

Statement Truth Evaluation using OpenAI GPT-3

This repository contains a Python script that uses the OpenAI GPT-3 model to evaluate the truth or falsehood of statements in a given list. The script sends each statement as a prompt to the GPT-3 model and analyzes the model's response to determine whether the statement is considered true or false according to the model's understanding.


  • Python 3.x

  • Install the openai package using the following command:

    pip install openai

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the repository's directory:

    cd gpt3-statement-evaluation
  3. Set up your OpenAI API key by replacing 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual OpenAI API key in the file.

  4. Run the script using your Python interpreter:



The script in this repository demonstrates how to use the OpenAI GPT-3 model to assess the truth or falsehood of statements. It performs the following steps for each statement:

  1. Constructs a prompt using the statement to be evaluated.
  2. Sends the prompt to the GPT-3 model using the OpenAI Python package.
  3. Extracts and prints the model's response, indicating whether the statement is considered true or false.

Please note that the accuracy of the truth evaluation depends on the training data and capabilities of the GPT-3 model. This approach might not always provide accurate results, especially for statements that require specific domain knowledge or factual accuracy. Always verify critical information from reliable sources.

Example Output

Statement: The sun rises in the west.
Answer: False
Statement: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Answer: False
Statement: Cats are reptiles.
Answer: False
Statement: The capital of France is Paris.
Answer: True
Statement: Gravity makes things fall downward.
Answer: True

Important Note

Ensure that you handle your API keys securely and follow OpenAI's terms of service and usage guidelines. This example provides a starting point for using the GPT-3 model to evaluate the truth or falsehood of statements.

For more detailed information about the OpenAI API and its capabilities, refer to the official documentation.

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