi).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The proportion of type 1 fibers of the shoulder girdle muscle trapezius in this study was found to be about 10\u201315% lower than in some studies,(41,42) yet similar to others.(30,43) There are fewer comparable studies of human neck muscles.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Our finding that about 40% of the MDglutamate signal is related to oxidative stress (as indicated by the factor of dependency and the assumption that 8-iso-PGF2a is a specific marker for oxidative stress) is intriguing, and may reflect another potentially important link between oxidative stress and excitotoxicity via the microglial antiporter system Xc 2 (Sato et al., 2002), releasing cytotoxic levels of glutamate into the interstitial compartment to replenish intracellular cystine to maintain the glutathione system when challenged by oxidative stress (Qin et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 1998; Xu and Wu, 2005) and vesicle depletion (Custer et al., 2006; Pieribone et al., 1995; Schneggenburger et al., 2002; Xu and Wu, 2005) have varying dependence on the frequency of stimulation at different synapses, potentially leading to dominance by one mechanism or the other in specific circumstances.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2013) and domain mapping (e.g., White and McCain 1998; Reid and Chen 2007; Liu et al. 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For each observed value of habitat use, a confidence interval was computed with the large-sample 95% confidence interval formula (Manly et al. 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "So far, increased FAF intensity in monogenetic and multifactorial disease was primarily attributed to the amount of accumulated RPE lipofuscin [7, 8].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "After having estimated the TVAR for a given lag of the threshold variable, we perform a sup-LR test (Hansen, 1999; Lo and Zivot, 2001; Galv\u221a\u00a3o, 2003; Clements and Galv\u221a\u00a3o, 2004), in order to check the robustness of the results provided by the Tsay tests as to possible small-sample biases.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "N6 medium, developed by Chu (1978) for rice anther culture, has been used with some modifications to induce callus and somatic embryos from Citrus anthers (German\u00e0 and Chiancone 2003; Benelli et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u20266.1\u201328.47, 15.24\u201332.2 and 47\u2013105 mg/kg) reported in Sri Lanka, Morocco, India and Turkey, respectively (Kananke et al. 2014; AlJaboobi et al. 2014; Yadav et al. 2013; T\u00fcrkdo\u011fan et al. 2002), but comparatively higher than the Cu (0.333\u20130.632, 0.252\u20130.923 and 1.220\u20135.220 mg/kg) levels reported\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China\n(Bonilla et al. 2004), cell division (Hepler 1994), root tip growth (Bibikova et al. 1997), fertilization in flowering plants (Digonnet et al. 1997), pollen germination, pollen tube growth (Li et al. 1999), and plant senescence (Ferguson 1984).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 5 Issue 1, June, 2013 because it can not support the body weight (Rosol and Capen, 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This confirms the results of our previous work [5] and is also consistent with the statements of other studies, that examined gene expression profiling of breast carcinomas [37,38].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Family-based interventions (such as social support and communication training) can reduce domestic role strain and may prevent distress in family caregivers (Garofalo et al., 2009; Gaugler, Linder, et al., 2008; Kim et al., 2008; Park et al., 2012; Wagner et al., 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For example, African Americans and Native Americans are at increased risk of hypertension compared to Whites.(1) Although epidemiological data for Arab Americans is extremely scarce, this historically understudied population also demonstrates an increased risk of hypertension and CVD compared to Whites.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Removing these subsidies lowers firms\u2019 profits, leading firms to invest less frequently than under the\n5See, for example: Hughes and Podolefsky (2015); Burr (2016); De Groote and Verboven (2016); Gillingham and Tsvetanov (2017).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results confirm the recent experiment reported in Kulms, Kr\u221a\u00a7mer, Gratch, and Kang [16] showing that virtual character\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s non-verbal behavior may be predominant on stereotype attribution.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Several lines of evidence have implicated myogenin in the fast-to-slow fiber-type shift (7, 15, 26, 37, 47).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Flowers (1976) concluded that Parkinson patients were not able to perform the fast ballistic movement but were forced to move slowly to allow continuous monitoring.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For each estuary, Bayesian mixing models were used to quantify the contribution of the main classes of producers to each species, using SIAR (Stable Isotope Analysis in R; Parnell et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "1.1 Stability of Queuing Networks\nQueuing networks is one of the most used tools to model Discrete Event Dynamic System (DEDS), Cassandras and Lafortune (1999), useful to model realities like communication networks or manufacturing systems.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Speech samples were transcribed orthographically and analyzed using the computer program CLAN (MacWhinney, 1991).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026the finger BP measurement method (FinapresTM 2300, series FAX, Ohmeda, Louisville, CO, USA), a device that provides continuous non-invasive monitoring of beat-to-beat BP, and is therefore a useful non-invasive alternative to intra-arterial BP measurements (Imholz et al. 1988, Imholz et al. 1990).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In the Drosophila wing, for example, the localization of Fz and Dsh becomes restricted to the distal edge of the apical cell membrane, and these PCP complexes are mirrored at the proximal edge by accumulations of Vang and Pk (Axelrod, 2001; Bastock et al., 2003; Strutt, 2001; Strutt and Strutt, 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In addition, the most common statistical analysis approaches used to assess reliability were considered (Hopkins, 2000; Currell and Jeukendrup, 2008; Impellizzeri and Marcora, 2009), which encompassed: coefficient of variation (CV%), intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), typical error of measurement (TEM), correlation coefficients (r), and 95% limits of agreement (LOA).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "05), which is similar to results found for rabbit fibroblast (Liu et al., 2004) and porcine mammary cells (Prather et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "During the EMDR the bilateral migratory stimulation makes the client continually take his/her attention from the middle line (Parker et al., 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous studies indicate that Ctf18-RFC is required for activation of the Rad53 checkpoint kinase at stalled DNA replication forks (26\u201329), downstream of Mec1 (42).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The motivation for this analysis was to enable us to prove a concentration result of the chromatic number of the random regular graph, following the ideas of Shamir and Spencer [22], Luczak [18], and Alon and Krivelevich [2].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "DNA extractions for the three fungal inoculants in pure culture were carried out as previously published (Shipunov et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Treatment with the general myosin inhibitor 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) (Radford and White, 2011) reduced the number of flg22-induced FLS2-GFP endosomes by ;80% compared with the control.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Reduced CREB activity has been shown to reduce excitability of nucleus accumbens neurons (Dong et al., 2006), whereas loss of c-Fos leads to increased neuronal excitability (Zhang et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Subsequently, two specific one-step multiplex real-time PCR was carried out using the Stratagene Mx3000P QPCR Systems (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), were used for typing A/B influenza virus and subtyping influenza A virus [8, 9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026et al. 2003 [17] Manual postop xray 60 93 Matsumoto et al. 2004 [27] Manual postop xray 30 67 Tillett et al. 1988 [42] Manual (IM) postop xray 25 92 Tillett et al. 1988 [42] Manual (IM) postop xray 25 92 Tillett et al. 1988 [42] Manual (EM) postop xray 25 80 Tillett et al. 1988 [42] Manual (EM)\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "By contrast to our results, exposure to a low temperature results in the accumulation of MgProto IX in Chlorella vulgaris (Wilson et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "One solution for this problem is to maximize the use of local data through a process of synthesis and triangulation of multiple independent and overlapping sources of information that are sometimes separately published and often not examined side-by-side [6].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[19] and Confavreux and Vukusic [3] have shown that progression in MS depends on the age of the patient.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026Life route\u2019 to self-organized criticality \u2013 could promote the development of conceptual models explaining how organisms are driven towards criticality in an abstract level, working as \u2018proofs of concept\u2019 (Barandiaran and Chemero, 2009) and supporting existing and future experimental findings.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Additionally, left PFC activation is consistent with results from previous studies on inductive reasoning (Crescentini et al., 2011; Goel and Dolan, 2000, 2004; Goel et al., 1997; Jia et al., 2011; Reverberi et al., 2005a, 2005b; Yang et al., 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Molecularly, inv(3)/t(3;3) AML is characterized by the aberrant juxtaposition of the oncogene ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1), with regulatory elements of ribophorin 1 (RPN1), resulting in overexpression of EVI1 (Buonamici et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of hPSCs from a primed to a naive state (Hanna et al., 2010; Gafni et al., 2013; Chan et al., 2013; Takashima et al., 2014; Theunissen et al., 2014; Valamehr et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014; Ware et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2015; Duggal et al., 2015; Hayashi et al., 2015; Qin et al., 2016).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Further, this similar profile has been described for MCI patients with a higher risk of conversion to AD (Petersen, 2007; Sarazin et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "All traps and specimens were processed using the laboratory sorting protocols of Wilkie et al. (2003), which is a quality control procedure for laboratory sorting and identiWcation of invertebrate specimens.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Third, we found no effects of childhood adversity before age 5 on cortisol in our sample, which contrasts findings in an elderly sample, in which individuals who were separated from their parents had increased cortisol responses to stress, especially those who experienced the separation during ages 2\u20147 (Pesonen et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "(2013) highlights the benefits of such strong gradients and the first results from the Connectome scanner (McNab et al., 2013; Duval et al., 2014; Ferizi et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2015) are now starting to verify those findings.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Balu\u0161ka et al. (1999, 2003) originally suggested that CRTwithin plasmodesmata could gate their permeability via modulation of local/actual Ca2+ level as both CRT and plant-specific myosin VIII (likely regulated by Ca2+) are enriched at sink plasmodesmata.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "One of these topologies known as local topology or lbest model provided improvements on several multimodal optimization problems [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was used as a screening tool for cognitive impairment [24, 25]; scores range from 0 to 30, with scores of\\26 indicative of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) [26].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Secondly, accurate estimates of population and dispersal parameters were not available; thus we estimated their values using indirect methods (see Cheung et al. 2008a).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "date antecedents for the pronoun are ordered based on a notion of discourse salience that favors syntactic salience and document proximity (Raghunathan et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The binding of a neurotransmitter initiates a cascade of protein motions that lead to transitions between resting, open, and desensitized conformations (Unwin and Fujiyoshi, 2012; Du et al., 2015; Sauguet et al., 2014; Althoff et al., 2014) (Figure 1A).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The upper reference limit was 5x10-3 for patients under 15 years, 6.5x10-3 for patients aged 16-40 years and 8x10-3 for patients older than 41 (Andersson et al., 1994).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The data from previously unsampled localities indicate that the finding of McCartney and Lessios (2004) from Panamanian populations, that molecular and haplotype diversity in the bindin of E. lucunter is lower than that of other neotropical species of Echinometra, holds true for the entire range of\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "MiR-218 was shown previously to downregulate fibrinogen synthesis [42]; therefore, the lower levels of expression that we observed in response to PM exposure might partly explain the increased fibrinogen concentration.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "25 (Carlson and Seamons 2008). Although this is a modest value, it does provide ample opportunity for natural selection to operate. The other condition \u201a\u00c4\u00f6\u221a\u00d1\u221a\u00a8 a selective differential \u201a\u00c4\u00f6\u221a\u00d1\u221a\u00a8 is clearly met. Hydropower development has profoundly changed freshwater environmental conditions experienced by Snake River fall Chinook salmon, so ample reason exists to believe that selective pressures for age at smolting could have changed as well. Our analyses suggest that the possibility of rapid evolutionary change in juvenile migration tactic within the last 50\u201a\u00c4\u00f6\u221a\u00d1\u221a\u00a860 years. Credence is lent to this hypothesis by research that has concluded that evolutionary changes have been experienced by introduced Chinook salmon populations over a 90-year period in New Zealand. There, Unwin et al. (2000) documented a divergence in juvenile migratory timing associated with differences in water temperatures that had affected juvenile growth, an association similar to that observed in Snake River fall Chinook salmon.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The purpose of the present study was to assess the interaction between the (S)-(+) enantiomer of racemic ketoprofen (dexketoprofen), which is a COX-1 inhibitor [15] that inhibits PG activity, and a selective COX-2 inhibitor (meloxicam) in a modified formalin orofacial model [19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "5b), indicating that enzymes other than TG2 can support the transamidase activity in the skeletal tissues, in agreement with earlier studies (Nurminskaya et al. 1998; Nurminskaya and Kaartinen 2006; Tanaka et al. 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Like UNAfold and RNAfold, we implement the classic dynamic programming algorithm for free energy minimization [7] based on the same general nearest neighbor thermodynamic model (NNTM) [8,9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00b6and GUS fluorometric assay\n To directly test transcription from the different petD promoters in these GUS reporter genes, in vivo labeled (transcription run-off) GUS mRNA was quantified and compared to the labeled chloroplast atpB reference mRNA as previously described (Gagne and Guertin, 1992).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "However, the results of studies by Sajedi and Alizad,[20] Ghahramani\n and Tavakolizade,[21] Amir Ali Akbari et al.,[15] Nouhjah et al.,[30] Ozbek et al.,[39] Hediger et al.,[18] Potijk et al.[25] and Richter and Janson[24] are in contradiction with the above results.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A pharmacokinetic mechanism has been hypothesized to explain these effects [5\u201310].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Transfection of GDNF RNA interference (RNAi) A sequence of sense and anti-sense oligonucleotides corresponding to the rat GDNF cDNA 5\u2032-ACUGACUUGGGUUUGGGCUACGAAA-3\u2032 was used for GDNF silencing, in accordance with previous optimization [10].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In many other taxa, studies of gene expression in have pointed to frequent misexpression in F1 hybrids (Landry et al. 2005, McManus et al. 2010, Malone and Michalak 2008, Renaut et al. 2009, Bell et al. 2013, Coolon et al. 2014).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This large peptide is imported into the nucleus, dependent upon a functional NLS within R1 (35, 36).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "To address if local expression of IL-12 in beta cells could initiate diabetes, Holz et al generated transgenic mice producing IL-12 or monomeric IL-12 chains in the beta cell [48].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results are similar to those of previous studies of Dicentrarchus labrax muscle (Veggetti et al., 1990; Ayala et al., 2000, 2001, 2003; Lopez-Albors et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "71150W channel, together with green fluorescent protein (GFP), using Rat Neuron Nucleofector Solution (Lonza, Walkersville, MD).(8)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "nerves from diabetic neuropathy and those from other neuropathies while other ECM proteins had abnormalities in this respect [1].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Finally, the iron-donor function of frataxin has recently been challenged as in vitro kinetic studies of Fe-S cluster biosynthesis using the bacterial components revealed that CyaY behaves as an iron-dependent inhibitor of Fe-S cluster assembly through a specific interaction with IscS [22].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The approximate size (Mr) of HS was estimated by the method of Wasteson,(34) as previously described.(21)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, among mediators easily measured in blood, IL-6 (6) and procalcitonin (33) appear to show the tightest correlation with clinical outcome and might be particularly useful markers of change in inflammatory response over time (6,33) (Grade D recommendation based on Level IV-V evidence).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2 ((Hennessy and Milner, 1985)) Assume that (Pr, Act,\u2212\u2192) is an image-finite labelled transition system and let E,F \u2208 Pr.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The real-world spaces that surround information users have been diversely called everything from personal information environments (Kwasnik, 1991; Malone, 1983) to personal information management (PIM) systems (Barreau, 1995) and personal spaces of information (Jones, 2007). Drawing upon interviews with academics, Lee (2003) proposes a model of three concentric zones of information that surround a user: \u201cimmediate,\u201d within arm\u2019s reach or a few footsteps away; \u201cadjacent,\u201d such as a nearby university library; and \u201coutside,\u201d such as a more distant bookstore. Speaking largely from an objectifying stance and adopting Lee\u2019s concept of the \u201cimmediate information space,\u201d this paper focuses on a visual research method\u2014photography\u2014 that seems particularly well suited to learning more about settings and their accompanying information phenomena. A variety of investigative approaches may be used to study immediate information space. Jones (2007) suggests ethnography combined with design methodologies, and places emphasis on context and situation, including contextual inquiry (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1998), situated activity (Suchman, 1983), and situated design (Greenbaum & Kyng, 1991). Naumer and Fisher (2007) recommend naturalistic inquiry (Lincoln & Guba, 1985) and the data-gathering methods of unobtrusive observation, interviews, diaries, text analysis, pictures, and videos. Sandstrom and Sandstrom (1995) champion scientific ethnography, which sanctions both quantitative and qualitative data-gathering techniques, and carefully negotiates the views of the researcher and informant, distinguished as \u201cetic\u201d or \u201cemic\u201d perspectives.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Kalavathy et al. (2003, 2006); Miazzo et al. (2005) observed a significant reduction of the abdominal fat content of the chickens, whereas Pelicano et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We used an approach based on a preliminary calibration of the optical probe on a known phantom as described in [37].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026has also shown a high correlation with the medial temporal lobe, by means of atrophy (Diamond et al., 2007; S\u00e1nchez-Benavides et al., 2010, 2014; Sarazin et al., 2010; Wenger, Negash, Petsersen, & Petersen, 2011), hypoperfusion (Habert et al., 2011) and hypometabolism (Van Der Gucht et al.,\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although truncated forms of TRAF6 lacking the really interesting new gene (RING) domain were reported to restore IL-1-signaling to TRAF6 knockout (KO) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) many years ago (16), other laboratories reported subsequently that the E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6[C70A] mutant could not (12, 17, 18).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Six hours after PMA stimulation nuclear C/EBPb levels were strongly induced as compared with the constitutively expressed nuclear factor high mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1, [45]) (Figure 4A).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This result is similar to those found in studies carried out in clinical/surgical ICUs, where coagulation failure (\u201a\u00e2\u00a750,000 platelets) did not significantly affect the prognosis of the patient [9, 28, 38].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In previous studies of the mouse Scn8a promoter, we described an 850-bp fragment with strong promoter activity in transfected MN1 neuronal cells (Drews et al. 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To assay culture supernatants of hybridoma cells, aliquots of IF cells were air-dried on cover glasses (4.5 mm 24 mm), fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min, permeabilized with 20 mM NaOH for 45 s (Iwatani et al., 2005), and washed twice with PBS.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026data, [Artetxe et al., 2017, Zhang et al., 2016] or by generating pseudo-matches through an initial unsupervised step [Artetxe et al., 2018a, Conneau et al., 2018]), our optimal-transport based framework goes beyond orthogonal mappings into more flexible correspondence estimation, while\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It is possible that the predominance of white individuals in the local population or the greater degree of miscegenation in Brazil influenced these results (17,18).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "levels; one reported lower ( 18), one slightly lower (17), and one higher (15) levels in cases.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, the increase in the number of coactive individuals observed by Azoulay et al. (2009), implies that numerous academic researchers have been patenting research results and numerous industrial inventors have been publishing technical ideas.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Sentences are parsed using the MST dependency parser (McDonald et al., 2005), which implements the Eisner algorithm (Eisner, 1996) for dependency parsing, and provides an efficient and robust performance.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", the mitogenic activity in NB2 cells (Luck et al., 1992) and osmoregulatory ability in urinary bladder (Doneen et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Bui et al. (2005) applied multi-objective GA to solve single-objective dynamic optimization problems.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Chambers et al. (2006, 2007) first demonstrated that IFG is critical when manual responses are required in the stop-signal paradigmand showed that IFG is selectively necessary for inhibition and the SMA only critical for motor initiation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The use of bisimilarity in this context is particularly attractive because, as essentially shown in (Hennessy and Milner, 1985), bisimilarity provides an abstraction technique that preserves the truth and falsehood of any formula expressed in the \u03bc-calculus (Kozen, 1983), and hence all CTL\u2217 (Dam, 1994), CTL (Clarke and Emerson, 1981; McMillan, 1993), and LTL (Pnueli, 1977)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Increasing number of screening programs in North America [5], Japan [6], and Europe [7\u201314] have greatly augmented the volume of the evidence base concerning low-dose CT screening practice.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00b6activation patterns were consistent with the results of the previous studies on infants (Dehaene-Lambertz et al., 2002, 2004) and adults (Petersen et al., 1988; Price, 2000; Homae et al., 2002); all of these studies reported that the both hemispheres are involved in processing of speech sounds.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026thinning restricted to the genu in early-onset depression relative to controls may possibly indicate abnormal connections with prefrontal areas, in line with our own previous findings of frontal gray matter abnormalities in patients with an early onset of illness (Ballmaier et al, 2004a, b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026factor analysis and independent real factor analysis (or noisy ICA), together with the corresponding criteria for the number of independent factors (Xu, 1998b, 2000, 2001a); as well as (e) several extensions of LMSER learning and the corresponding criteria for the number of hidden units (Xu, 1993,\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results are in agreement with Espitia et al. (2012), who found that lemongrass oil vapour had excellent potential in reducing the growth of mesophilic aerobic bacteria, yeasts and mould on treated papaya.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "This study uses qualitative research methods, which include case study method, and are among those used to study and understand behavior within a social context (Kaplan and Maxwell 1994).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00b6using the software of MEME online-version 4.6.1 (Multiple Expectation Maximization for motif Elicitation), which is one of the most widely used tools for observation of new sequence patterns in biological sequences and analysis of their significance (Bailey and Elkan 1994; Bailey et al. 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For our TSVM problem, we consider the approach proposed in [6] whose formal setup is given by:", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Threats of violence, and in particular, violence, stand out as important risk factors for LTSL in the present study, and our results are in line with a study of human service workers in Denmark [12].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "As Ewald approaches are known to overstabilize helices in periodic cells [22], long range electrostatic interactions were treated using the reaction field method [6,7,23] with a dielectric constant of 80, and 9 \u221a\u00d6 cutoffs imposed on all non-bonded interactions, which has proven highly successful in our previous studies of helical peptides [1,7,8,15,24].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "This Cu(I)-mediated process required relative high catalyst loading and elevated reaction temperature to initiate the less active C\u2013Cl bond in P(VDF-co-CTFE) backbone, which resulted in unexpected chain transfer reactions and dehydrochlorination reactions [56].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The available methods include use of texture (Binder et al., 1999), local phase (Mulet-Parada and Noble, 2000), a gradient-based deformable model (Coppini et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Patients have reported many psychosocial needs [13] such as health care and personal concerns, difficulty coping and feelings of distress, problems interacting with familymembers or significant others, somatic complaints, and instrumental needs.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This finding is in line with the results of trajectory analyses by others (Deshields et al., 2006; Gallagher et al., 2002; Helgeson et al., 2004) and seems to support the growing body of evidence that not all people experience psychological problems after a cancer diagnosis (Coyne, Palmer, Shapiro, Thompson, & DeMichele, 2004; Hinnen et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Basically, this problem can mainly be merged in three classes (Aggarwal and Nandhakumar, 1988; Faugeras, 1993; Shapiro, 1995).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "cruzi development in vertebrates and vectors and have been incriminated as host defence factors [9-12,19,22,55], it is tempting to speculate whether DTU-specific TcPRAC enzymes can contribute to differential degrees of metacyclogenesis, parasitemias and virulence.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u202610 consecutive lip repairs, although the basis for this sample size remains unproven (McComb, 1985; Boo-Chai, 1987; Lohmander-Agerskov et al., 1990; Bertolini et al., 2000; Haramoto et al., 2000; Braumann et al., 2001; AlQattan, 2002; Braumann et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2004; McComb, 2009; Tindlund\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "By matching the performance of the DT system in the first two rows of the table, the AC system proves that it can successfully learn the relative importance of the deterministic sieves, which in (Raghunathan et al., 2010) and (Lee et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2014), mass spectrometry detector (Won et al. 2014) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Hilbert et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This result is in agreement with the authors who established that this measure is a summation parameter of overall hydrolytic activity (Ryckeboer et al., 2003; Margesin et al., 2006; Cayuela et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These observations are consistent with the overlap of whole rock Rb\u2013Sr ages; 610\u2013560 Ma for the Dokhan, 600\u2013585 Ma for the Hammamat, and 610\u2013550 Ma for the Younger Granites (Stern, 1979; Stern and Hedge, 1985; Bentor, 1985; Willis et al., 1988; Beyth et al., 1994; Jarrar et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Eleven of these studies report data for MRI (349/586 patients with PDAC) [10\u201320], 15 for CT/ MDCT (815/1338 with PDAC) [14,17,18,20\u201331] 10 report on PET/CT (567/829 with PDAC) [11,14,29,32\u201338], and 29 report data on ultrasound (2574/3732 patients with PDAC).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To evaluate efficacy of the learned dictionary, we will mainly consider the task of image reconstruction as in (Aharon et al., 2006; Heide et al., 2015; Sironi et al., 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Because this immortalized murine hepatocyte cell line has typical features of normal hepatocytes and expresses high levels of hepatocyte-specific proteins, such as albumin, 1-antitrypsin, and transferrin (55), it has been used as a cell culture model to study hepatocellular metabolism and effects of the HBV X protein and other exogenous or host cellular proteins on the growth and differentiation of hepatocytes (46, 49).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In fact, some studies have already shown that SAS is able to increase cell death [13] and enhance the percentage of GBM cells in G0/sub-G1 [15, 22]; meanwhile, the same parameter remains inconclusive for VPA [32, 33, 37, 72].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, while loss of Stat92E or slbo prevents border cell specification and migration, and significantly reduces female fertility, loss of apt, Socs36E, or miR279 does not result in sterility, as not all egg chambers are equally affected (Starz-Gaiano et al., 2008; Yoon et al., 2011; Montell et al., 2012; Monahan and Starz-Gaiano, 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Patient\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s eligibility was determined according to previously published criteria that may predict a response to IST [6, 11, 12].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, a distinct differentiation from secondary degenerative scoliosis with possible causes likes leg length discrepancies or vertebral fractures due to significant traumatic or metabolic changes is also fundamental [18, 19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Collectively, these findings, on the surface, do not generally support the opponent-process developmental account [8,9] of adolescent risky behavior.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Germination of the spores was monitored using a slight modification of the method described by Moeller et al. (2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The candidate antecedents for the pronoun are ordered based on a notion of discourse salience that favors syntactic salience and document proximity (Raghunathan et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Proposed techniques in [6], [14], [15] provide limited invariance to translation, but not to scale or rotation changes.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[6] Typical MRI findings are high signal intensity and swelling of the bilateral thalami, internal capsules, and basal ganglia on T2WI and FLAIR.[1,4,6] The relationship between the MRI findings of bilateral thalami and the straight sinus thrombosis is as follows.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "FAST detectors [22] and BRIEF descriptors [3] are employed, and TF-IDF [2, 1, 27] is used to weigh the BoW relative to the inverse document frequency.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2022 The AOPC method [20] mines AOPC patterns, which takes a set of OPSM patterns as input, and merges them into AOPCs in a greedy way until no more valid AOPCs can be generated.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[32] Wong et al.[26] reported that I-131 single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) findings led to reclassification of 10 foci in 53 patients (19%) as TGDR from thyroid bed remnant.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "nel (Buchholz and Wellman 1997; Hansson et al. 1996; Johnson et al. 2002), both the flexion/extension and deviation angles were assessed without any compensation because it has recently been reported that the effect of crosstalk on the summary measures is negligible relative to other errors and sources of variation (Hansson et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "As a consequence, we proposed that apoptosis induced in rat hepatoma AS-30D cells by arachidonic acid is mediated by ROS (Dymkowska et al., 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Due to this data sparsity problem, state-of-the-art systems for NER in morphologically rich languages usually make use of the analysis of the morphological structures of the languages and require language specific feature engineering [10], [11].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Antibodies used in primary reaction and working concentrations were as follows: anti-NF (clone 2F11, reacting with 70-, 160-, and 200-kDa proteins, 0.5 g/ml; DAKO) (21), anti-SR4 (clone N-16; the epitope is located at the N-terminus of human SR4, 0.5 g/ml; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA) (16), and anti-DLX2 (catalog no. ab18188, 0.5 g/ml; Abcam, Tokyo, Japan) (6, 16, 27) as enteric neural stem cell markers, anti-PCNA (clone PC10; DAKO) as a cell proliferating marker that is specifically expressed in cell nuclei during the S phase (3), and anti-cRET (rabbit polyclonal, 2 g/ml; Assay Biotechnology, Sunnyvale, CA) as a neural crest-derived stem cell marker.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Alternatively, high levels of male parental care might be compatible with high EPP rates (Sheldon 2002; Alonzo 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "are recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) [5] and Nod-like receptors (NLRs) [6,7] via conserved motifs termed pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) [3].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ",41-44] and p53[2-5,29] activation, upregulation of the BAX/Bcl-2 ratio[2,4,5,21,27-31,33,44-47] and inflammatory kinases[26,34,35,48,49] in the mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It was previously reported that, under disease condition, the solubility of TDP-43 is changed and altered solubility is correlated with cytoplasmic translocation and aggregation of TDP-43 and disease progression.(17,31,32) To determine whether CVB3 infection affects TDP-43 solubility, cells were infected with CVB3 for 7 h and cellular proteins were extracted sequentially using RIPA and then urea buffers.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Consistent with the results described by Carrera et al. (1996), our data indicate that from 60 min of capacitation, human sperm incubated in RCM begin to experience phosphorylation of proteins on p-Tyr.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Of special note are the members of the tetrameric cleavage factor I (CFI) complex, CFI25 and CFI68 [19\u201321], which are the factors displaying highest conservation between Drosophila and human, sharing 77% and 79% similarity at the protein level for CFI25 and CFI68, respectively.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Arctic ground squirrel populations in the boreal forest are smaller (Donker and Krebs 2011) and appear to exhibit demographic characteristics indicative of sink habitat types. The extirpation of ground squirrels from the boreal forest (Gillis et al. 2005; Donker and Krebs 2011), poor active-season survival, low recruitment rates, immigration from nearby low elevation-meadow habitat and population growth rates <1.0 provide convincing evidence that the boreal forest functions as a sink habitat for arctic ground squirrels. Conversely, arctic ground squirrel populations in nearby low elevation-meadow habitat appear to be stable and self-sustaining and appear to function as sources for populations in the boreal forest. Juveniles in the present study moved from low elevationmeadow habitat into boreal forest habitat, which suggests that low-elevation meadows have the capacity to support a nearby population sink. These findings also validate Gillis et al.\u2019s (2005) suggestion that boreal forest populations are functioning as population sinks and that nearby meadow habitats may provide the immigrants required to sustain arctic ground squirrel populations in the forest.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Therefore, the peak acute inflammatory phase of the disease is represented at day 9 postinoculation while the peak fibrotic phase of the disease is represented by days 12\u201314 (20, 21).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "MMPs are capable of degrading a variety of the components of the ECM (3, 4).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Distribution of the onset of HIT (n=33) [14, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42], as characterized by the platelet-count decrease or the occurrence of a thromboembolic event, is shown in Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Cognitive skills are related to behavior in various economic experiments (e.g., Benjamin et al. 2006, Dohmen et al. 2010; Frederick 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Recent supervised single view reconstruction methods [15, 6, 44, 45] require associated 3D shapes.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Also consistent with our results, trialto-trial fluctuations in fMRI measurements in human frontal cortex were found to correlate with pupil dilations (Siegle et al. 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In some WSNs, such as pre-planned and time-lines ones [18, 19], it is not considerable to manage the global views.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026MSC cultures displayed not only the shortening of telomeres and the absence of telomerase expression and activity (Baxter et al., 2004; Bernardo et al., 2007; Choi et al., 2010) but also genetic or epigenetic modifications, contributing to cellular senescence (Dahl et al., 2008; Bork et al., 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The recent development of HLA class II (NEPOM et al., 2002) and CD1d tetramers (BENLAGHA et al. 2000; MATSUDA et al. 2000) makes the additional monitoring of CD4+ and NKT cells feasible.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Survey questions describing CHW demographics and work characteristics were drawn from the 1998 CHAS survey, while those exploring advocacy work were based on a 2007 survey conducted by the AzPRC [26].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "However, the sample size of this study is small, our results correlate well with previous findings that OCA1 is the most common isolated OCA subtype and TYR mutations account for approximately 25\u201350% of the isolated OCA cases worldwide [6, 22].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It is noteworthy that renal insufficiency was a variable found to increase BNP and NT-proBNP and confound clinical utilization of these biomarkers in intensive care (7, 10, 12).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results support reported findings (Di Fabio & Boissonnault, 1998; Hart, 2000; Hart & Dobrzykowski, 2000a, 2000b; Jette & Delitto, 1997; Jette & Jette, 1996a, 1996b), and extend their application to clients with arm and hand impairments receiving occupational therapy or physical therapy.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Academic debates related to skin whitening products have typically focused on the\ncontroversial, yet relatively mild, cosmetic creams marketed for skin whitening (Karnani, 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026cerebellar Purkinje cells during motor tasks have demonstrated the presence of Purkinje cells whose activity are reciprocal to each other, some of which change polarity as the direction of movement is reversed (Frysinger et al. 1984; Lisberger and Fuchs 1978; Mano and Yamamoto 1980; Thach 1970).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "We found 15% ESBL colonization, similar to a Polish study on the same population (16% MDRB) [20] and to a reported colonization rate in a 2012 report from France (15%) [22].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026experience sampling of different tumor areas by core biopsy (three biopsies on average) is helpful to define the precise nature of the lesion, the different tumor histological types present in the mass, and the heterogeneity in the expression of predictive markers (Marchio and Sapino, 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previously, we showed that quinolinic acid lesions of the hippocampus , which destroy intrinsic neuronal elements, deplete a major portion of 3H-PDBu binding (Worley et al., 1986a).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In Australia, two studies of febrile travellers returning from abroad showed that typhoid fever was 10\u201311 times more likely in nonvaccinated individuals compared to those who received vaccination prior to travelling [18,19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In future studies ATP and other nucleotides should be considered since ATP has been shown to exert not only excitatory but also inhibitory effects in bladder tissue [33\u201335].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We leave to future work statistical methods that identify gun control sentiment of a larger percentage of our data [14, 30].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The protocol is based on gossip protocols of sensor broker-based networks like as [19] and guarantees causal message ordering, in a manner, which is somewhat similar to temporal ordering, achieved through data fusion depending on the time of occurrence of sensor readings [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "1We refer the reader to our prior works [14, 15, 16, 17, 37, 38, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 115, 129, 130] for a detailed background on DRAM.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", oligomycin), FCCP is still able to increase [Ca(21)]c in the absence of extracellular Ca 21 (11, 12, 28).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Osmotin (Coca et al., 2000) and MsDef1 (Ramamoorthy et al., 2007) were added to conidium suspensions to final concentrations of 20 and 50 mM, respectively for assaying their effects on germination and appressorium formation.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This is in agreement with Sn\u00e4ll et al. (2007) and Wahlberg et al. (2010), who suggested that reversal could be excluded if secondary flightlessness is linked with complex changes in the body composition.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although some furrow membrane is derived from the flattening of apical microvilli, both Golgi and recycling endosomal (RE) pathways have been shown to be required for furrow ingression, and membrane-marking experiments have indicated regions where directed membrane addition is likely to occur (Lecuit and Wieschaus, 2000; Sisson et al., 2000; Pelissier et al., 2003; Riggs et al., 2003; Fabrowski et al., 2013; Figard et al., 2013).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although the specificity was quite good at 87%, the sensitivity of BNP was only 48% (7).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Another class of cellular glycoconjugates we examined for their ability to bind to galectin-3 was the lysosome-associated membrane glycoproteins (LAMP) [76, 77].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We used the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ; possible range 0 \u2013 3) Disability Index to measure physical functioning [18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In contrast, half-life of antibodies against CSP has been reported as long as several years in a malaria outbreak in Brazil and in Africa, and as short as 27 days in Thailand [25, 52, 53].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The level of significance of differences in group means is dependent on the difference of means (DM) and on the variability of the data [3, 12].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "In comparison, in Mannersalo et al (2002) convergence (2.6) was shown for q \u2208 [1, 2] under an additional assumption A(t) \u2208 Lq. Additionally we simplified significantly the conditions under which equations (2.6) and (2.7) hold.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The demonstration of high catalytic activity toward MPA, a phenolic substrate, is consistent with data from early studies indicating that rat intestinal microsomes are quite active ( 1 nmol/mg/min) in the glucuronidation of substrates with phenolic -OH groups, such as o-aminophenol, 4-nitrophenol, 1-naphthol and 2-naphthol, 4-methylumbelliferone, and morphine (Hietanen et al., 1972; Hietanen and Vainio, 1973; Koster et al., 1985; Vargas and Franklin, 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although multiple histone modifications (phosphorylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, methylation, acetylation) contribute to efficient DSB repair [5], phosphorylation and ubiquitination of core histones and sumoylation play the most important roles in this repair [6-8].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To further explore the framework the EU4ALL project has attempted to illustrate its operation with two different systems and sites: the Moodle VLE [8] used by the Open University in the UK, and the dotLRN VLE used by Universidad Nacional de Educaci\u221a\u2265n a Distancia (UNED), in Spain [9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Furthermore, our results regarding the effect of noise on interval timing support and extend the speculation [21] by which an SBF model requires at least one source of variance (noise) to address timescale invariance.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 were described previously (Kulakova et al., 1995) aswell as obtained in this work.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The MF59\u00ae adjuvant has been demonstrated to induce IL-5 and IL-10 responses to the MOMP antigen and was, therefore, used as a comparator to the more Th1-skewing DNA and viral vector approaches (44).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A subtle difference fromour resultswas observed in theUS Black Women\u2019s cohort (15), in which the inverse doseresponse relation ceased beyond 3\u20134 hours/week of vigorous PA (equivalent to 26\u201334 minutes/day).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[18] published that the lower the FEV1, the higher the risk of dying of lung cancer.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous studies have also shown considerable slowing in Parkinson patients in comparison with normal people, particularly when simultaneous movements are to be produced (Benecke et al. 1986; Berardelli et al. 1986; Flowers 1976; Hallet and Koshbin 1980; Schwab et al. 1954).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "ment of the primary T cell response, and suggested an adjuvant activity of this chemokine against infectious diseases in which cellular immune response are important [26].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Further, the SF-36PCS outcomes from our preliminary study were more than 10 points greater than those reported when outpatient rehabilitation was not utilized [8, 45\u201348, 50, 52\u2013 60] and more than 5 points greater than studies that utilized", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This is in contrast to observations with CD4 T lymphocytes, in which Lovastatin down-modulated the mRNA and cell surface protein expression of CCR5 (but not CD4 or CXCR4), resulting in reduced HIV-1 infection (Nabatov et al., 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We have previously demonstrated that maternal diabetes perturbed neurogenesis and neuronal migration in the developing neural tube resulting in NTDs [7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We were the first to examine the effect of chronic alcohol consumption on nitric oxide synthase-dependent dilatation of rat pial arterioles (22).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "though an adequate porosity is considered a critical point for the enhanced nerve regeneration [4], conclusive results about the ability of porous conduit to improve regeneration in vivo are still lacking [13,14].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Lukas (Danish Cancer Society, Denmark) and described previously [58], GFP-Cyclin B1-NT and GFP-Cyclin B1 NT DM were kindly provided by Dr.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026in their ages at first or last recording; in the number of sessions recorded for each child; in the total number of utterances (defined in MacWhinney, 2000) produced by each child or by other individuals in each child\u2019s recordings; in the number of different irregular verbs (type\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026between knee-straining work activities and degenerative knee disorders, retrospective exposure assessment has usually been based on self-reports (Felson et al. 1991; Vingard et al. 1991; Coggon et al. 2000; Sandmark et al. 2000; Seidler et al. 2008; Muraki et al. 2009; Klussmann et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "wild-type strain DAY1 and inserted into the plasmid pGFP [24], obtaining the plasmid pCrz1-GFP.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The ancestral \u03b1-globin gene is thought to have duplicated twice before the divergence of the bird-mammalian lineages, to produce progenitors of embryonic globin genes \u03c0/ \u03b6, and adult \u03b1D and \u03b1A, all of which are present in birds (for example, the chicken Gallus gallus) [9-11] and mammals [12,13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A trivial one-directional LDA (1DLDA) feature extraction approach applies the vector-variate LDA on vectorized multichannel EEG samples; whereas matrix-variate LDA methods [8, 9, 10, 11, 12] utilize the inherent matrix-variate structure of the data to facilitate the estimation of within-class and between-class scatter matrices.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The clinical presentations of adolescent disc herniation differ from those of the adults.((1-6)) Back pain is not all marked in adolescent patients.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026II has important effects in controlling cellular electrolyte balance, and its role in the regulation of Na+ transcellular movements through its actions on the activity of Na+/K+ATPase is well documented in vivo and in cultured cells (Aperia et al. 1994, Hussain et al. 1998, Buhagiar et al. 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Conversely, increased plasma levels of adiponectin have been observed in patients with type 1 diabetes [32,33].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results are consistent with the predictions of Rose and Abramson (1992) and suggest that their model may be expanded to include negative mood states as well as childhood maltreatment.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results are in line with other studies reporting significantly slower performance for the HSCT Part 2 (Inhibition) condition when compared with a control group for PwD (Wardlow et al., 2014), but not for PwPD (Bouquet et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Therefore the overall goal is minimization of regularized risk function defined as [8]", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Its characteristics are largely independent from the sensory modality [17] and the amplitude usually increases with stimulus infrequency [18, 19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Bit-wise noise (p, 1 n ) O(log n/n), \u03c9(log n/n) O(log n/n 2), \u03c9(log n/n) Bit-wise noise (1, q) O(log n/n2), \u03c9(log n/n2) [19] O(log n/n3), \u03c9(log n/n2) One-bit noise O(log n/n), \u03c9(log n/n) [13] [0, 1/(6en2)], 1/2 [19]; O(log n/n2), \u03c9(log n/n)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026constant of GABAA receptors\u2014or, equivalently, an equal decrease in the decay rate constant \u03b1ak\u2014located on neurons of type k= i, e, s:\n\u03b1ak\u2192\u03b1ak=pk: \u00f05\u00de\nWhile Hutt and Longtin (2010) chose pi=pe, reflecting equal affinity of propofol for GABAA receptors located on cortical inhibitory and pyramidal\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Other met hods try to modify the pseudo-random pattern generator (PRPG) somehow to improve a fault coverage [3, 5] or modify some of the PRPG patterns by some combinational l gic into deterministic tests [4, 5].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "These are in the early stages of development, but the accumulation of structural and mechanistic data will assist future progress (Bork et al. 1993).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "While the mechanisms linking cardiovascular events and mortality with air pollution are still under debate, numerous studies describe day-to-day variations in atmospheric pollutants with daily variations in deaths or disease (Ma\u0131\u0302tre et al., 2006; Nawrot et al., 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Recently, analyses of archived African desert dust samples collected between 1812 and 1838 by colleagues of Charles Darwin demonstrated concentrations of bacteria and fungi of 10e10 CFU g 1 (Gorbushina et al., 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Participants in the TONE trial [44] and study by Banks-Wallace [70] were hypertensive, participants in the WLM trial [56] were hypertensive and/or dyslipidemic, the DPP trial [11] participants presented with impaired glucose tolerance,West et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026that characterizes the stable versus non-stable standing postures, both in young controls (Martin 1990; Riccio 1993; Slobounov et al. 1997; Haibach et al. 2007), elderly (Slobounov et al. 1998; Van Wegen et al. 2001, 2002) and patients suffering from orthopedic and neurological\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Their highly restricted cortical localization suggests an integral role of these neurons in functions including executive control of attention (Fan et al., 2003, 2005; Botvinick et al., 2001; MacDonald et al., 2000), emotional response (Bush, Luu, & Posner, 2000), and both empathy for and\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although the node\u2019s parameters like the impact of the number of orientations or the sensing time have been discussed in [6] from the performance point of view, the NE allows the evaluation of the network\u2019s configurations.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "found good results with the OATS technique in 86-90% of patients after a follow-up period of three years [1, 2].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Proprioceptive acuity is associated with age (Adamo et al. 2009); therefore, the results obtained from this sample of convenience may not be applicable to an older population.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Hybridization with invasive species can result in the complete displacement of native species (Rhymer & Simberloff 1996; Dowling & Secor 1997; Mooney & Cleland 2001; Westman et al. 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous studies have provided very useful measures of relative intrinsic activity for MOPr agonists (Traynor and Nahorski, 1995; Yu et al., 1997; Kovoor et al., 1998; Zaki et al., 2000; Clark et al., 2006; Saidak et al., 2006), however this parameter is not able to differentiate full agonists in terms of efficacy and can be highly dependent upon receptor expression levels, so for these reasons, operational efficacy is a more useful measure.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It is known that obese individuals exhibit elevated levels of ROS and antioxidant defense impairment [12, 13], altered inflammatory response and immune cell function [14], have higher risk to develop sepsis and septic shock, as well as higher mortality rates than eutrophic individuals [15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Feature and Code Book: For all experiments, MoSIFT [7] feature is adopted, which was shown [7] to outperform the similar Laptev\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s method [6].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The first-round PCR products were used directly in a second round of PCR using primers 2B and F (Hatada et al., 2010; Shibata et al., 2007; Yoshimura et al., 2006, 2010b) for gp120, IN 2F (59-CTGGCATGGGTACCAGCACACAA-39) and IN 2R (39-CCTAGTGGGATGTGTACTTCTGAACTTA-39) for IN, and IN 2F and F for\u201a\u00c4\u00b6", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The boundaries of ITS-1 and ITS-2 regions were determined by comparison with earlier known sequences of rDNA (Vigna radiata) (Goel et al. 2002) and unpublished sequences of Cicer arietinum (EMBL format accession number AJ237698) downloaded from NCBI (National Centre For Biotechnology)\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To estimate sampling efficiency and to develop a collector\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s curve for gamma-diversity (at the corridor and at the catchment scale) for the seven major rivers, macroinvertebrate data were \u201a\u00c4\u00fabootstrapped\u201a\u00c4\u00f9 following a jackknife procedure (after Heltshe and Forrester 1983).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Seed-infecting fungi were isolated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) from seeds after employing surface-sterilization \u2018Method I\u2019: 30 s in 96% ethanol, 3 min in 6% NaOCl solution, and 30 s in 96% ethanol (Shipunov et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2009 (40) Case series report Morphine or other opioid and nonopioid drugs Meningitis in 2 of 13 patients (15.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Also, in agreement with previous findings (Platt and Huettel, 2008; O\u2019Neill and Schultz, 2010; Monosov and Hikosaka, 2013; Monosov et al., 2015), uncertainty or risk preference was evident because the monkeys preferred a 50% chance of 0.25 ml of juice 0.125 ml of juice on 93% of trials, even though\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Eligibility and study design\nMethods for the EPC program have been described in detail elsewhere (See et al. 2002; Wirth et al. 2004; McLeod et al. 2006) and are presented here in brief.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "On the other hand, a recent metaanalysis investigating the costs of parental care revealed that it is usually males that suffer higher mortality when parental effort is increased (Santos and Nakagawa 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00b621 d under 10-hwhite light (120mmolm 2 s 1 of photosynthetic photon flux) on vertical agar plates containing half-strength MS medium, then transfered to half-strength MS plates, containing 125 mM Ni, and shoot tissue was harvested and assayed for TBARS as described previously (Murphy et al., 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026the most widely used animal model of whole ovary cryopreservation and is of comparable size to the human ovary (Bedaiwy et al., 2003; Revel et al., 2004; Arav et al., 2005; Courbiere et al., 2005, 2006, 2008; Imhof et al., 2006; Baudot et al., 2007; Bedaiwy and Falcone, 2007; Onions et al., 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Plane has been used by Ridgeway et al. [155] for investigating the performance of boosted naive Bayesian regressors.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Most of our experiments are for German-toEnglish news translation using data from the WMT13 workshop.1 We also show results with document-level features for English-to-Swedish Europarl (Koehn, 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "largely composed of collagens, mainly types I and IV (CI, CIV) and laminin (LAM) [1, 25].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Philopatric settlement provides breeding females with fitness benefits owing to increased numbers of weaned offspring (but no effect on adult survival) for females with more kin present nearby (Viblanc et al. 2010).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "PD was diagnosed according to the UK Parkinson\u2019s Disease Society Brain Bank clinical criteria (Hughes et al. 1992).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "These 62 hIKK-2 inhibitors (different from the 36 used during the structure-based pharmacophore generation; see Table S1) were used to test the ability of the virtual-screening workflow to identify hIKK-2 inhibitors in a database of molecules.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, from that data we can not draw any conclusions regarding the relationship between public and See Takalo (2012) for a survey on public innovation policies. See e.g. the huge literature that discusses the under-investment problem with respect to private R&D due to market failures, i.e., private investments into R&D are lower than it would be socially optimal. See OECD (2011d) for selected examples for direct and indirect public support to business R&D in OECD countries.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Sedgwick et al. (1991) suggested that microglia proliferate in inflammatory disease of the CNS, and Matsumoto et al. (1992a) found that microglia proliferate in acute EAE.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results accord well with Canivez and Watkins\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s (2010) exploratory factor analysis of the WAIS-IV. That is, Canivez and Watkins reported that the VC, PR, WM, and PS group-level factors accounted for only 7.1%, 3.8%, 2.8%, and 5.3% of the total variance, respectively. Canivez and Watkins contended that the Wechsler (2008b) endorsed index scores should probably be considered of questionable clinical utility in applied settings, which is a contention reiterated here.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For the Czech language, it is reported by Konkol and Konop\u0131\u0301k [11] and has a 74.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "However, it cannot explain the mucosal remodeling within the present tropical population, in which villous height and crypt depth were positively correlated [18].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Different strategies and configurations for improving the MLP performance have been proposed such as: the learning data normalization, the use of Gaussian activation functions (GMLP) [57], the dynamic addition of neurons, the evolvable MLP with GA [1], the modular MLP (that is the decomposition of N -class MLP into (N(n\u2212 1)/2) binary MLPs or into N binary MLPs of type one-against-all) [48, 55] and so on.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Similarly, cyclic light as well as 270 lux has been shown to cause a significant decrease in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer of albino rats.(40) However, contrasting results were observed by Penn et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The least commonly addressed were societal and government readiness.(3,11,18) There was inconsistent definition or description of the eight types identified, leading to overlap amongst the papers.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Additionally, GAP-43 and the mRNA-binding protein HuD, a positive regulator of GAP-43 expression, have previously been demonstrated to be enriched in Ammon\u2019s horn as compared with the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in vivo (Clayton et al., 1998; Namgung and Routtenberg, 2000).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "These strains were transformed with plasmid pME1983 (Gisi et al., 1999), a derivative of pTrc99A (Amersham) carrying the dcmA gene from Methylophilus sp. strain DM11 (Bader & Leisinger, 1994) under IPTG control, and the control plasmid pME1984 carrying the dcmA gene in antisense orientation to the P\n trc\n promoter.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "2 [10], it was assumed that 100 % of this population would be eligible for biologic therapy following oral MTX failure.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous studies have shown the sensitivity of high throughout sequencing for detecting infectious agents [5,6,7] and for the new discovery of exogenous agents associating with human cancer [6,8].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To determine the cell velocity, Darcy\u2019s law may be used as the constitutive assumption [21], [18], [22], [13]: u = \u2212\u03bc\u2207P (5)", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "nlp-3p::gfp is expressed in the ADF, NSMR and HSN serotonergic neurons, as well as many sensory neurons, suggesting that peptides encoded by nlp-3 are released as cotransmitters with 5-HT from the serotonergic neurons and glutamate from the sensory neurons (Nathoo et al., 2001).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "While crowdsourcing has also been used to gather data for learning problems in the non-speech audio domain [5, 6, 23, 25, 26, 39, 41, 46], machine listening\u2014the sibling field of computer vision\u2014 has yet to see the same transformative success.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In order to alleviate the impact of the instability of MERT, we run it three times for all our experiments and present the average BLEU scores on the three runs following the suggestion by [4].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Aging increases OSA in postmenopausal women as a result of loss of the ventilatory drive of female hormones (Redman et al., 2003; Resta et al., 2004; Davenport et al., 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The results of the present study are not in agreement with Clombini et al, [13] he investigated the role of OPG in humerus fracture healing at different time points before and after surgery and observed higher OPG, but it was not significant.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The binding of SHP-2 to the tyrosine-phosphorylated cytoplasmic region of SIRP\u03b1 is thought to increase the catalytic activity of this protein tyrosine phosphatase.(19,20) SIRP\u03b1 MT mice express a version of SIRP\u03b1 that lacks the", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Its clinical importance has been established for breast cancer since it is an independent prognostic factor highly associated with the incidence of metastasis.(2) Since they are very rapidly forming micro-vessels, porosity is high and when injecting IV contrast media, they spread the interstitial liquid of tumor mass they enhance.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In order to determine if \u2018lenticular\u2019 hair cells (which differ from \u2018short\u2019 hair cells with respect to the location of the stereovillar bundle within the apical hair cell surface; Smith et al., 1985) are present in the two species, we measured the distance of the stereovillar bundle from the hair cell border (in the direction of the hair cell orientation).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Even the herpesviruses and the majority of the paramyxoviruses, that utilize separate multimeric proteins for the membrane contact and membrane merger steps of fusion reaction, couple membrane binding to membrane fusion via transient lateral interactions that are believed to be involved in triggering the structural transition of the fusion protein [8,19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Due to the discrete nature of NGS data, most of the peak callers adopt the binomial [50], Poisson [48,51,52], negative binomial (almost equivalent to the Poisson based on local average) [37,53] distributions or simulation-based modelling [49,54] to compute statistical significance of the ChIP enrichment over background.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Lacchini et al. (2014) have also reported that the AAG and the AGG haplotypes of -2578C[A, -1154G[A, and -634C[T polymorphisms were associated with reduced and increased ejection fraction, respectively, in patients with systemic hypertension of Brazilian population; this is indicating that\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "A quantitative association between reproductive output and male-ejaculate mass has been previously demonstrated within species for P. napi (Karlsson 1998; Wiklund et al. 1998), and the result from this comparative study is consistent with the ideas that the females can use male-derived nutrients to\u201a\u00c4\u00b6", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The SWI/SNF complex is required for histone gene expression in late G1 / early S phase in a HIR-dependent manner [22], where it is proposed to be necessary to overcome HIR-mediated repression of the histone genes in order to activate their transcription.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Our chronic restraint stress may decrease spontaneous activity of a subpopulation of DA neurons which locate in the laterodorsal ventral tegmental area (VTA) (also referred to as medial and central VTA) (Valenti et al., 2012; Lammel et al., 2012), whereas short-term stress or other different chronic stressors (e.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Consistent with our previous findings (Faul et al., 2011), FGF2, but not FGF23, increased levels of phosphorylated FRS2a and ERK1/2 (Figure 3C), and anti-FGFR4 did not block FGF2-induced phosphorylation of FRS2a and ERK1/2 (Figure 3C).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The related procedure for nocturnal PSG assessments and multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) has been described in our previous paper [22].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Some authors have claimed that CRP is less accurate than WBC in the first hours after the onset of pain but its sensitivity rises to 100 percent after 12 hours; appendicitis could be excluded if CRP is normal after 12 hours.(21,25,33) In the current study, accuracy was 77.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We (Mays and Schirillo, 2005) previously showed that light flashes affect auditory processing in a directional hearing illusion (Hari, 1995; Hari and Kiesil\u00e4, 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Although skin production of vitamin D3 by solar exposure is well established [1,16], an ecologic meta\u2010regression analysis reported no overall influence of latitude for vitamin D status [17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of s54-dependent flagellar genes resulted in the generation of a series of derivatives of C. jejuni 81-176, a virulent strain able to produce gastroenteritis in human volunteers and promote commensal colonization of the chick gastrointestinal tract (Black et al., 1988; Hendrixson and DiRita, 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u201a\u00c4\u00b6as abnormal were then replaced by an interpolated signal using the Net Station software\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s \u201a\u00c4\u00faBad Channel Replacement\u201a\u00c4\u00f9 (BCR) waveform tool, which uses spherical splines to approximate the signal from the remaining electrodes (Fletcher et al. 1996; Perrin et al. 1987; Srinivasan et al. 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Volume 24 April 1, 2013 Rap1 and Canoe regulate polarity | 947 roles in regulating cell\u2013cell and cell matrix adhesion (Kooistra et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2011) and AJ:actin linkage during apical constriction (Sawyer et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Further behavioral assessments of transgenic mice with a null mutation of the prepro-hypocretin/orexin gene showed symptoms like behavioral arrests and EEG patterns similar to those in human narcolepsy (Chemelli et al., 1999).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Indeed, this might explain spermatogenic failure in some males despite having a full complement of male-specific region genes [13].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The p-values associated with the correlation coefficients (Table 2; S4 Table) were adjusted for false discovery using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure [47] on the R stats package (Table 3).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Interestingly, we also observed a decrease in the viral DNA copy number in H2AX-depleted cells, which corroborated the results of a previous study (22).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In particular, AFEX pretreatment is associated with significant modifications in the physical and chemical structure of DG (Kim et al., 2008b), resulting in a more open fiber structure than the untreated DG.\nDGS has also drawn the attention of the research community as a source of valuable proteins.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "According to Abrahams et al. (2013) all cut-off-scores were determined by subtracting two standard deviations from the mean score. Referring to Lul\u00e9 et al. (2015), cut-offscores were divided as follows: The classification of education was \u226412 for low and >12 years for high education analogous to International Standard Classification of Education \u2013 ISCED 2.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Breeding females preferentially settle close to female kin (nest burrows within 10\u201320 m), especially the mother, daughters or littermate sisters (King 1989b; Viblanc et al. 2010; Arnaud, Dobson & Murie 2012), and females typically remain close to their natal burrows as adults (Murie & Harris 1984).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The V-peak resembles results from earlier studies of kinematic variability during fast single-joint movements, which\n showed a transient increase in the joint angle variability just after the time of the peak velocity (Darling and Cooke 1987; Van der Meulen et al. 1990).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "With these techniques, the pupil diameter varies depending on the ambient environment of lighting, followed by a change in the iris pattern [1].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This is in line with earlier reports of optimal threshold procedures overestimating the true performance [3,4,6,8,9].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Invasive species pose a large and growing threat to conservation of native and/or endemic species (Williamson, 1996), but little is known about the mechanisms underlying successful introductions and range expansions of invaders (Duncan et al., 2003; Mack et al., 2000).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "For example, it is possible that more than one instance of the algorithm detect the same deadlock; if the algorithm does not offer a mechanism for coordinating those instances, it could lead to the abortion of more than one process in order to resolve the same deadlock (Singhal [15] shows this problem in the well-known algorithm of Chandy [3]).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Our recent study revealed the functional role of PKA-MST4-ezrin signaling axis in histamine-elicited acid secretion (Jiang et al., 2015.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026following the infiltration of\nwastewater to the ground (Clara et al., 2004; Drewes et al., 2003; Gasser et al., 2010; Glassmeyer et al., 2008; Gr\u00fcnheid et al., 2005; Heberer and Adam, 2004; Heberer et al., 1997; Katz et al., 2009; Rabiet et al., 2006; Sacher et al., 2001; Snyder et al., 2004).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The high temperature tails that appear in all curves may be associated with lignin, the degradation temperature range of which is wide, from 200oC to 500oC [8].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "males have also been reported for birds (Romano et al., 2011), reptiles (Svensson et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The results agree with Priess and F\u221a\u2202lster (2001) which related the decomposition process and hence microbial respiration with SOC increases.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This DANTE-like effect, which occurs for both the k- and SPEN-based discretized pulses [22,27], can lead to sideband contributions arising from outside the region of interest (ROI).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Due to the beam interaction, a modulated (dynamic) acoustic radiation force at the difference frequency Df will be generated [3,4] (the radiation-force component at 2Df will not be studied in this paper).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of individuals with SAD may produce different results, specifically for positive reaction time bias, as individuals with SAD tend to endorse fewer positive interpretations of ambiguous social sentences and exhibit a greater benign reaction time bias when compared to controls (Amir et al. 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "They initialize their orthogonal mapping using an adversarial training phase, much like Conneau et al. [2018], and solve the optimization problem with alternating minimization. Our approach differs from theirs: by bootstrapping on the solution of a smaller problem to initialize the mapping, we avoid the need for a neural network initialization that is used in their approach. In addition, our annealing scheme on the entropic regularization leads to smooth convergence, with very little sensitivity to initialization. Concurrently with our work,1 Grave et al. [2018] tackle the problem of unsupervised word embedding alignment with a similar optimization framework as the one proposed by Zhang et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "It was followed by the ICORP Computational Brain Project in which Dr. Gordon Cheng, again in collaboration with SARCOS, developed a new humanoid robot called CB (Computational Brain, Cheng et al., 2007), more accurate in reproducing the human body than DB (Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Screened exclusion criteria were self-report of claustrophobia, contraindicated medications (calcium channel blockers and CNS depressants), metal implants, pregnancy, arthritis, neurological disorder (examples asked included Parkinson\u2019s disease, Huntington\u2019s disease, epilepsy, essential tremor, multiple sclerosis, and leukoariosis), metabolic disorder (diabetes), psychiatric disorder (Axis I disorders except phobias), Mini Mental Status Exam score< 28, and over two years of piano playing within the past five years due to potentially atypical signal dynamics in primary sensorimotor cortex (Krampe et al. 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "\u2026the best-performing dimensionality on the clustering task was 100.3\nParameters for the Topic model were similar to those reported in Griffiths et al. (2007).4 Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling was carried out with three Markov chains run for 1,600 iterations each, with a =\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Because no reliable estimates of effective population size were available for dogs and wolves (Axelsson et al. 2012; Auton et al. 2013), we report only the estimates of the population recombination rate parameter as obtained with this method (see Discussion).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "K. P. McNally and others\n1625Spindle pole targeting of katanin\nFlow cell severing assay Microscope-based severing assays have been described previously (McNally and Vale, 1993; McNally and Thomas, 1998; McNally, 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": ", 2005), acetylcholine receptor desensitization (Dilger and Brett, 1990; Matsubara et al., 1992), and subunit rotation of F0F1-ATP synthase (Diez et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In the studies enrolling both AA and Caucasian women [11, 13, 14, 16, 44, 56], initial weight loss for AA women ranged from \u22121.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A brief review of scan statistics and their applications to ecological studies and environmental sciences is available by Patil and Taillie.18 The Poisson model is appli-\ncable in this study of colorectal cancer because the analysis involved small numbers of cases against larger population denominators, as is often the case with cancer.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "For this dataset, we applied global contrast normalization and whitening in accordance with the methods outlined in [7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Oligonucleotide substrates containing a 12-RSS or 23-RSS cRSS labelled at the 5' end of the top strand were prepared as described elsewhere [24,30].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "In the MI-SVM formulation, we chose only the instance with the maximum score in each positive bag as the \u2018\u2018witness\u2019\u2019; the remaining instances from this bag are not assigned to any class.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026in the proximal-lateral femoral shaft calculated for walking and stair ascent were consistent with corresponding strain measurements reported by Aamodt et al. (1997); mean peak tensile and compressive strains calculated for the 10 participants ranged from 1351 to 1647 \u03bc\u03b5 and 971 to 988 \u03bc\u03b5,\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Integrate the spectral and spatial information with the time component provides rich information to detail the space variations along the time [Petitjean et al., 2012] and can provide pattern observations, which are not found in single time observations, such as trends and periodicities [Kuenzer et.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In Singapore [47] and Canada [48], transmission of the SARS virus has been noted in crowded emergency rooms where patients routinely wait for hours for a hospital bed.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Further, we establish that our models have fewer parameters (almost as few as a native network) and so are easier to train than methods like [23].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "3c), SON neurons did not display a significant increase in membrane conductance when exposed to the hypotonic stimulus but, rather, a near-significant decrease, as expected from previous work (Oliet and Bourque, 1993b) ( G in hypotonic solution, 0.90 0.40 nS; p 0.05; n 10; Fig.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "sion at the cell borders was diminished, probably as a consequence of disruption of the homodimeric E-cadherin interaction and subsequent degradation (Vleminckx and Kemler 1999; Rothen-Rutishauser et al. 2002; Miyoshi and Takai 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Additional target-based ESI\u2013MS-MS data of isovalerylcarnitine was obtained from the preceding investigation (Dercksen et al. 2012) and the analysis was done according to the protocol described by Pitt et al. (2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "This finding is in line with the results of the previous study carried out by our group [21].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Deterioration of the upper urinary tract and renal function, calculi formation and stoma stenosis resulted in a late complication rate between 19\u201386% [3, 4, 5, 6, 7].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "These results about complications are consistent with previously published reports in open surgery [34, 36, 38, 43\u201a\u00c4\u00ec47] suggesting that LEMH is as safe as open trisectionectomy in experienced hands.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Costunolide (1) has been studied various inhibitory activities of melanogenesis (Choi et al., 2008), production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin6 (Pae et al., 2007), nitric oxide production (De Marino et al., 2005), and telomerase (Choi et al., 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "The discordant alignment of transcript and protein levels is in keeping with findings from our previous study investigating the integrated transcriptomic and proteomic physiological response of E. coli Sakai to steady-state conditions relevant to low temperature and water activity conditions experienced during carcass chilling in Australia [11], as well as several other published reports [49,50,51,52].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The causes of chylous ascites or chylothorax can be categorized as nontraumatic and traumatic [1\u20133].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The matching stage that ensure the tracking of the features from a frame to the other (Deriche and Faugeras, 1990; Faugeras, 1993) is also not needed.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Middle and upper levels aim to capture effects of the \u00a320,000\u201330,000 threshold range quoted in AWMSG process documentation [19]\nUncertainty in cost\neffectiveness is thoroughly explored (UNCERTAINTY)\nThis indicates whether or not the degree of uncertainty\nin cost-effectiveness estimates has been explored by assessing the combined uncertainty arising from several data sources (known as PSA)\nEffects coded:\nYes 1, No -1 Attribute: AWMSG appraisal guideline makes specific reference to uncertainty in cost-effectiveness\nestimates [19]\nLevels: Reporting of PSA was found to influence AWMSG/NMG recommendations in an RP study\n[10]\nAWMSG All Wales Medicines Strategy Group, CUA cost-utility analysis, HR-QOL health-related quality of life, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, NMG New Medicines Group, PSA probabilistic sensitivity analysis, QALY quality-adjusted life-year, RP revealed preference, SP stated preference\naccommodates multiple selections among the alternatives (e.g. both new medicine A and new medicine B), was employed to analyse responses to the secondary flexiblechoice questions.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In recognition of what appears to be personality-specific motivational pathways to risky drinking in adolescence, Conrod et al. (2008, 2010, 2006) developed a school-based intervention program that is designed to target the different motivational processes linked to these four personality traits.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results contradict the findings of prior studies which reported an increase in beta power in depression [18,2].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Enzymatic blockade of nitric oxide production using an arginine analog in anesthetized dogs (17) has been shown to inhibit pyloric relaxation from proximal stimuli and enhance pyloric excitation from distal stimuli.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "More recently, in [16] Integral cryptanalysis has been proposed in the new model called known key settings where the key is known to the attacker.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026matter following injury might be the result of the retraction or degeneration of injured descending fibres (Schwab and Bartholdi 1996), although this typically occurs over only short distances (Schnell and Schwab 1993) and therefore probably does not explain the loss seen in the present study.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "We had previously found that ET-1 could limit serum deprivationinduced apoptosis in OM primary culture, and gap junction uncoupling has been described to be neuroprotective in the central nervous system (Lin et al., 2003).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Optical maps Optical maps were generated by OpGen SA (Gaithersburg, MA, USA) as described previously [39].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "As shown before, recruitment of the chromatin remodeling complexes, RSC and SWI/SNF, is dependent on the HIR complex [22,23].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Previous reports have shown that the majority of identified acyl-proteins represented metabolic enzymes and translation-related proteins (Kim et al. 2006; Yu et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2009a, 2011, 2013; Wang et al. 2010; Okanishi et al. 2013; Okanishi et al. 2014; Kosono et al. 2015).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Recently, three research groups reported isolation of UDPGDH mutants demonstrating cuticle defects, indicating an involvement of GAGs in Wg signaling in vivo (Binari et al. 1997; Ha\u00c8 cker et al. 1997; Haerry et al. 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "A large number of studies has described the involvement of the RISK and/or SAFE pathways in the genesis of cardioprotective states induced by many interventions, including preconditioning [9, 13, 17, 26, 27] and postconditioning [3, 5, 17, 20, 27, 36, 38].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The only cell-wall bound proteinase in Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus is PrtB (Gilbert et al., 1996; Stefanitsi and Garel, 1997).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "To test whether short antisense TSSa-RNAs previously described (5) are derived from longer transcripts and to determine the structure of their 5\u2032 termini, we used rapid amplification of 5\u2032 complementary DNA ends (5\u2032-RACE) to characterize divergent upstream antisense RNAs from the Isg20l1, Tcea1, Txn1, and Sf3b1 genes in V6.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "A number of studies have delineated in DAFC-66D the 320bp Amplification\nControl Element on the third chromosome, ACE3, required for high levels of amplification (Figure 3C) (de Cicco and Spradling, 1984; Delidakis and Kafatos, 1989; Orr-Weaver et al., 1989; Orr-Weaver and Spradling, 1986).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026of intense malemale competition for access to mates (Darwin 1871) was absent although it can be found in other lemurs during the mating season (Kappeler 1997b; Schmid and Kappeler 1998), (2) mate guarding was observed only once during nocturnal activity, (3) mate guarding was evidently absent\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "shown previously, the levels of the activation appear lower than those observed with full-length TLR9 (10, 19).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Data collection and sequence information TCS protein sequences were retrieved from the MaGe genome annotation platform (https://www.genoscope.cns.fr/ agc/microscope/home/index.php) for Azospirillum strains and from the P2CS database (http://p2cs.org/) for other strains [16, 17].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The relative intensities of the photoelectron energies detected permits quantitative elemental analysis of the surface [15].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "However, in support of this hypothesis, previous studies have found higher levels of residual viremia in EC patients showing CD4 depletion [9, 10, 38].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Additional aims are to train students from allied health and medical fields in how to conduct risk assessment, offer preventive health screening on site and counsel patients [16-19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "3) revealed that the first two ON1 viruses detected in 2011\u20132012 (MAD8851/11 and MAD8921/12), clustered together with strains from Canada [Eshaghi et al., 2012], USA [Schobel et al., 2016], China [Cui et al., 2013], Thailand [Auksornkitti et al., 2014], and Italy [Pierangeli et al., 2014] that\u2026", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "This molecular complex binds to premRNAs upstream of the polyadenylation sequence, and its crystal structure suggests that CFI might participate in the selection of different polyadenylation sequences within pre-mRNAs via an RNA-looping mechanism [20].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Sucrose density gradient fractionation of native membrane fragments was used in the earlier work (Dioumaev and Braiman, 1997a), whereas column purification in detergent solution, followed by reconstitution with lipids, was used here.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "However, Lie and Alsop (2009) arranged four punisher ratios (5:1, 2:1, 1:2, 1:5) in a similar procedure from the same participant pool as the present study and found no significant differences in discriminability across the four ratios.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Anderson et al. (1988) report an increase in KD for CTX blockade of KCa with increasing symmetrical K 1 concentration.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "A very recent meta-analysis of 40 559 patients with solid tumours found that an NLR greater than 4.00 was associated with a substantial increase in risk for allcause mortality (HR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.67\u20131.97) (Templeton et al, 2014b).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "More likely, discrepancies among results reported up to now are due to differences in vector type, transfection protocols (Bhuiyan et al., 2004), NT methods and donor cell culture conditions (Wells et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "While serum glucose was estimated by the modified glucose oxidase method, using GOD-POD kits (Glaxo India Ltd, Mumbai, India); for the hepatic LPO, SOD, CAT and GSH routine\n protocols, followed earlier in our laboratory, were used (Jatwa and Kar, 2006; Panda and Kar, 2006).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In some animal studies CP was reported to enhance LP in renal tissue (Sadzuka et al., 1991, 1992; Appenroth et al., 1997; Greggi-Antunes et al., 2000; Mansour et al., 2002).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The absence of telomerase function has been shown to lead to a senescence-associated increase in genome instability in both haploid and diploid strains (Chen and Kolodner, 1999; Hackett et al., 2001; DuBois et al., 2002; Hackett and Greider, 2003; Mieczkowski et al., 2003; Meyer and Bailis, 2007).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "As the subjects had each recently (i.e. within 1 week) undertaken a ramp-incremental exercise test, we had access to their peak _VO2 and hL values, estimated using the V-slope method and supporting indices (Beaver et al. 1986).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "1B).\nb-catenin normally associates with E-cadherin and with a-catenin and thereby participates in the regulation of cell-to-cell adhesion (Vleminckx and Kemler 1999; Miyoshi and Takai 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "The BAF complex has long been suggested to slide nucleosomes and to enhance TF binding to DNA, with early studies using in vitro DNase I cleavage experiments to probe changes on reconstituted chromatin templates in vitro [40, 41].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "Animal treatment\n Regeneration of soleus muscles in 300\u201a\u00c4\u00ec330 g male Wistar rats was induced by notexin as described previously (Za\u00c3\u00c5dor et al. 1996).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "The results showed large degree of variation in the specificity of the PCR primers and that not all primers were suitable for accurate detection and identification of Cronobacter (Cawthorn et al. 2008).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "[3] observed on whole blood, according to age and sex, values that varied between 109.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "While explanatory science takes a solution as given, design science commences earlier\nin the life cycle of a solution; it seeks to develop new solutions (Holmstr\u00f6m et al., 2009).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In addition to this, the SURMOF growth process may hinder the interpenetration of the MOF [21] and it enables hetero-epitaxy, i.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "This matrix transformed the global coordinate system into a local orthogonal coordinate system using a direct frame by frame method (Scurr et al., 2010), identifying the suprasternal notch as the origin and establishing the right and left nipple coordinates relative to the trunk (Scurr et al.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Such dVS/ dP changes observed above ~100 GPa have previously been interpreted to reflect the onset of the average Si-O coordination number changing from just 6 to 6+ (Murakami and Bass 2010, 2011).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Most studies compare different surgical techniques and focus on the complication and recurrence rates, postoperative pain, quality of life, and late discomfort [5\u201310].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In empirical software engineering, ethnography provides an in-depth understanding of the sociotechnical realities surrounding everyday software development practice [40] and highlights the significance of socio-technical issues in the design of software-intensive systems [5].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Overexpression of\nAVP1 conferred drought- and salt-tolerance in the trans-\ngenic plants (Gaxiola et al. 2001; Park et al. 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "In addition to well-known wireless networking problems, MANETs present researchers with several peculiar routing challenges as described in [3], [4], [5].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "We employed three modelling approaches that have successfully been applied in previous studies on species distribution (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000): generalised linear models (GLM, i.e. logistic regression in this case), generalised additive models (GAM), and classification and regression trees\u201a\u00c4\u00b6", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "\u2026beats reduce anxiety levels (Padmanabhan et al., 2005; Wahbeh et al., 2007a; Weiland et al., 2011) and may possibly modify aspects of mood and cognition\u2014including memory (Wahbeh et al., 2007b; Ortiz et al., 2008), attentional processes (Kennel et al., 2010), and vigilance (Lane et al., 1998).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026chlorophenolicus A6L (chromosomally tagged with the firefly luciferase gene, luc) (A6L) (Elva\u0308ng et al. 2001) and A. chlorophenolicus T99, a mutant with a transposon insertion in a gene encoding a hydroxyquinol dioxygenase, resulting in an inability to grow on or degrade 4-CP (Nordin et al. 2005).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Stress and the subsequent activation of the HPA axis facilitate the acquisition of cocaine self-administration (Tidey and Miczek, 1997; Mantsch et al., 1998); manipulations of the HPA axis resulting in a reduction of", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "IVA patients involved in the present metabolomics study were, however, genotypically homogeneous as all carried the same homozygous c.367 G [ A nucleotide change in exon 4 of the IVD gene (Dercksen et al. 2012).", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "result", "sentence": "Our results are consistent with those of a previous study conducted by Mulholland and Capone (2000), which showed higher N2-fixation rates at early exponential phase in Trichodesmium sp. and lower rates at stationary phase.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Some of these peptides act as neurotoxins on the glutamate receptors of the central nervous system and/or in neural ion channels [18,19].", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "background", "sentence": "Therefore, despite an apparent higher number of mean B/S days in women using the LNG-IUS for HMB compared with those using it for contraception [1,21], this does not result in an increased rate of discontinuation due to bleeding problems.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "According to Xu et al (2011) the factors that contribute to bad quality sleep include: youngsters with a higher level of education; those who live in rural areas; and those who show poorer health perception and higher levels of depression and anxiety.", "aspect": "scicite"}, {"sentiment": "method", "sentence": "\u2026for an asexual and recombining population: The log fitness associated with a chromosome is additive in these simulations, so standard models of the expression of phenotypic quantitative traits can be used to measure differences in variance (Bulmer 1976, 1980; Keightley and Hill 1987).", "aspect": "scicite"}]

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