

Reddit Flair Detector

Steps followed:

Described each step along with code in the notebooks.

Step 1: Extraction of r/india data

Used praw library of python for extraction.

Step 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Analysed the data using graphs and scattered points as well as correlation. Used matplotlib library for the same.

Step 3: Made Reddit Flair Detector. Performed the following the steps:

  • Preprocessed the data: Removed stopwords and performed stemming on the data
  • Diving into training and test: Divided the dataset into training and test set. Used standard, 0.7:0.3 metric
  • Testing accross classifiers: Tested along 3 classifiers: Naive Bayees, SVM and Logisitic Regression. Checked accuracy of each of the classifiers.
  • Saving the model: Saved the model with highest accuracy in a .sav file to use it for prediction.
  • Model testing: Take input URL from the user and return the predicted and actual flairs. Call the saved model for predicted flairs

How it works:

The model reads all the urls in the file line by line and predict the flair

  • The same is stored in json file.


It will be a key and predicted flair as value.

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