



Docker related scripts and config files are under CodeCompass/docker. After navigating to this directory you can use the build scripts with the commands below.

:warning: When using Docker to build CodeCompass it is very important to have the following filesystem layout:

   |-CodeCompass   # Source code from Git.
   | `-docker      # Docker related files.
   |  `-dev        # Docker files for development.
   |  `-web        # Docker files for deployment.  
   |-build         # CMake runs here.
   |-install       # CodeCompass goes here.
   `-workspace     # Parsed projects' workspace directory.

The scripts assume this layout. The build and install directories will be generated to the parent directory of CodeCompass directory containing the source code. The workspace directory should be created manually.

Table of Contents


Build image from development

Build the development environment image. The tag name is important! It is very important to give this command from the top level directory of the CodeCompass source.

cd CodeCompass
docker build -t codecompass:dev --file docker/dev/Dockerfile .

See more information below how to use this image to develop CodeCompass.

How to use docker to develop CodeCompass

You can use the codecompass:dev image created above to develop CodeCompass. First, you have to start a docker container from this image, which will mount your CodeCompass directory from your host and starts a shell:

docker run --rm -ti \
--env DATABASE=sqlite --env BUILD_TYPE=Release \
--volume /path/to/host/CodeCompass:/CodeCompass \
--volume /path/to/your/host/project:/projects/myproject \
-p 8001:8080 \
codecompass:dev \

This container will be used in the next subsections to build CodeCompass, parse a project and start a webserver.

Note: you do not have to give the --publish option and set the DATABASE environment variable if you do not want to run a webserver. Also you do not have to mount a project directory if you do not want to parse it later.

Build, install and test CodeCompass

You can use the script inside the container to build, install and test CodeCompass:

# Build CodeCompass. -j8
# Install CodeCompass. install
# Run tests. test

How to parse a project

You can parse a project inside a docker container by using the following command:

CodeCompass_parser \
-d "sqlite:database=/CodeCompass/workspace/myproject/data.sqlite" \
-w /CodeCompass/workspace \
-n myproject \
-i /projects/myproject

Note: the project directory should be mounted inside the container.

How to start a webserver

You can start a webserver inside the container by using the following command:

# Create a workspace directory.
mkdir -p /CodeCompass/workspace
# Run the web server.
CodeCompass_webserver \
-w /CodeCompass/workspace


Build image for runtime

For a production environment you can build and use the runtime environment image, which contains the built CodeCompass binaries and their dependencies:

docker build -t codecompass:runtime --no-cache --file docker/runtime/Dockerfile .

By default this image download the master branch of the CodeCompass GitHub repository and build it in Release mode with sqlite database configuration. You can override these default values through the following build-time variables:

CC_REPO_URLThe URL of the CodeCompass repository to use.
CC_VERSIONThe branch, version hash or tag of the CodeCompass repository to use.
CC_DATABASEDatabase type. Possible values are sqlite, pgsql.
CC_BUILD_TYPESpecifies the build type. Supported values are Debug and Release.

The below example builds the codecompass:runtime image with pgsql configuration:

docker build -t codecompass:runtime --build-arg CC_DATABASE=pgsql \
--no-cache --file docker/runtime/Dockerfile .

Note: the codecompass:dev is a prerequisite to build the codecompass:runtime image.

Build image for webserver

You can use the codecompass:runtime image created above to build an executing container for the webserver:

docker build -t codecompass:web --no-cache --file docker/web/Dockerfile .

See more information below how to use this image to start a CodeCompass webserver.

How to use the webserver executing container

You can use the codecompass:web image to start a CodeCompass webserver. For this run the following command:

docker run \
--volume /path/to/host/workspace/:/workspace \
-p 8010:8080 \
codecompass:web \
CodeCompass_webserver -w /workspace

Official DockerHub images

Prebuilt images can be downloaded from DockerHub, from the modelcpp/codecompass repository.

The following image tags are available:

devDevelopment image
runtime-sqliteRuntime image containing CodeCompass binaries built against SQLite
runtime-pgsqlRuntime image containing CodeCompass binaries built against PostrgreSQL
web-sqliteWebserver executing container image built against SQLite
web-pgsqlWebserver executing container image built against PostgreSQL

The default latest is an alias to :runtime-pgsql. To download (or update) an image from DockerHub, issue the command docker pull modelcpp/codecompass:latest. (Replace latest with the desired tag.)

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