

Cost Insights

Cost Insights is a plugin to help engineers visualize, understand and optimize their cloud costs. The Cost Insights page shows daily cost data for a team, trends over time, and comparisons with the business metrics you care about.

At Spotify, we find that cloud costs are optimized organically when:

  • Engineers see cost data in their daily work (that is, in Backstage).
  • It's clear when cloud costs need attention.
  • The data is shown in software terms familiar to them.
  • Alerts and recommendations are targeted and actionable.

Cost Insights shows trends over time, at the granularity of Backstage catalog entities - rather than the cloud provider's concepts. It can be used to troubleshoot cost anomalies, and promote cost-saving infrastructure migrations.

Learn more with the Backstage blog post New Cost Insights plugin: The engineer's solution to taming cloud costs.


# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/app add @backstage/plugin-cost-insights


  1. Configure app-config.yaml. See Configuration.

  2. Create a CostInsights client. Clients must implement the CostInsightsApi interface. Create your own or use a template to get started.

Tip: You can also use the ExampleCostInsightsClient from @backstage/plugin-cost-insights to see how the plugin looks with some mock data.

// path/to/CostInsightsClient.ts
import { CostInsightsApi } from '@backstage/plugin-cost-insights';
export class CostInsightsClient implements CostInsightsApi { ... }

Note: We've briefly explored using the AWS Cost Explorer API to implement a Cost Insights client. Learn more about our findings here.

  1. Import the client and the Cost Insights plugin API to your Backstage instance.
// packages/app/src/api.ts
import { createApiFactory } from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { costInsightsApiRef } from '@backstage/plugin-cost-insights';
import { CostInsightsClient } from './path/to/file';
export const apis = [
api: costInsightsApiRef,
deps: {},
factory: () => new CostInsightsClient(),
  1. Add the CostInsightsPage extension to your App.tsx:
// packages/app/src/App.tsx
import { CostInsightsPage } from '@backstage/plugin-cost-insights';
<Route path="/cost-insights" element={<CostInsightsPage />} />
  1. Add Cost Insights to your app Sidebar.

To expose the plugin to your users, you can integrate the cost-insights route anyway that suits your application, but most commonly it is added to the Sidebar.

// packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx
+ import MoneyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/MonetizationOn';
export const Root = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => (
<SidebarLogo />
<SidebarGroup label="Search" icon={<SearchIcon />} to="/search">
{({ toggleModal }) => <SearchModal toggleModal={toggleModal} />}
<SidebarDivider />
<SidebarItem icon={ExtensionIcon} to="api-docs" text="APIs" />
<SidebarItem icon={LibraryBooks} to="docs" text="Docs" />
<SidebarItem icon={LayersIcon} to="explore" text="Explore" />
<SidebarItem icon={CreateComponentIcon} to="create" text="Create..." />
{/* End global nav */}
<SidebarDivider />
+ <SidebarItem
+ icon={MoneyIcon}
+ to="cost-insights"
+ text="Cost Insights"
+ />
<SidebarDivider />
<Shortcuts />
<SidebarSpace />
<SidebarDivider />
icon={<UserSettingsSignInAvatar />}
<SidebarSettings />


Cost Insights has only one required configuration field: engineerCost - the average yearly cost of an engineer including benefits.


## ./app-config.yaml
engineerCost: 200000

Products (Optional)

For showing cost breakdowns you can define a map of cloud products. They must be defined as keys on the products field. A user-friendly name is required.

You can optionally supply a product icon to display in Cost Insights navigation. See the type file for supported types and Material UI icon mappings.

Note: Product keys should be unique and on camelCase form. Backstage does not support underscores in configuration keys.

## ./app-config.yaml
engineerCost: 200000
name: Some Cloud Product ## required
icon: storage
name: Some Other Cloud Product
icon: data

Metrics (Optional)

In the Cost Overview panel, users can choose from a dropdown of business metrics to see costs as they relate to a metric, such as daily active users. Metrics must be defined as keys on the metrics field. A user-friendly name is required. Metrics will be provided to the getDailyMetricData API method via the metric parameter.

An optional default field can be set to true to set the default comparison metric to daily cost in the Cost Overview panel.

## ./app-config.yaml
engineerCost: 200000
name: Some Cloud Product
icon: storage
name: Some Other Cloud Product
icon: data
name: Metric A ## required
default: true
name: Metric B
name: Metric C

Base Currency (Optional)

In the case you would like to show your baseline costs on the graph on other currency than US dollars.

## ./app-config.yaml
engineerCost: 200000
locale: nl-NL
currency: EUR
minimumFractionDigits: 3

Currencies (Optional)

In the Cost Overview panel, users can choose from a dropdown of currencies to see costs in, such as Engineers or USD. Currencies must be defined as keys on the currencies field. A user-friendly label and unit are required. If not set, the defaultCurrencies in currency.ts will be used.

A currency without kind is reserved to calculate cost for engineers. There should only be one currency without kind.

## ./app-config.yaml
engineerCost: 200000
name: Some Cloud Product
icon: storage
name: Some Other Cloud Product
icon: data
label: Currency A
unit: Unit A
label: Currency B
unit: Unit B
prefix: B
rate: 3.5

Engineer Threshold (Optional; default 0.5)

This threshold determines whether to show 'Negligible', or a percentage with a fraction of 'engineers' for cost savings or cost excess on top of the charts. A threshold of 0.5 means that Negligible is shown when the difference in costs is lower than that fraction of engineers in that time frame, and show XX% or ~N engineers when it's above the threshold.

## ./app-config.yaml
engineerCost: 200000
engineerThreshold: 0.5


The CostInsightsApi getAlerts method may return any type of alert or recommendation (called collectively "Action Items" in Cost Insights) that implements the Alert type. This allows you to deliver any alerts or recommendations specific to your infrastructure or company migrations.

To learn more about using Cost Insights' ready-to-use alerts, see the alerts README.

Example implementations of custom alerts, forms and components can be found in the examples directory.

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