

Image Scraper

The aim of the provided script is to scrape all HTML tags from a given URL.

It imports the necessary modules: BeautifulSoup from the bs4 (Beautiful Soup) library for parsing HTML, and requests for making HTTP requests.
The code checks the length of the command-line arguments. If the length is not equal to 2 (indicating that a URL was not provided), it exits with an error message.
It uses the requests.get() function to make an HTTP GET request to the provided URL. The User-Agent header is set to mimic a web browser to avoid any potential blocking or filtering.
The response from the request is then passed to BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML content of the page.
The find_all() method is used on the parsed HTML data to find all <img> tags with a valid src attribute. The src=True parameter filters out <img> tags without the src attribute.
A loop iterates over the list of found images, and each image is printed.

In summary, the script allows you to scrape and print all HTML tags (along with their attributes) from a given URL.

Installation Requirements -

  1. pip install beautifulsoup4
  2. pip install requests

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