

Twitter Sentimental Analysis Script

This python script can be used to scrap twitter for a specific tweets according to there hashTags and then classify these tweets according to there sentiments example the tweet is positive, negative or neutral tweet

This provides features like :

  1. Tweets Scraping
  2. sorting the Tweets
  3. Finding out the polarity,subjectivity score of a tweet
  4. SentimentIntensityAnalyzer on the tweet
  5. based on these scores it differentiate them in different categories like Positive , Negative and more.

Steps to Create your Credentials :

  1. Apply for a Twitter Developer Account here Developers site
  2. Create an Application a new Application
  3. Create the Authentication Credentials
  4. Copy and paste your credential_variables.env file

and done your credentials are setup for working


First of all install on your system.

pip install nltk 
pip install tweepy
pip install textblob

Made with ❤️ by Shantam Sultania

You can find me at:- Linkedin or Github .

Happy coding ❤️ .

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