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Sweep Line Algorithm

Was created as homework for Data Structures and Algorythms course at Innopolis University.


Implement Sweep line algorithm using the sorting algorithm and self-balanced binary search tree you implemented in other parts of this homework. Write a program that given a collection of line segments detects if any two intersect.

Input format. First line of the input contains a number N (0 < N < 10^6). Each of the next N lines contains a description of a segment PQ, consisting of 4 coordinates separated by spaces: xP yP xQ yQ. Coordinates are all integers (−2^21x, y2^21). Example:

43 91 42 96
38 93 37 96
25 91 34 90
46 101 42 92
27 99 34 93

Output format. If there are no intersections, output NO INTERSECTIONS. Otherwise, output INTERSECTION on the first line and any two segments that intersect on the second and third lines, using the same format as input. Example (for the input example above):

43 91 42 96
46 101 42 92

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