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The purpose of the encoding.txtar module, is best described in the original Go source:

Package txtar implements a trivial text-based file archive format.

The goals for the format are:
   *   be trivial enough to create and edit by hand.
   *   be able to store trees of text files describing go command test cases.
   *   diff nicely in git history and code reviews.

Non-goals include:
   *   being a completely general archive format
   *   storing binary data
   *   storing file modes
   *   storing special files like symbolic links, and so on.

Txtar format spec

See the spec in the txtar Go package source code, linked above:

   *   A txtar archive is zero or more comment lines and then a sequence of file entries.
   *   Each file entry begins with a file marker line of the form "-- FILENAME --"
       and is followed by zero or more file content lines making up the file data.
   *   The comment or file content ends at the next file marker line.
   *   The file marker line must begin with the three-byte sequence "-- "
       and end with the three-byte sequence " --", but the enclosed
       file name can be surrounding by additional white space,
       all of which is stripped.

   *   If the txtar file is missing a trailing newline on the final line,
       parsers should consider a final newline to be present anyway.

   *   There are no possible syntax errors in a txtar archive.


import os
import encoding.txtar
a := txtar.parse('comment
-- file.txt --
some content that will go into file.txt
some more content
-- a/b/c/file.v --
import os
-- bcd/def/another.v --
assert a.files.len == 2
assert a.files[0].path == 'file.txt'
assert a.files[2].path == 'bcd/def/another.v'
tfolder := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), 'xyz')
txtar.unpack(a, tfolder)!
assert os.exists(os.join_path(tfolder, 'bcd/def/another.v'))
b := txtar.pack(tfolder, '')!
assert b.files.len == a.files.len

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