



This project is the Scrabble game which can be played between many players.

Project structure :

  • requirements.txt



Returns meaning, synonyms, antonyms for a word (scraping limit the no of results also get meaning, synonyms and antonyms in different color..seemore

Installing Libraries

The requirements.txt file that has the library used which simply can be used to install the libraries through the package manager pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt



The players can exit the game by typing Y or else continue the game by Enter.

**********Welcome to the Scrabble game**********
Let's start playing!!
How many players? 2
Player 1: A
Player 2: B
A | Type a word: hat
B | Type a word: pot
If exit, type Y:


The contains 6 functions including the main function. Main function prints out the user interface of the game.

valid(word) function :

This function takes a word and check its validity by looking for its availability in the PyDictionary. If it is available, returns True else it returns False

compute_score(word) function :

This function computes and outputs the score of a word. If the word is not alphabetic or if the word is not valid, exceptions are arisen.

player_count() function :

This function prompt the user for an input of number of players. Until a valid integer is typed, the function is called. Finally the count is returned.

get_input(score_board) function :

This function takes an empty scoreboard dictionary, prompts the players to type their words in number of rounds until the exit term Y is typed and the scores are added simultaneously. Whenever a player types an invalid format of word, the player will be requested again. The function returns a dictionary scoreboard of the players with their score

winner(score_board) function :

This function takes the scoreboard and finds the winner or winners, then output the result announcement accordingly.

Author: Nashira

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