

Analytics Module: Google Analytics

This plugin provides an opinionated implementation of the Backstage Analytics API for Google Analytics. Once installed and configured, analytics events will be sent to GA as your users navigate and use your Backstage instance.

This plugin contains no other functionality.


  1. Install the plugin package in your Backstage app:
# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/app add @backstage/plugin-analytics-module-ga
  1. Wire up the API implementation to your App:
// packages/app/src/apis.ts
import {
} from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { GoogleAnalytics } from '@backstage/plugin-analytics-module-ga';
export const apis: AnyApiFactory[] = [
// Instantiate and register the GA Analytics API Implementation.
api: analyticsApiRef,
deps: { configApi: configApiRef, identityApi: identityApiRef },
factory: ({ configApi, identityApi }) =>
GoogleAnalytics.fromConfig(configApi, {
  1. Configure the plugin in your app-config.yaml:

The following is the minimum configuration required to start sending analytics events to GA. All that's needed is your Universal Analytics tracking ID:

# app-config.yaml
trackingId: UA-0000000-0
  1. Update CSP in your app-config.yaml:

The following is the minimal content security policy required to load scripts from GA.

connect-src: ["'self'", 'http:', 'https:']
# Add these two lines below
script-src: ["'self'", "'unsafe-eval'", '']
img-src: ["'self'", 'data:', '']


In order to be able to analyze usage of your Backstage instance by plugin, we strongly recommend configuring at least one custom dimension to capture Plugin IDs associated with events, including page views.

  1. First, configure the custom dimension in GA. Be sure to set the Scope to hit, and name it something like Plugin. Note the index of the dimension you just created (e.g. 1, if this is the first custom dimension you've created in your GA property).
  2. Then, add a mapping to your configuration that instructs the plugin to capture Plugin IDs on the custom dimension you just created. It should look like this:
trackingId: UA-0000000-0
- type: dimension
index: 1
source: context
key: pluginId

You can configure additional custom dimension and metric collection by adding more entries to the customDimensionsMetrics array:

- type: dimension
index: 1
source: context
key: pluginId
- type: dimension
index: 2
source: context
key: routeRef
- type: dimension
index: 3
source: context
key: extension
- type: metric
index: 1
source: attributes
key: someEventContextAttr

User IDs

This plugin supports accurately deriving user-oriented metrics (like monthly active users) using Google Analytics' user ID views. To enable this...

  1. Be sure you've gone through the process of setting up a user ID view in your Backstage instance's Google Analytics property (see docs linked above).

  2. Make sure you instantiate GoogleAnalytics with an identityApi instance passed to it, as shown in the installation section above.

  3. Set to either required or optional in your app.config.yaml, like this:

    trackingId: UA-0000000-0
    identity: optional

    Set identity to optional if you need accurate session counts, including cases where users do not sign in at all. Use required if you need all hits to be associated with a user ID without exception (and don't mind if some sessions are not captured, such as those where no sign in occur).

Note that, to comply with GA policies, the value of the User ID is pseudonymized before being sent to GA. By default, it is a sha256 hash of the current user's userEntityRef as returned by the identityApi. To set a different value, provide a userIdTransform function alongside identityApi when you instantiate GoogleAnalytics. This function will be passed the userEntityRef as an argument and should resolve to the value you wish to set as the user ID. For example:

import {
} from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { GoogleAnalytics } from '@backstage/plugin-analytics-module-ga';
export const apis: AnyApiFactory[] = [
api: analyticsApiRef,
deps: { configApi: configApiRef, identityApi: identityApiRef },
factory: ({ configApi, identityApi }) =>
GoogleAnalytics.fromConfig(configApi, {
userIdTransform: async (userEntityRef: string): Promise<string> => {
return customHashingFunction(userEntityRef);

If you wish to see all of the search events in the Site Search section of Google Analytics, you can enable sending virtual pageviews on every search event like so:

mode: only # Defaults to 'disabled'
mountPath: /virtual-search # Defaults to '/search'
searchQuery: term # Defaults to 'query'
categoryQuery: sc # Omitted by default

Available modes are:

  • disabled - no virtual pageviews are sent, default behavior
  • only - sends virtual pageviews instead of search events
  • both - sends both virtual pageviews and search events

Virtual pageviews will be sent to the path specified in the mountPath, the search term will be set as the value for query parameter searchQuery and category (if provided) will be set as the value for query parameter categoryQuery, e.g. the example config above will result in virtual pageviews being sent to /virtual-search?term=SearchTermHere&sc=CategoryHere.

Debugging and Testing

In pre-production environments, you may wish to set additional configurations to turn off reporting to Analytics and/or print debug statements to the console. You can do so like this:

testMode: true # Prevents data being sent to GA
debug: true # Logs analytics event to the web console

You might commonly set the above in an app-config.local.yaml file, which is normally gitignore'd but loaded and merged in when Backstage is bootstrapped.


If you would like to contribute improvements to this plugin, the easiest way to make and test changes is to do the following:

  1. Clone the main Backstage monorepo git clone
  2. Install all dependencies yarn install
  3. If one does not exist, create an app-config.local.yaml file in the root of the monorepo and add config for this plugin (see below)
  4. Enter this plugin's working directory: cd plugins/analytics-provider-ga
  5. Start the plugin in isolation: yarn start
  6. Navigate to the playground page at http://localhost:3000/ga
  7. Open the web console to see events fire when you navigate or when you interact with instrumented components.

Code for the isolated version of the plugin can be found inside the /dev directory. Changes to the plugin are hot-reloaded.

Paste this into your app-config.local.yaml while developing this plugin:

trackingId: UA-0000000-0
debug: true
testMode: true
- type: dimension
index: 1
source: context
key: pluginId

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