


Gradle jsonschema2pojo plugin

jsonschema2pojo generates a Java representation of your JSON schema. The schema reference describes the rules and their effect on generated Java types.

This Gradle plugin is hosted on both Maven Central and the Gradle Plugin Portal.


For Gradle 7.3 and later, you can use the plugins DSL:

With Groovy:

plugins {
id "java"
id "org.jsonschema2pojo" version "1.2.2"
jsonSchema2Pojo {

With Kotlin:

plugins {
id("org.jsonschema2pojo") version "1.2.2"
jsonSchema2Pojo {

For Gradle 7.2.x and older, there is a bug related to the application order of plugins so you must use legacy plugin application.

Below we have a full build.gradle example, showing all available configuration options:

plugins {
id "java"
id "org.jsonschema2pojo" version "1.2.2"
repositories {
dependencies {
// Required if generating JSR-303 annotations
implementation 'javax.validation:validation-api:1.1.0.CR2'
implementation 'jakarta.validation:jakarta.validation-api:3.0.0'
// Required if generating Jackson 2 annotations
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.15.2'
// Required if generating JodaTime data types
implementation 'joda-time:joda-time:2.2'
jsonSchema2Pojo {
// Location of the JSON Schema file(s). This may refer to a single file or a directory of files.
source = files("${sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir}/json")
// Target directory for generated Java source files. The plugin will add this directory to the
// java source set so the compiler will find and compile the newly generated source files.
targetDirectory = file("${project.buildDir}/generated-sources/js2p")
// Package name used for generated Java classes (for types where a fully qualified name has not
// been supplied in the schema using the 'javaType' property).
targetPackage = ''
// Whether to allow 'additional' properties to be supported in classes by adding a map to
// hold these. This is true by default, meaning that the schema rule 'additionalProperties'
// controls whether the map is added. Set this to false to globally disable additional properties.
includeAdditionalProperties = false
// Whether to include a javax.annotation.Generated (Java 8 and lower) or
// javax.annotation.processing.Generated (Java 9+) in on generated types (default true).
// See also: targetVersion.
includeGeneratedAnnotation = true
// Whether to generate builder-style methods of the form withXxx(value) (that return this),
// alongside the standard, void-return setters.
generateBuilders = false
// If set to true, then the gang of four builder pattern will be used to generate builders on
// generated classes. Note: This property works in collaboration with generateBuilders.
// If generateBuilders is false then this property will not do anything.
useInnerClassBuilders = false
// Whether to use primitives (long, double, boolean) instead of wrapper types where possible
// when generating bean properties (has the side-effect of making those properties non-null).
usePrimitives = false
// The characters that should be considered as word delimiters when creating Java Bean property
// names from JSON property names. If blank or not set, JSON properties will be considered to
// contain a single word when creating Java Bean property names.
propertyWordDelimiters = [] as char[]
// Whether to use the java type long (or Long) instead of int (or Integer) when representing the
// JSON Schema type 'integer'.
useLongIntegers = false
// Whether to use the java type BigInteger when representing the JSON Schema type 'integer'. Note
// that this configuration overrides useLongIntegers
useBigIntegers = false
// Whether to use the java type double (or Double) instead of float (or Float) when representing
// the JSON Schema type 'number'.
useDoubleNumbers = true
// Whether to use the java type BigDecimal when representing the JSON Schema type 'number'. Note
// that this configuration overrides useDoubleNumbers
useBigDecimals = false
// Whether to include hashCode and equals methods in generated Java types.
includeHashcodeAndEquals = true
// Whether to include a toString method in generated Java types.
includeToString = true
// The style of annotations to use in the generated Java types. Supported values:
// - jackson (alias of jackson2)
// - jackson2 (apply annotations from the Jackson 2.x library)
// - jsonb (apply annotations from the JSON-B 1 library)
// - jsonb2 (apply annotations from the JSON-B 2 library)
// - gson (apply annotations from the Gson library)
// - moshi1 (apply annotations from the Moshi 1.x library)
// - none (apply no annotations at all)
annotationStyle = 'jackson'
// A fully qualified class name, referring to a custom annotator class that implements
// org.jsonschema2pojo.Annotator and will be used in addition to the one chosen
// by annotationStyle. If you want to use the custom annotator alone, set annotationStyle to none.
customAnnotator = 'org.jsonschema2pojo.NoopAnnotator'
// Whether to include JSR-303/349 annotations (for schema rules like minimum, maximum, etc) in
// generated Java types. Schema rules and the annotation they produce:
// - maximum = @DecimalMax
// - minimum = @DecimalMin
// - minItems,maxItems = @Size
// - minLength,maxLength = @Size
// - pattern = @Pattern
// - required = @NotNull
// Any Java fields which are an object or array of objects will be annotated with @Valid to
// support validation of an entire document tree.
includeJsr303Annotations = false
// Whether to include JSR-305 annotations, for schema rules like Nullable, NonNull, etc
includeJsr305Annotations = false
// The Level of inclusion to set in the generated Java types (for Jackson serializers)
inclusionLevel = InclusionLevel.NON_NULL
// Whether to use the 'title' property of the schema to decide the class name (if not
// set to true, the filename and property names are used).
useTitleAsClassname = false
// The type of input documents that will be read. Supported values:
// - jsonschema (schema documents, containing formal rules that describe the structure of JSON data)
// - json (documents that represent an example of the kind of JSON data that the generated Java types
// will be mapped to)
// - yamlschema (JSON schema documents, represented as YAML)
// - yaml (documents that represent an example of the kind of YAML (or JSON) data that the generated Java types
// will be mapped to)
sourceType = 'jsonschema'
// Whether to empty the target directory before generation occurs, to clear out all source files
// that have been generated previously. <strong>Be warned</strong>, when activated this option
// will cause jsonschema2pojo to <strong>indiscriminately delete the entire contents of the target
// directory (all files and folders)</strong> before it begins generating sources.
removeOldOutput = false
// A class that extends org.jsonschema2pojo.rules.RuleFactory and will be used to
// create instances of Rules used for code generation.
customRuleFactory = com.MyCustomRuleFactory
// The character encoding that should be used when writing the generated Java source files
outputEncoding = 'UTF-8'
// Whether to use {@link org.joda.time.DateTime} instead of {@link java.util.Date} when adding
// date type fields to generated Java types.
useJodaDates = false
// Whether to add JsonFormat annotations when using Jackson 2 that cause format "date", "time", and "date-time"
// fields to be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd, HH:mm:ss.SSS and yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ respectively. To customize these
// patterns, use customDatePattern, customTimePattern, and customDateTimePattern config options or add these inside a
// schema to affect an individual field
formatDateTimes = true
formatDates = true
formatTimes = true
// Whether to initialize Set and List fields as empty collections, or leave them as null.
initializeCollections = true
// Whether to add a prefix to generated classes.
classNamePrefix = ""
// Whether to add a suffix to generated classes.
classNameSuffix = ""
// An array of strings that should be considered as file extensions and therefore not included in class names.
fileExtensions = [] as String[]
// Whether to generate constructors or not.
includeConstructors = false
// Whether to include java.beans.ConstructorProperties on generated constructors
includeConstructorPropertiesAnnotation = false
// Whether to include only 'required' fields in generated constructors
constructorsRequiredPropertiesOnly = false
// Whether to *add* a constructor that includes only 'required' fields, alongside other constructors.
// This property is irrelevant if constructorsRequiredPropertiesOnly = true
includeRequiredPropertiesConstructor = false
// Whether to *add* a constructor that includes all fields, alongside other constructors.
// This property is irrelevant if constructorsRequiredPropertiesOnly = true
includeAllPropertiesConstructor = false
// Include a constructor with the class itself as a parameter, with the expectation that all properties
// from the originating class will assigned to the new class.
// This property is irrelevant if constructorsRequiredPropertiesOnly = true
includeCopyConstructor = false
// Whether to make the generated types Parcelable for Android
parcelable = false
// Whether to make the generated types Serializable
serializable = false
// Whether to include getters or to omit these accessor methods and create public fields instead.
includeGetters = true
// Whether to include setters or to omit these accessor methods and create public fields instead.
includeSetters = true
// Whether to include dynamic getters, setters, and builders or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicAccessors = false
// Whether to include dynamic getters or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicGetters = false
// Whether to include dynamic setters or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicSetters = false
// Whether to include dynamic builders or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicBuilders = false
// Whether to use org.joda.time.LocalTime for format: date-time. For full control see dateType
useJodaLocalDates = false
// Whether to use org.joda.time.LocalDate for format: date
useJodaLocalTimes = false
// What type to use instead of string when adding string properties of format "date" to Java types
dateType = "java.time.LocalDate"
// What type to use instead of string when adding string properties of format "date-time" to Java types
dateTimeType = "java.time.LocalDateTime"
// What type to use instead of string when adding string properties of format "time" to Java types
timeType = "java.time.LocalTime"
// A custom pattern to use when formatting date fields during serialization. Requires support from
// your JSON binding library.
customDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd"
// A custom pattern to use when formatting date-time fields during serialization. Requires support from
// your JSON binding library.
customDateTimePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
// A custom pattern to use when formatting time fields during serialization. Requires support from
// your JSON binding library.
customTimePattern = "HH:mm"
// A map offering full control over which Java type will be used for each JSON Schema 'format' value
formatTypeMapping = [...]
// Which characters to use as 'path fragment delimiters' when trying to resolve a ref
refFragmentPathDelimiters = "#/."
// Whether to include json type information; often required to support polymorphic type handling.
// By default the type information is stored in the @class property, this can be overridden using
// deserializationClassProperty in the schema
includeJsonTypeInfoAnnotation = false
// Whether to use java.util.Optional for getters on properties that are not required
useOptionalForGetters = false
// properties to exclude from generated toString
toStringExcludes = ["someProperty"]
// What Java version to target with generated source code (1.6, 1.8, 9, 11, etc).
// By default, the version will be taken from the Gradle Java plugin's 'sourceCompatibility',
// which (if unset) itself defaults to the current JVM version
targetVersion = "1.8"
// deprecated, since we no longer use commons-lang for equals, hashCode, toString
useCommonsLang3 = false
// A customer file filter to allow input files to be filtered/ignored
fileFilter = new AllFileFilter()
// A sort order to use when reading input files, one of SourceSortOrder.OS (allow the OS to decide sort
// order), SourceSortOrder.FILES_FIRST or SourceSortOrder.SUBDIRS_FIRST
sourceSortOrder = SourceSortOrder.OS
// Whether to use annotations from jakarta.validation package instead of javax.validation package
// when adding JSR-303 annotations to generated Java types
useJakartaValidation = false



This task will automatically run in a project where the jsonSchema2Pojo configuration closure is present. It will invoke the jsonschema2pojo generator, make the compileJava task dependent of itself and add the targetDirectory to the main/java source set so the java compiler will find and compile the newly generated source files.


It can be useful to build this project and try out changes in your existing gradle project.

  1. From the root, run mvn clean install. This will install jsonschema2pojo in your local maven repository.
  2. Include the local repo in your build.gradle, and change your dependency to use the latest.integration version e.g.:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jsonschema2pojo:jsonschema2pojo-gradle-plugin:latest.integration'
repositories {

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