

Package/Script Name: Multiplayer Guess_a_number Game

Short description of package/script: This package contains a simple implementation of an online multiplayer "Guess the Number" game using Python's socket module. Players can connect to a server and take turns guessing a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. The game will continue until one of the players guesses the correct number.


Allow multiple players to connect to the server Generate a random number between 1 and 100 for players to guess Check each player's guess and provide feedback (higher or lower) Declare the winner when a player guesses the correct number Allow players to quit the game at any time Setup instructions:

Make sure you have Python installed on your system. Download the script and save it with the name "" for the server-side code and "" for the client-side code. Explain how to set up and run your package/script on the user's system:

Open a terminal or command prompt. Navigate to the directory where you saved "" and "". To run the server: 3. Run the following command:

Copy code python The server will start listening for client connections.

To run the client: 4. Open a new terminal or command prompt window.

Run the following command: Copy code python The client will connect to the server, and the game will start. Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game. Enter your guess or type "quit" to leave the game. Detailed explanation of the script:

The server script initializes a socket and listens for incoming connections from clients. When the first client connects, the server generates a random number between 1 and 100 and sends it to all connected clients. The server waits for guesses from clients and provides feedback on whether the guess is higher or lower than the target number. If a client guesses the correct number, the server announces the winner, and the game ends. If a client sends "quit," they will be disconnected from the game. The client script connects to the server and interacts with the user to play the game. It sends the user's guesses to the server and displays the feedback received from the server until the correct number is guessed or the user quits the game.

Output: Below is an example of how the output might look while running the game:

Server terminal:

sql Copy code Server started. Waiting for players... New connection from New connection from Game started! Guess a number between 1 and 100. Client terminal 1 (Player 1):

vbnet Copy code Connected to the server. Guess the number: 50 Your guess is too low. Try again. Guess the number: 75 Your guess is too high. Try again. Guess the number: 62 Your guess is too high. Try again. Guess the number: 56 Congratulations! You guessed the number. Client terminal 2 (Player 2):

vbnet Copy code Connected to the server. Guess the number: 40 Your guess is too low. Try again. Guess the number: 60 Your guess is too low. Try again. Guess the number: 70 Your guess is too high. Try again. Guess the number: 56 Player 1 has won. The number was 56.


Disclaimers: This script is a simplified example intended for educational and illustrative purposes only. It is not a complete or production-ready implementation of a multiplayer game. For a real-world application, additional considerations, such as security, scalability, and error handling, would need to be addressed.

Please note that running the server script opens a network port on your machine, and it may be accessible to other devices on the local network. In a production environment, appropriate security measures must be taken to protect the server and the network from potential vulnerabilities.

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