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Istio Integration Tests

This folder contains Istio integration tests that use the test framework checked in at

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Writing Tests
    1. Adding a Test Suite
    2. Sub-Tests
    3. Parallel Tests
    4. Using Components
    5. Writing Components
  3. Running Tests
    1. Test Parallelism and Kubernetes
    2. Test Selection
    3. Running Tests on CI
      1. Step 1: Add a Test Script
      2. Step 2: Add a Prow Job
      3. Step 3: Update TestGrid
  4. Environments
  5. Diagnosing Failures
    1. Working Directory
    2. Enabling CI Mode
    3. Preserving State (No Cleanup)
    4. Additional Logging
    5. Running Tests Under Debugger
  6. Reference
    1. Helm Values Overrides
    2. Commandline Flags
  7. Notes
    1. Running on a Mac


The goal of the framework is to make it as easy as possible to author and run tests. In its simplest case, just typing go test ./... should be sufficient to run tests.

This guide walks through the basics of writing tests with the Istio test framework. For best practices, see Writing Good Integration Tests.

Writing Tests

The test framework is designed to work with standard go tooling and allows developers to write environment-agnostics tests in a high-level fashion.

Adding a Test Suite

All tests that use the framework, must run as part of a suite. Only a single suite can be defined per package, since it is bootstrapped by a Go TestMain, which has the same restriction.

To begin, create a new folder for your suite under tests/integration.

$ cd ${ISTIO}/tests/integration
$ mkdir mysuite

Within that package, create a TestMain to bootstrap the test suite:

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
NewSuite("mysuite", m).

Next, define your tests in the same package:

func TestMyLogic(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Create a component
p := pilot.NewOrFail(ctx, ctx, cfg)
// Use the component.
// Apply Kubernetes Config
ctx.ApplyConfigOrFail(ctx, nil, mycfg)
// Do more stuff here.

The framework.TestContext is a wrapper around the underlying testing.T and implements the same interface. Test code should generally not interact with the testing.T directly.

In the TestMain, you can also restrict the test to particular environment, apply labels, or do test-wide setup, such as deploying Istio.

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
NewSuite("mysuite", m).
// Deploy Istio on the cluster
Setup(istio.Setup(nil, nil)).
// Run your own custom setup
func mySetup(ctx resource.Context) error {
// Your own setup code
return nil


Go allows you to run sub-tests with t.Run(). Similarly, this framework supports nesting tests with ctx.NewSubTest():

func TestMyLogic(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Create a component
g := galley.NewOrFail(ctx, ctx, cfg)
configs := []struct{
name: string
yaml: string
} {
// Some array of YAML
for _, cfg := range configs {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
ctx.ApplyConfigOrFail(ctx, nil, mycfg)
// Do more stuff here.

Under the hood, calling subtest.Run() delegates to t.Run() in order to create a child testing.T.

Parallel Tests

Many tests can take a while to start up for a variety of reasons, such as waiting for pods to start or waiting for a particular piece of configuration to propagate throughout the system. Where possible, it may be desirable to run these sorts of tests in parallel:

func TestMyLogic(t *testing.T) {
RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// ...

Under the hood, this relies on Go's t.Parallel() and will, therefore, have the same behavior.

A parallel test will run in parallel with siblings that share the same parent test. The parent test function will exit before the parallel children are executed. It should be noted that if the parent test is prevented from exiting (e.g. parent test is waiting for something to occur within the child test), the test will deadlock.

Consider the following example:

func TestMyLogic(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Run in parallel with T1b
RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Run in parallel with T1a
// Exits before T1a and T1b are run.
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Run in parallel with T2b
RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Run in parallel with T2a
// Exits before T2a and T2b are run.

In the example above, non-parallel parents T1 and T2 contain parallel children T1a, T1b, T2a, T2b.

Since both T1 and T2 are non-parallel, they are run synchronously: T1 followed by T2. After T1 exits, T1a and T1b are run asynchronously with each other. After T1a and T1b complete, T2 is then run in the same way: T2 exits, then T2a and T2b are run asynchronously to completion.

Using Components

The framework itself is just a platform for running tests and tracking resources. Without these resources, there isn't much added value. Enter: components.

Components are utilities that provide abstractions for Istio resources. They are maintained in the components package, which defines various Istio components such as galley, pilot, and namespaces.

Each component defines their own API which simplifies their use from test code, abstracting away the environment-specific details. This means that the test code can (and should, where possible) be written in an environment-agnostic manner, so that they can be run against any Istio implementation.

For example, the following code creates and then interacts with a Galley and Pilot component:

func TestMyLogic(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Create the components.
g := galley.NewOrFail(ctx, ctx, galley.Config{})
p := pilot.NewOrFail(ctx, ctx, pilot.Config {})
// Apply configuration via Galley.
ctx.ApplyConfigOrFail(ctx, nil, mycfg)
// Wait until Pilot has received the configuration update.
p.StartDiscoveryOrFail(t, discoveryRequest)
p.WatchDiscoveryOrFail(t, timeout,
func(response *xdsapi.DiscoveryResponse) (b bool, e error) {
// Validate that the discovery response has the configuration applied.
// Do more stuff...

When a component is created, the framework tracks its lifecycle. When the test exits, any components that were created during the test are automatically closed.

Writing Components

To add a new component, you'll first need to create a top-level folder for your component under the components folder.

$ cd ${ISTIO}/pkg/test/framework/components
$ mkdir mycomponent

You'll then need to define your component's API.

package mycomponent
type Instance interface {
DoStuff() error
DoStuffOrFail(t test.Failer)
NOTE: A common pattern is to provide two versions of many methods: one that returns an error as well as an OrFail version that fails the test upon encountering an error. This provides options to the calling test and helps to simplify the calling logic.

Next you need to implement your component for one or more environments. If possible, create both a native and Kubernetes version.

package mycomponent
type nativeComponent struct {
id resource.ID
// ...
func newNative(ctx resource.Context) (Instance, error) {
if config.Galley == nil {
return nil, errors.New("galley must be provided")
instance := &nativeComponent{} = ctx.TrackResource(instance)
return instance, nil
func (c *nativeComponent) ID() resource.ID {

Each implementation of the component must implement resource.Resource, which just exposes a unique identifier for your component instances used for resource tracking by the framework. To get the ID, the component must call ctx.TrackResource during construction.

Finally, you'll need to provide an environment-agnostic constructor for your component:

package mycomponent
func New(ctx resource.Context) (i Instance, err error){
err = resource.UnsupportedEnvironment(ctx.Environment())
ctx.Environment().Case(environment.Native, func() {
i, err = newNative(ctx)
ctx.Environment().Case(environment.Kube, func() {
i, err = newKube(ctx)
func NewOrFail(t test.Failer, ctx resource.Context) Instance {
i, err := New(ctx)
if err != nil {
return i

Now that everything is in place, you can begin using your component:

func TestMyLogic(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// Create the components.
g := myComponent.NewOrFail(ctx, ctx)
// Do more stuff...

Running Tests

The test framework builds on top of the Go testing infrastructure, and is therefore compatible with the standard go test command-line. For example, to run the tests under the /tests/integration/mycomponent using the default (native) environment, you can simply type:

$ go test -tags=integ ./tests/integration/mycomponent/...

Note that samples below invoking variations of go test ./... are intended to be run from the tests/integration directory.

Tests are tagged with the integ build target to avoid accidental invocation. If this is not set, no tests will be run.

Test Parellelism and Kubernetes

By default, Go will run tests within the same package (i.e. suite) synchronously. However, tests in other packages may be run concurrently.

When running in the Kubernetes environment this can be problematic for suites that deploy Istio. The Istio deployment, as it stands is a singleton per cluster. If multiple suites attempt to deploy/configure Istio, they can corrupt each other and/or simply fail. To avoid this issue, you have a couple of options:

  1. Run one suite per command (e.g. go test ./tests/integration/mysuite/...)
  2. Disable parallelism with -p 1 (e.g. go test -p 1 ./...). A major disadvantage to doing this is that it will also disable parallelism within the suite, even when explicitly specified via RunParallel.

Test Selection

When no flags are specified, the test framework will run all applicable tests. It is possible to filter in/out specific tests using 2 mechanisms:

  1. The standard -run <regexp> flag, as exposed by Go's own test framework.
  2. <filter-expr> flag to select/skip framework-aware tests that use labels.

For example, if a test, or test suite uses labels in this fashion:

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
NewSuite("galley_conversion", m).
// Test is tagged with "Presubmit" label

Then you can explicitly select execution of such tests using label based selection. For example, the following expression will select only the tests that have the label.CustomSetup label.

$ go test ./... +customsetup

Similarly, you can exclude tests that use label.CustomSetup label by:

$ go test ./... -customsetup

You can "and" the predicates by separating with commas:

$ go test ./... +customsetup,-postsubmit

This will select tests that have label.CustomSetup only. It will not select tests that have both label.CustomSetup and label.Postsubmit.

Running Tests on CI

Istio's CI/CD system is composed of 2 parts:

ProwKubernetes-based CI/CD system developed by the Kubernetes community and is deployed in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
TestGridA Kubernetes dashboard used for visualizing the status of the Prow jobs.

Test suites are defined for each toplevel directory (such as pilot and telemetry), so any tests added to these directories will automatically be run in CI.

If you need to add a new test suite, it can be added to the job configuration.


The test binaries run in a Kubernetes cluster, but the test logic runs in the test binary.

$ go test ./... -p 1
WARNING: -p 1 is required when running directly in the tests/integration/ folder.

You will need to provide a K8s cluster to run the tests against. (See here for info about how to set up a suitable GKE cluster.) You can specify the kube config file that should be used to use for connecting to the cluster, through command-line:

$ go test ./... -p 1 --istio.test.kube.config ~/.kube/config

If not specified, ~/.kube/config will be used by default.

Be aware that any existing content will be altered and/or removed from the cluster.

Note that the HUB and TAG environment variables must be set when running tests in the Kubernetes environment.

Diagnosing Failures

Working Directory

The test framework will generate additional diagnostic output in its work directory. Typically, this is created under the host operating system's temporary folder (which can be overridden using the --istio.test.work_dir flag). The name of the work dir will be based on the test id that is supplied in a tests TestMain method. These files typically contain some of the logging & diagnostic output that components spew out as part of test execution

$ go test galley/... --istio.test.work_dir /foo
$ ls /foo
$ ls /foo/galley-test-4ef25d910d2746f9b38/

Enabling CI Mode

When executing in the CI systems, the makefiles use the flag. This flag causes a few changes in behavior. Specifically, more verbose logging output will be displayed, some of the timeout values will be more relaxed, and additional diagnostic data will be dumped into the working directory at the end of the test execution.

The flag is not enabled by default to provide a better U/X when running tests locally (i.e. additional logging can clutter test output and error dumping can take quite a while). However, if you see a behavior difference between local and CI runs, you can enable the flag to make the tests work in a similar fashion.

Preserving State (No Cleanup)

By default, the test framework will cleanup all deployed artifacts after the test run, especially on the Kubernetes environment. You can specify the --istio.test.nocleanup flag to stop the framework from cleaning up the state for investigation.

Additional Logging

The framework accepts standard istio logging flags. You can use these flags to enable additional logging for both the framework, as well as some of the components that are used in-line in the native environment:

$ go test ./... --log_output_level=tf:debug

The above example will enable debugging logging for the test framework (tf) and the MCP protocol stack (mcp).

Running Tests Under Debugger (GoLand)

The tests authored in the new test framework can be debugged directly under GoLand using the debugger. If you want to pass command-line flags to the test while running under the debugger, you can use the Run/Debug configurations dialog to specify these flags as program arguments.


Command-Line Flags

The test framework supports the following command-line flags:

-istio.test.work_dir string
Local working directory for creating logs/temp files. If left empty, os.TempDir() is used.
Enable CI Mode. Additional logging and state dumping will be enabled.
Do not cleanup resources after test completion string
Comma separatated list of labels for selecting tests to run (e.g. 'foo,+bar-baz').
-istio.test.hub string
Container registry hub to use (default HUB environment variable)
-istio.test.tag string
Common Container tag to use when deploying container images (default TAG environment variable)
-istio.test.pullpolicy string
Common image pull policy to use when deploying container images
-istio.test.kube.config string
A comma-separated list of paths to kube config files for cluster environments. (default ~/.kube/config)
Deploy Istio into the target Kubernetes environment. (default true)
Deploy Istio east west gateway into the target Kubernetes environment. (default true)
-istio.test.kube.systemNamespace string
The namespace where the Istio components reside in a typical deployment. (default "istio-system")
-istio.test.kube.helm.values string
Manual overrides for Helm values file. Only valid when deploying Istio.
-istio.test.kube.helm.iopFile string
IstioOperator spec file. This can be an absolute path or relative to the repository root. Defaults to "tests/integration/iop-integration-test-defaults.yaml".
-istio.test.kube.loadbalancer bool
Used to obtain the right IP address for ingress gateway. This should be false for any environment that doesn't support a LoadBalancer type.
-istio.test.revision string
Overwrite the default namespace label (istio-enabled=true) with revision lable ( (default is no overwrite)
-istio.test.skipVM bool
Skip all the VM related parts in all the tests. (default is "false")
-istio.test.helmRepo string
Overwrite the default helm Repo used for the tests.
-istio.test.ambient bool
Indicate the use of ambient mesh.


Running on a Mac

  • Currently some native tests fail when being run on a Mac with an error like:
unable to locate an Envoy binary

This is documented in this PR. Once the Envoy binary is available for the Mac, these tests will hopefully succeed.

  • If one uses Docker for Mac for the kubernetes environment be sure to specify the -istio.test.kube.loadbalancer=false parameter. This solves an error like:
service ingress is not available yet

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