

Procedural Dungeon Generator

This script generates random dungeon layouts for a text-based adventure game. It creates diverse dungeon layouts with various room types, connections, obstacles, enemies, treasures, and traps to enhance gameplay.


  • Generates multiple dungeon levels.
  • Creates random room layouts with different sizes and shapes.
  • Adds corridors to connect rooms in the dungeon.
  • Places doors, enemies, treasures, and traps to add gameplay elements.
  • Provides flexibility for adding more room types, interactive elements, and features.


  1. Make sure you have Python (3.x) installed on your system.

  2. Clone this repository and run the script

  1. The script will generate and display the dungeons with various features and levels.


You can customize the script by adjusting parameters and adding more room types, enemies, treasures, traps, and other features. Feel free to explore the code and modify it according to your game's requirements.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements, bug fixes, or new features to add, please create a pull request. For major changes, it's recommended to open an issue first to discuss your ideas.

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