

Image Editor Python Script

This menu-driven python script uses pillow library to make do some editing over the given image. The editing includes flipping, rotating , increasing or decreasing contrast, enhancing sharpness, applying different filters onto the image and finally gives the user to preview the edited image and save it to a specified path.The script also includes a range of filters such as black and white , sepia, negative and some custom-made filters.

Setup instructions

First of all pip install Pillow on your machine. Run the script.It will ask you to provide the path for the image you want to edit. Enter the location of the image along with the name and extension of the image.

eg : C:\Users\Pictures\Saved Pictures\flower.jpeg

Apply the changes. If you want to save the image, again provide the path where you want to save it , along with the new name and extension of the image. let's say I want to save the above image in the same location with the name edited_flower.jpeg.

eg : C:\Users\Pictures\Saved Pictures\edited_flower.jpeg

Voila ! You will have your edited image. !

Detailed explanation of script

This script uses python imaging library called Pillow (modules used - Image, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance) This script consists of a main menu and some submenus. After making the necessary changes to the image, user also gets the option to preview and save the image at a desired location.


Asmita Aggarwal

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