

Api Docs

[!WARNING] This documentation is made for those using the experimental new Frontend system. If you are not using the new frontend system, please go here.

This is an extension for the catalog plugin that provides components to discover and display API entities. APIs define the interface between components, see the system model for details. They are defined in machine readable formats and provide a human readable documentation.

The plugin provides a standalone list of APIs, as well as an integration into the API tab of a catalog entity.

Right now, the following API formats are supported:

Other formats are displayed as plain text, but this can easily be extended.

To fill the catalog with APIs, provide entities of kind API. To link that a component provides or consumes an API, see the providesApis and consumesApis properties on the Component kind.

Table of Content


  1. Install the api-docs plugin in you Backstage app:

    # From your Backstage root directory
    yarn --cwd packages/app add @backstage/plugin-api-docs
  2. Enable which entity cards and tabs you would like to see on the catalog entity page:

    # app-config.yaml
    # Auto discovering all plugins extensions
    packages: all
    # Enabling some entity cards
    # The cards will be displayed in the same order it appears in this setting list
    # Shows a table of components that provides a particular api
    - entity-card:api-docs/providing-components:
    # Presenting the card ony for entites of kind api
    filter: kind:api
    # Shows a table of components that consumes a particular api
    - entity-card:api-docs/consuming-components:
    # Presenting the card ony for entites of kind api
    filter: kind:api
    # Enabling some contents
    # The contents will be displayed in the same order it appears in this setting list
    # Shows a "Definition" tab for entities of kind api
    - entity-content:api-docs/definition
    # Shows an "Apis" tab for entities of kind component
    - entity-content:api-docs/apis
  3. Then start the app, navigate to an entity's page and see the cards and contents in there;

  4. You can also access the Apis explorer page by clicking on the "APIs" sidebar item.



The api-docs plugin can be automatically discovered, and it is also possible to enable it only in certain environments. See this packages documentation for more details.


The api-docs plugin exposes regular and external routes that can be used to configure route bindings.

rootRegular routeA route ref to the Apis Explorer page.
registerApiExternal routeA route ref to Register Api page.

As an example, here is an association between the external register api page and a regular route from another plugin:

# app-config.yaml
# example binding the external register api route
api-docs.registerApi: <plugin-id>.<regular-route-key>

Additionally, it is possible to point a route from another plugin to the Apis explorer page:

# app-config.yaml
# example binding a external route to the apis explorer page
<plugin-id>.<external-route-key>: api-docs.root

Route binding is also possible through code. For more information, see this documentation.


Apis Nav Item

This nav item extension adds a link to the Apis Explorer page in the main app sidebar.


This extension is enabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but you can disable it and prevent it from showing up in the sidebar by setting the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# example disabling the apis docs nav item extension
- nav-item:api-docs: false
# or
# - nav-item:api-docs:
# disabled: true

To enable the extension again, simple remove the previous nav-item:api-docs: false configuration or do:

# app-config.yaml
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- nav-item:api-docs
# or
# - nav-item:api-docs: true
# or
# - nav-item:api-docs:
# disabled: false

The apis nav item can be customized under the app.extensions.nav-item:api-docs.config key in app-config.yaml. Configurations include:

# app-config.yaml
# example configuring the apis docs nav item extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- nav-item:api-docs:
# The nav item title text, defaults to "APIs"
title: 'Apis Explorer'
# The nav item path text, defaults to "/api-docs"
path: '/apis-explorer'

The apis nav item icon can only be changed by overriding the extension, as the icon cannot be changed via the app-config.yaml file.

Here is an example overriding the nav item extension with a custom icon component:

import { createExtensionOverrides, createNavItemExtension } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { MyCustomApiDocsIcon } from './components';
export default createExtensionOverrides(
extensions: [
// These namespace is necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default nav item provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
// It's your choice whether to use the original extension's title or a different one
title: 'APIs',
// Setting a custom icon component
icon: MyCustomApiDocsIcon,

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Apis Explore Page

This api-docs plugin installs an "Apis Explore" page extension that helps you visualize apis registered in the Backstage software catalog.


The explore page extension is enable by default when you install the api-docs plugin, for disabling it, set the configuration below:

[!CAUTION] The api-docs plugin also install a sidebar item that points to this page, remember to disable the nav item as well otherwise it will point to a not found page.

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the apis docs explorer page
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- page:api-docs: false
# or
# - page:api-docs:
# disabled: true

To enable the extension again, simple remove the previous page:api-docs: false configuration or do:

# app-config.yaml
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- page:api-docs
# or
# - page:api-docs: true
# or
# - page:api-docs:
# disabled: false

The explorer page implementation can be overridden in situations where its default extension is not customizable enough.

Here is an example overriding the APIs Explorer page component:

import { createExtensionOverrides, createPageExtension } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { convertLegacyRouteRef } from '@backstage/core-compat-api';
export default createExtensionOverrides(
extensions: [
// These namespace is necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default explorer page provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
// Ommitting name since we are overriding a plugin index page
// It's up to you whether to use the original default path or not, but links that are hardcoded to the default path won't work if you change it
defaultPath: '/api-docs',
// Associating the page with a different route ref may result in the sidebar item or external plugin route pointing to an unreachable page
routeRef: convertLegacyRouteRef(rootRoute),
// Custom page components are loaded here
loader: () => import('./components').then(m => <m.MyCustomApiExplorerPage />)

Apis Entities Cards

The api-docs provide some entity cards you can enable to customize the Software Catalog entity page.

[!IMPORTANT] The order in which cards are listed in the configuration file will determine the order in which they appear in overview cards and tab lists on entity pages.

See a complete cards list below:

Has Apis Entity Card

An entity card extension that renders a table of entities that have an api relation with a particular Software catalog entity.


This card is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the card will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the apis docs has apis entity card extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-card:api-docs/has-apis: false
# or
# - entity-card:api-docs/has-apis:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

For now there is only one configuration available for this entity card extension, which is setting an entity filter that determines when the card should be displayed on the entity page.

Here is an example showing the has-apis overview cards only for entities of kind component:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "component"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-card:api-docs/has-apis:
# The default value is a function that verifies it is a components has api pat of relations
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
filter: 'kind:component'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityCardExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'has-apis' entity card extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'has-apis',
// Returing a custom card component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => <m.MyCustomHasApisEntityCard />),

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Definition Entity Card

An entity card extension that renders an entity api definition widget.


This card is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the card will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the definition entity card extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-card:api-docs/definition: false
# or
# - entity-card:api-docs/definition:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

For now there is only one configuration available for this entity card extension, which is setting an entity filter that determines when the card should be displayed on the entity page.

Here is an example showing the definition overview cards only for entities of kind component:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "component"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-card:api-docs/definition:
# Default to 'kind:api'
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
filter: 'kind:component'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityCardExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'definition' entity card extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'definition',
// Returing a custom card component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => <m.MyCustomApiDefinitionEntityCard />),

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Provided Apis Entity Card

An entity card extension that renders a table of apis provided by a particular Software Catalog Component.


This card is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the card will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the provided apis entity card extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-card:api-docs/provided-apis: false
# or
# - entity-card:api-docs/provided-apis:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

For now there is only one configuration available for this entity card extension, which is setting an entity filter that determines when the card should be displayed on the entity page.

Here is an example showing the provided-apis overview cards only for entities of kind component:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "component"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-card:api-docs/provided-apis:
# Default to 'kind:component'
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
filter: 'kind:component'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityCardExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'provided-apis' entity card extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'provided-apis',
// Returing a custom card component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => <m.MyCustomProvidedApisEntityCard />),

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Consumed Apis Entity Card

An entity card extension that renders a table of apis consumed by a particular Software Catalog Component.


This card is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the card will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the consumed apis entity card extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-card:api-docs/consumed-apis: false
# or
# - entity-card:api-docs/consumed-apis:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

For now there is only one configuration available for this entity card extension, which is setting an entity filter that determines when the card should be displayed on the entity page.

Here is an example showing the consumed-apis overview cards only for entities of kind component:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "component"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-card:api-docs/consumed-apis:
# Default to 'kind:component'
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
filter: 'kind:component'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityCardExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'consumed-apis' entity card extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'consumed-apis',
// Returing a custom card component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => <m.MyCustomConsumedApisEntityCard />),

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Providing Components Entity Card

An entity card extension that renders a table of components that provides a particular Software Catalog api.


This card is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the card will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the providing components entity card extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-card:api-docs/providing-components: false
# or
# - entity-card:api-docs/providing-components:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

For now there is only one configuration available for this entity card extension, which is setting an entity filter that determines when the card should be displayed on the entity page.

Here is an example showing the providing-components overview cards only for entities of kind component:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "component"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-card:api-docs/providing-components:
# Default to 'kind:api'
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
filter: 'kind:component'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityCardExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'providing-components' entity card extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'providing-components',
// Returing a custom card component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => (
<m.MyCustomProvidingComponentsEntityCard />

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Consuming Components Entity Card

An entity card extension that renders a table of components that consumes a particular Software Catalog api.


This card is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the card will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the consuming components entity card extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-card:api-docs/consuming-components: false
# or
# - entity-card:api-docs/consuming-components:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

For now there is only one configuration available for this entity card extension, which is setting an entity filter that determines when the card should be displayed on the entity page.

Here is an example showing the consuming-components overview cards only for entities of kind component:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "component"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-card:api-docs/consuming-components:
# Default to 'kind:api'
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
filter: 'kind:component'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityCardExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'consuming-components' entity card extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'consuming-components',
// Returing a custom card component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => (
<m.MyCustomConsumingComponentsEntityCard />

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Apis Entity Contents

The api-docs provide some entity contents you can enable to customize the Software Catalog entity page.

[!IMPORTANT] The order in which contents are listed in the configuration file will determine the order in which they appear in overview contents and tabs on entity pages.

See a complete contents list below:

Definition Entity Content

An entity content extension that renders a tab in the entity page showing a particular entity api definition.


This content is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the content will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the definition entity content extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-content:api-docs/definition: false
# or
# - entity-content:api-docs/definition:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

There are a few configuration options for this entity content extension, see the list below:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities with kind "api"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-content:api-docs/definition:
# A text-based query used to filter whether the entity contentextension should be rendered or not.
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
# defaults to 'kind:api'
filter: 'kind:api'
# The entity content table title
# defaults to 'Definition'
title: 'Definition'
# the content tab path
# default to "/definition"
path: '/definition'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the has apis entity card extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityContentExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'definition' entity content extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'definition',
// Returing a custom content component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => (
<m.MyCustomApiDefintionEntityContent />

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Apis Entity Content

An Entity Content extension that renders a tab in the entity page showing a particular entity consumed and provided apis.


This content is disabled by default when you install the api-docs plugin, but to ensure the content will always be disabled or enabled regardless of the extension's default definition, add the following configuration:

# app-config.yaml
# example disabling the apis entity content extension
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
# use false as value for disabling the extension and true for enabling
- entity-content:api-docs/apis: false
# or
# - entity-content:api-docs/apis:
# - config:
# # set 'true' for enabling it again
# disabled: true

There are a few configuration options for this entity content extension, see the list below:

# app-config.yaml
# example setting the extension to only show up for entities of kind "content"
# this is the extension id and it follows the naming pattern bellow:
# <extension-kind>/<plugin-namespace>:<extension-name>
- entity-content:api-docs/apis:
# A text-based query used to filter whether the entity contentextension should be rendered or not.
# For more information about entity cards filters, check out this pull request
# defaults to 'kind:component'
filter: 'kind:component'
# The entity content table title
# defaults to 'Definition'
title: 'Definition'
# the content tab path
# default to "/definition"
path: '/definition'

Use extension overrides for completely re-implementing the apis entity content extension:

import { createExtensionOverrides } from '@backstage/backstage-plugin-api';
import { createEntityContentExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-react/alpha';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
// These namespace and name necessary so the system knows that this extension will override the default 'apis' entity content extension provided by the 'api-docs' plugin
namespace: 'api-docs',
name: 'apis',
// Returing a custom content component
loader: () =>
import('./components').then(m => <m.MyCustomApisEntityContent />),

For more information about where to place extension overrides, see the official documentation.

Apis Config Api

This is an api used by the api-docs plugin to get the api definition widget.


Changing the widgets returned by this API requires overriding the default extension implementation. Here are a few common override cases:

Custom Api Renderings

Add support for additional API types by providing a custom implementation for the apiDocsConfigRef and also use this to override the rendering of one of the already supported types.

This is an example with a made-up renderer for SQL schemas:

import {
} from '@backstage/frontend-plugin-api';
import { ApiEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-api-docs';
import { SqlRenderer } from '...';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
factory: createApiFactory({
api: apiDocsConfigRef,
deps: {},
factory: () => {
// load the default widgets
const definitionWidgets = defaultDefinitionWidgets();
return {
getApiDefinitionWidget: (apiEntity: ApiEntity) => {
// custom rendering for sql
if (apiEntity.spec.type === 'sql') {
return {
type: 'sql',
title: 'SQL',
component: definition => (
<SqlRenderer definition={definition} />
} as ApiDefinitionWidget;
// fallback to the defaults
return definitionWidgets.find(
d => d.type === apiEntity.spec.type,
Adding requestInterceptor to Swagger UI

Override the config api to configure a requestInterceptor for Swagger UI as following:

import {
} from '@backstage/frontend-plugin-api';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-api-docs';
import { ApiEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
factory: createApiFactory({
api: apiDocsConfigRef,
deps: {},
factory: () => {
// Overriding openapi definition widget to add header
const requestInterceptor = (req: any) => {
req.headers.append('myheader', 'wombats');
return req;
const definitionWidgets = defaultDefinitionWidgets().map(obj => {
if (obj.type === 'openapi') {
return {
component: definition => (
return obj;
return {
getApiDefinitionWidget: (apiEntity: ApiEntity) => {
return definitionWidgets.find(
d => d.type === apiEntity.spec.type,

In the same way as the requestInterceptor you can override any property of Swagger UI.

Provide Specific Supported Methods to Swagger UI

This can be done through utilising the supportedSubmitMethods prop. If you want to limit the HTTP methods available for the Try It Out feature of an OpenAPI API component, you will need to override the config api and list the permitted methods for your API in the supportedSubmitMethods parameter:

import {
} from '@backstage/frontend-plugin-api';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-api-docs';
import { ApiEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
export default createExtensionOverrides({
extensions: [
factory: createApiFactory({
api: apiDocsConfigRef,
deps: {},
factory: () => {
const supportedSubmitMethods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'];
const definitionWidgets = defaultDefinitionWidgets().map(obj => {
if (obj.type === 'openapi') {
return {
component: definition => (
return obj;
return {
getApiDefinitionWidget: (apiEntity: ApiEntity) => {
return definitionWidgets.find(
d => d.type === apiEntity.spec.type,

N.B. if you wish to disable the Try It Out feature for your API, you can provide an empty list to the supportedSubmitMethods parameter.


Implementing OAuth 2 Authorization Code flow with Swagger UI

Adding oauth2-redirect.html to support OAuth2 redirect_uri route

The Swagger UI package by expects to have a route to /oauth2-redirect.html which processes the redirect callback for the OAuth2 Authorization Code flow, however, this file is not installed by this plugin.

Grab a copy of oauth2-redirect.html and put it in the app/public/ directory in order to enable Swagger UI to complete this redirection.

This also may require you to adjust Content Security Policy header settings of your Backstage application, so that the script in oauth2-redirect.html can be executed. Since the script is static we can add the hash of it directly to our CSP policy, which we do by adding the following to the csp section of the app configuration:

- "'self'"
- "'unsafe-eval'" # this is required for scaffolder usage, and ajv validation.
- "'sha256-GeDavzSZ8O71Jggf/pQkKbt52dfZkrdNMQ3e+Ox+AkI='" # oauth2-redirect.html
Configuring your OAuth2 Client

You'll need to make sure your OAuth2 client has been registered in your OAuth2 Authentication Server (AS) with the appropriate redirect_uris, scopes and grant_types. For example, if your AS supports the OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol, an example POST request body would look like this:

"client_name": "Example Backstage api-docs plugin Swagger UI Client",
"redirect_uris": [
"scope": "read_pets write_pets",
"grant_types": [

The above redirect_uris are:

  • Postman testing:
  • Local Backstage app development: http://localhost:3000/oauth2-redirect.html
  • Backstage app production: https://<yourhost>/oauth2-redirect.html
Configuring OAuth2 in your OpenAPI 3.0 schema

To configure OAuth 2 Authorization Code flow in your OpenAPI 3.0 schema you'll need something like this snippet:

type: oauth2
description: OAuth2 service
read_pets: read your pets
write_pets: modify pets in your account
- [read_pets, write_pets]

Использование cookies

Мы используем файлы cookie в соответствии с Политикой конфиденциальности и Политикой использования cookies.

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