

Auto Linkedin

  • It imports the necessary modules:

    • webdriver from Selenium to control the web browser,
    • Keys from Selenium to handle keyboard keys, and pyautogui as pag to simulate mouse clicks.
  • The main() function sets up the Selenium WebDriver with the Chrome browser and opens the LinkedIn website.

  • The login() function finds the login elements on the LinkedIn page and enters the provided username and password.

  • It also clicks the submit button to log in.

  • The goto_network() function clicks on the "My Network" tab on the LinkedIn page.

  • The send_requests() function prompts the user to enter the number of connection requests they want to send.

  • It then uses the PyAutoGUI library to simulate mouse clicks on the connection button (at the specified position) the specified number of times.

  • Install this before running :

    1. pip install selenium
    2. pip install pyautogui

Once you have installed the necessary libraries and downloaded the Chrome WebDriver, you should be able to run the code successfully.

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