

Guess the Number Game - README


Welcome to the "Guess the Number" game! This Python script allows you to play a simple guessing game where you have to guess a randomly chosen number between 1 and 100. The game will provide you with feedback for each guess you make, helping you determine whether your guess is too low or too high.

How to Play

  1. Launch the Game: Run the Python script ( in your preferred Python environment.
  2. Game Rules: The computer will randomly select a secret number between 1 and 100, which you have to guess.
  3. Making a Guess: You will be prompted to enter your guess. Input an integer between 1 and 100 and press Enter.
  4. Feedback: After each guess, the game will provide feedback to help you adjust your next guess:
    • If your guess is correct, you will receive a congratulatory message along with the number of attempts it took you to guess correctly.
    • If your guess is too low, the game will inform you to try a higher number.
    • If your guess is too high, the game will suggest trying a lower number.
  5. Invalid Input Handling: If you input anything other than a valid integer, the game will notify you and prompt for a new guess.
  6. Keep Guessing: Continue making guesses until you correctly guess the secret number.


Welcome to Guess the Number Game!
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.
Enter your guess: 50
Too low! Try again.
Enter your guess: 75
Too high! Try again.
Enter your guess: 65
Too high! Try again.
Enter your guess: 60
Too low! Try again.
Enter your guess: 62
Congratulations! You guessed the number in 5 attempts.


This game is written in Python and requires no external libraries. You can run it using any Python 3.x interpreter.


If you have any ideas or suggestions to enhance the game or improve the code, feel free to contribute! Fork the repository, make your changes, and create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For any questions or feedback, please contact:

Shivansh Jain

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