


GeoServer Release

This module depends on all the others in order to stage their artifacts for release, as such it will be scheduled at the end of the maven multi-module build.

Assembly definition and processing

This module contains (but does not run) the assembly descriptors (used by src/pom.xml) used package up the application, extension and documentation into zip downloads for release.

Each assembly descriptor packages the information that has been staged into release/target:

  • target/dependency
  • target/html
  • target/lhtml/icenses

To build locally use use assembly:single target, with -N to avoid subdirectories.

cd src
mvn clean install -Prelease
mvn assembly:single -nsu -N

Markdown processing

The module processes markdown files into html for including release bundles:

  • /src/release/src/markdown/
  • /src/release/extensions/
  • /licenses/
  • /LICENSE.txt


The standalone jetty environment for our binary release download:

  • jetty/


Windows installer NSIS environment:

  • installer/

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