


Welcome to the notifications backend plugin!

Getting started

Add the notifications to your backend:

const backend = createBackend();
// ...

For users to be able to see notifications in real-time, you have to install also the signals plugin (@backstage/plugin-signals-node, @backstage/plugin-signals-backend, and @backstage/plugin-signals).

Extending Notifications

The notifications can be extended with NotificationProcessor. These processors allow to decorate notifications before they are sent or/and send the notifications to external services.

Start off by creating a notification processor:

import { Notification } from '@backstage/plugin-notifications-common';
import { NotificationProcessor } from '@backstage/plugin-notifications-node';
class MyNotificationProcessor implements NotificationProcessor {
async decorate(notification: Notification): Promise<Notification> {
if (notification.origin === 'plugin-my-plugin') {
notification.payload.icon = 'my-icon';
return notification;
async send(notification: Notification): Promise<void> {
from: 'backstage',
to: 'user',
subject: notification.payload.title,
text: notification.payload.description,

Both of the processing functions are optional, and you can implement only one of them.

Add the notification processor to the notification system by:

import { notificationsProcessingExtensionPoint } from '@backstage/plugin-notifications-node';
import { Notification } from '@backstage/plugin-notifications-common';
export const myPlugin = createBackendPlugin({
pluginId: 'myPlugin',
register(env) {
deps: {
notifications: notificationsProcessingExtensionPoint,
// ...
async init({ notifications }) {
// ...
notifications.addProcessor(new MyNotificationProcessor());

Sending notifications

To be able to send notifications to users, you have to integrate the @backstage/plugin-notifications-node to your application and plugins.

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