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Monalog is terminal logs observer.



  1. Clone the repo
  2. run cabal install exe:monalog
  3. Enjoy


monalog --help
Usage: monalog [COMMAND | [FILE] [-f|--format FORMAT] [-d|--default-field FIELD]
[-c|--config CONFIG] [-i|--ignore-config ARG]]
Available options:
FILE The format can be derived from the file format. If
the file format is .csv, the output will be csv,
otherwise it will be json.
-f,--format FORMAT Supported formats: json, csv. In the case of csv, the
first line is considered the header.
-i,--ignore-config ARG Expected values: global, local, all
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
config Work with config
monalog my_logs.json
# or
monalog my_logs.csv
# or
run_logging_server | monalog --format=csv
# or
run_logging_server | monalog --format=json


Hot keyAction
Ctrl + qCleanup logs
Ctrl + dExit
tGo to top
bGo to bottom
gGo to
h, leftShift left
H, Shift + leftLong shift left
l, rightShift right
L, Shift + rightLog shift right
j, upShift up
J, Shift + upLong shift up
k, downShift down
K, Shift + downLong shift down
sSelect top line log
scrollShift up/down
Ctrl + scrollShift left/right

NOTE: some combinations with Ctrl and Shift can be handled by your terminal

Mouse is fully supported. You can

  • click buttons (all text within [..])
  • move fields and log entry view bounds.
  • move columns with < > buttons around header
  • activate query / jsonpath / editors
  • move horizontal view ports

Query language

= , !=
>, <Compares number with number, string with string, bool with bool. Otherwise returns false
>=, <=Exactly >/< or =
&&, ||Works with bool. For operands of other types returns false
notNegates argument
likeFuzzy text comparison
inChecks if left operand is element of list in right operand`
number5, 34.2, -42
string"foo", "foo \"hello\""
booltrue, false
array[1, true, "bar"]
key_42foo, fOooBar, $"any \"string\" 1"


Monalog supports two way to copy data:

  • Native. Monalog calls platform specific commands (which can be overwritten with config). Default commands:
    Linuxxclip -sel clip
  • Osc52. Check out if your terminal supports OSC52

Copying is available in log entry view using [Copy] button

Log view

Log view supports jsonpath queries. Jsonpath filter can be disabled/enabled with checkbox

Fields view

Monalog automatically detects fields appear in your logs. Fields view supports 2 display mods

  • Flatten
  • Nested

which can be toggled with button [Nested]/[Flatten]

Input formats

jsonMeans jsonlines. If line is not valid JSON then line is put to default field of JSON ( { "message": "some invalid json" } ). Default field is message but can it be overwritten via cli or config
csvThe first line is supposed to be header


By default monalog tries load config monalog.yaml from $PWD. You can disable it with -i or --ignore-config You can also specify path to config with -c or --config Here is example of monalog config:

- "@timestamp" # builtin field. Indicates the time when monalog get log line
- "@raw" # builtin field. Indicates whole log json
format: csv # csv / json
defaultField: data.msg # useful for json only
copyMethod: native # native / osc52
copyCommand: "xclip -sel clip"

Monalog can create config automatically

monalog config create --global # creates global config
monalog config create # creates local config

To find out where is config located use the following command

monalog config path global

To get more info use --help

Thanks to @ShrykeWindgrace for help with Windows support implementation

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