

HTTP Webserver From Scratch

Implemented RFC of HTTP using SOCKET programming in python3

Download this and store it into your home directory such that, This should be your path



main file cotaining the code =>

To run main file with restart,start, quit functionality running in SEPARATE window


To run main file with restart,start, quit functionality running in SAME window

python3 port_number

To Test the program Run

first replace all getpath variable values with your local paths.

I didn't uploadded my test files to keep this project lightweight.

python3 testing/ 5562


This is the project based on http protocol that has been used in day to day life. All dimensions are considered according to rfc 2616

It has following features:-

HTTP: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, Cookies, Headers, non-persistent connections, Multiple clients at the same time (with a sepearate program to test this), logging with levels of logging, handling file permissions; Server configuration config file with DocumentRoot, log file name, max simulateneous connections ; way to stop and restart the server;

It is developed using socket programming and very basic level of python. Project Developer has only focused on the quality of the server and not the features of the python language.

Those having beginner level of knowledge about socket Programming and Python language are requested to see and understand the code as the developer also has the beginner level of knowledge in both

Here's PseudoCode I refered to while building HTTP server.

webserver {
open a socket, bind to port 90
t = accept();
create a thread for t
thread {
s -> socket to exchange data for this particular connection
loop {
d = recvdata();
interprete the data in d; // headers are to be deciphered
string processing, tokenizing, making sense of data
loop {
l = next line();
t = ':' separated list of tokens from l;
swithch(t) {
"Host": do something;
carry some action on the server side;
change some headers in the output (sent to browser);
"User-Agent": do something;
f = get the next part of "GET" // filename;
open f;
write HTTP headers into the socket;
dump file f() into the socket;
ht = get the 'time' given in header;
ct = get current time;
ft = get the time when file was modified;
if(ft - ct < ht)
just send headers in socket
send headers + file in socket;
  • Special Thanks to Abhijit Sir ( COEP CS Faculty)
  • RFC
  • Mozilla HTTP Docs
  • TutorialsPoint
  • Seniors and peers for helping me out throughout the project.

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