

Movie Info Telegram Bot


A telegram Bot made using python which scrapes IMDb website and has the following functionalities

  1. Replies to a movie name with genre and rating of the movie
  2. Replies to a genre with a list of top movies and tv shows belonging to that genre

Setup Instructions

  1. Install required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create a bot in telegram:

    1. Go to @BotFather and click /start and type /newbot and give it a name. 
    2. Choose a username and get the token 
  3. Paste the token in a .env file (Take .env.example as an example)

  4. Run the python script to start the bot

  5. Type /start command to start conversation with the chatbot.

  6. Type /name <movie_name> to get the genre and Rating of the movie. The bot replies with atmost three results.

  7. Type /genre <genre> to get a list of movies and TV shows belonging to that genres


/start command

/name command

/genre command


Aishwarya A J

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