



You can install TV-Controller as user or root:

as user:


pip3 install --user cecmap

Also, make sure to add ~/.local/bin to your PATH.

as root:


sudo pip3 install cecmap

In order to see notifications when switching modes, it's also necessary to have a notification daemon installed. I recommend xfce4-notifyd::

sudo apt install xfce4-notifyd

I also recommend installing an onscreen keyboard, e.g.::

sudo apt install matchbox-keyboard




# or:

python -m tv

Running as service

Enable running at startup::

systemctl --user enable tv

Start as service::

systemctl --user start tv

Default keybindings

The default keybindings are as follows:

.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1

* - Key
  - *Mouse* mode
  - *Keyboard* mode

* - 🔵 F1 blue
  - switch mode
  - switch mode
* - 🔴 F2 red
  - launch ``matchbox-keyboard``
  - ``<Win>``
* - 🟢 F3 green
  - mouse wheel up
  - launch kodi
* - 🟡 F4 yellow
  - mouse wheel down
  - launch ``chromium-browser``

* - ⬆ up
  - move cursor up
  - ``<up>``
* - ⬇ down
  - move cursor down
  - ``<down>``
* - ⬅ left
  - move cursor left
  - ``<left>``
* - ➡ right
  - move cursor right
  - ``<right>``

* - 🆗 select
  - left click
  - ``<enter>``
* - ▶ play
  - middle click
  - ``<media_play_pause>``

* - ⏸ pause
  - right click
  - ``<media_play_pause>``
* - ↩ exit
  - ``<esc>``
  - ``<esc>``


cecmap uses a simple config format to set keycodes and keybindings. The config to be used can be specified on the command line using the -c FILE.cfg option. The format is as follows:

.. code-block:: cfg


KEY = <command> [<args>...]


.. code-block:: cfg

left = 123
yellow = 321

left = key left
yellow = launch kodi

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