

Custom Envoy Bootstrap Configuration

This sample creates a simple helloworld service that bootstraps the Envoy proxy with a custom configuration file.

Starting the service

First, we need to create a ConfigMap resource with our bootstrap configuration.

kubectl apply -f custom-bootstrap.yaml

Next, we can create a service that uses this bootstrap configuration.

To do this, we need to add an annotation,, with the name of our ConfigMap as the value.

We can create our helloworld app, using the custom config, with:

kubectl apply -f example-app.yaml

If you don't have automatic sidecar injection set in your cluster you will need to manually inject it to the services instead:

istioctl kube-inject -f example-app.yaml -o example-app-istio.yaml
kubectl apply -f example-app-istio.yaml

Checking the Bootstrap Configuration

To see what bootstrap configuration a pod is using:

istioctl proxy-config bootstrap <POD-NAME>

Customizing the Bootstrap

The configuration provided will be passed to envoy using the --config-yaml flag.

This will merge the passed in configuration with the default configuration. Singular values will replace the default values, while repeated values will be appended.

For reference, the default bootstrap configuration and Envoy's configuration reference may be useful


kubectl delete -f custom-bootstrap.yaml
kubectl delete -f example-app.yaml

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